GODORT International Documents Task Force


2004 ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting

Saturday, January 