Government Documents Round Table (GODORT)

Agency Liaison Reports


Government Documents Roundtable of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ Midwinter Meeting, January 2007 International Documents Task Force Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF web page, which is found on the GODORT page on the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at Agencies Included in this...

GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


1999 ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting Philadelphia, PA Crown Plaza Hotel, Constitution Room Saturday, January 31, 1999 2-4 PM Attending: Jim Church (Assistant Coordinator), Enrico D'Onifrio, Chuck Eckman, Mary Fetzer, Megan Fitch, David Griffiths, Dena Hutto, Margaret Jobe, Kathleen Jones, Michael Levine-Clark, Rosemary Allen Little, Barb Mann, Sandy Peterson, Brian Rossmann, Debora Schawbman, Marian Shaaban, Helen Sheehy, Peter Van Leeuwen, Beth Walker, Julia Wallace. 1. Welcome/Announcements. Due to illness, IDTF Coordinator Andrea Morrison, Indiana University, was unable to attend the Midwinter...

GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


1998 ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Conference Hotel Monteleone, Bienville Room Saturday, January 10, 1998, 2:00pm - 4:00 p.m. Attending: Mike McCaffrey-Noviss (Coordinator), Duncan Aldrich, Mary Gay Anderson (Secretary), Dan Blazek, Debora Cheney, James Church, Sam Dunlap, Chuck Eckman, Beth Estes, Mary Fetzer, Patricia Finney, Peter Hajnal, Dena Hutto, Chad Kahl, Michael Levine-Clark, Rosemary Allen Little, Barb Mann, Andrea Morrison, Sandy Peterson, Fenn Quigley, Patrick Ragains, Marian Shaaban, Helen Sheehy, Peter Van Leeuwen, Julie Wallace, Mary Ann Ward Michael McCaffrey-Noviss called the meeting to...

Agency Liaison Reports


Government Documents Roundtable of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ Midwinter Conference, January 2006 International Documents Task Force Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF web page, which is found on the GODORT page on the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at Agency Updates Included...

International Documents Task Force, GODORT


Midwinter Meeting Minutes Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:00–6:00 p.m. Sheraton Gunter Hotel, Crystal Ballroom Charles E. Malone, Coordinator Jeff Knapp, Secretary Coordinator Charles Malone called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Present: Jenifer Abramson, Marcy Allen, Mary Gay Anderson, Hui Hua Chua, Brett Cloyd, Elaine Coppola, Dan Coyle, Jackie Druery, Patricia Finney, Christof Galli, James Gerard, Jennie Gerke, Gordon Grahame, David Griffiths, Samantha Hager, Katherine Holvoet, August Imholtz, Jr., Linda Johnson, Anna Korhonen, David Loiterstein, Amy Stewart Mailhiot, Elizabeth Margutti...

Agency Liaison Reports


Government Documents Roundtable of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ MidWinter Meeting, January 2005 International Documents Task Force Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF we page, which is found on the GODORT page on the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at Agencies Included in this...

IDTF Agency Liaison Reports


Midwinter Meeting, January 10, 2004 Bernan The following report was provided by Bruce Samuelson, Director of Marketing, on the latest developments that are of interest to IDTF members. In August, Bernan began publishing the Government Publication News (GPN), a free monthlyelectronic newsletter covering all Bernan distributed and published titles by source, with a special focus on intergovernmental publications. GPN lists basic ordering information (title description, item description, ISBN, item number, price, and availability date), and each title links to Bernan's Web site for more...

GODORT International Documents Task Force


2004 ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting Saturday, January 10, 2004 San Diego, California Draft Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes for the 2003 Annual Conference were approved. Committee Liaison Reports Legislation: A number of resolutions dealing with Federal legislation are in preparation. Education:Planned is a discussion of web-based training modules and input for the ARL digitization project. GITCO: Legacy CD software issues and digital project clearinghouse partnership with GPO will be discussed. Publication: Lexis/Nexis royalty check was received. DttP financial situation was presented. DttP is now...

IDTF Agency Liaison Reports


Midwinter Meeting, January 25, 2003 Council of Europe Tom Johnson of the Manhattan Publishing Co. provided me with the following report. It is a publications update focusing primarily on titles of interest to law libraries. Just issued: Council of Europe's CATALOGUE OF PUBLICATIONS 2003. Available from Manhattan Publishing Co., which is sending copies in January to practically all law school libraries. The new catalogue will soon appear on Contents of catalogue and new titles also available on the Council's website. Recent/forthcoming titles of interest: Cloning(...

GODORT International Documents Task Force


¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting Saturday, January 25, 2003 2 :00 -5:30 p.m. Philadelphia , Sheraton Society Hill, Ballroom E Welcome and Introductions Coordinator Chuck Eckman called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Present:& Jim Church (Secretary), Susan Pinckard, Barb Mann, Sandy Peterson (Coordinator-elect), Margaret Renton, Polly Bosch, Matt Brosius, Jackie Druery, David Griffiths, Erminio D’Onofrio, Julia Wallace, Daisy Dominguez, Don Hagen, Libby Bauer, Patricia Finney, Marian Shaaban,& Christof Galli, Robert Rohrbacher, Helen Sheehy, Susan White, Jennifer Abrahmson, Tim Klassen, Anna Vorhonen...

IDTF Agency Liaison Reports


IDTF Midwinter Meeting, January 19, 2002 International Labour Organization The ILO is surveying its web site users in order to improve the site's usefulness. To participate in the survey, go to or just click on the link at the top of their home page at . Hundreds of photos are available on the web site for your use in web pages, etc. They are copyright-free but appropriate credit must be given to the International Labour Office and the photographer. See ...

GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting New Orleans Morial Convention Center, room 383 Saturday, January 19, 2002 3:00-5:30pm Presiding: David Griffiths, IDTF Coordinator Secretary: Kristina Waldron David Griffiths called the meeting to order at 3:04. Changes to the agenda. David Griffiths moved Suzanne Edam’s report on the OECD so that it would follow Marian Shaaban’s IDTF Agency Liaisons report. The Minutes of the 2001 Annual Conference Meeting were approved. Committee Liaison Reports Cataloging Committee, Kristina Waldron. The Cataloging Committee meets Sunday, January 20. Education Committee, Angela Bonnell...

GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting Saturday, January 13, 2001 2:00-4:00 p.m. Washington, DC, Wyndham Hotel, Vista A Presiding: Barbara Mann, IDTF Coordinator Secretary: Catherine Shreve Agenda The agenda was approved by a voice vote. Announcements IDTF needs nominees for coordinator-elect. Contact Arlene Weible, Nominating Committee Chair, during ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter. The International Relations Round table program at ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual 2001 will involve government information. They are looking for speakers with expertise in national government documents. Approval of Minutes The Minutes from ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual 2000 were approved...

GODORT International Documents Task Force


Draft ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting Minutes Saturday, January 15, 2000 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Sumner Suites, King William I, II Presiding: Jim Church, IDTF Coordinator Approval of Minutes of the 1999 Annual Conference. The Minutes were approved. Announcements Andrea Morrison reported that the grant proposal submitted by the University of Sussex last year to create an online union list of serial official publications of European countries was denied. The university is going to reapply for funding. They are seeking permission again from GODORT to use contents description notes from the 2nd edition of the...

Minutes for Annual and Midwinter Meetings Since 1996.


Please see for minutes from Annual 2008-present. Midwinter 2008 Meeting (January 12, 2008) Annual 2007 Meeting (June 23, 2007) DRAFT Midwinter 2007 Meeting (January 20, 2007) Annual 2006 Meeting (June 24, 2006) Midwinter 2006 Meeting (January 21, 2006) Annual 2005 Meeting (June 25, 2005) Midwinter 2005 Meeting (January 16, 2005) Annual 2004 Meeting (June 26, 2004) Midwinter 2004 Meeting (January 10, 2004) Annual 2003 Meeting (June 21, 2003) Midwinter 2003 Meeting (January 25, 2003) Annual 2002 Meeting (June 15, 2002) Midwinter 2002...

Memorial Resolution for Rosemary Allen Little


WHEREAS, Rosemary Allen Little was a lifelong champion of access to government information; and WHEREAS, Rosemary was a charter member and president of the Documents Association of New Jersey; and WHEREAS, Rosemary helped found the ¾«¶«´«Ã½'s Government Documents Round table (GODORT), through which she furthered awareness of international and foreign government documents, and in which she held numerous positions, including chair of the Workgroup on International Documents (1981-1984) and liaison to the ¾«¶«´«Ã½International Relations Committee (1996-2001); and WHEREAS, Rosemary...

International Documents Taskforce


Current Members | Bylaws | Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) The International Documents Taskforce (IDTF) focuses attention on problems and concerns related to international and foreign national government information. The IDTF provides a forum for the discussion of ideas, problems, and news in the field; serves as a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase the accessibility and use of this information; and works to improve bibliographic control and collection development for these information resources. **New** from the July 1, 2020 virtual meeting: International Microdata...



INTL-DOC is a listserv based discussion group designed to facilitate the exchange of information concerning the publication and information dissemination policies of International Government Organizations (IGOs). Most subscribers are librarians and users of IGO information. Owing to the multinational makeup of the participants, foreign national government publications are discussed as well. Commercial and IGO Publishers and representatives of international governments all participate on INTL-DOC, making it a valuable resource for international government information professionals. INTL-DOC was...

Web Links


Please see for an updated version of this page. Foreign National Governments Governments on the WWW Comprehensive database of national government institutions on the World Wide Web. Northwestern University Library Alphabetical list of foreign national government websites, including national ministries, parliaments, and central banks Foreign Government Resources on the Web From Grace York at the University of Michigan. Mostly links to other sources but contains material not easily found elsewhere AdmiNet World International "Cyber...



Purpose The intent of the program is to establish contacts between working librarians, IGOs, vendors and non-U.S. national governments. By establishing these contacts, we hope to: Explain what GODORT does and who it represents. Open a dialogue between GODORT and the agency. Influence developments in depository programs and, hopefully improving them or heading off problems. Provide inpute for the development of new products and services. Keep the GODORT membership informed of developments. Making contact Pick an agency which interests you, preferably one with which your library has a depository...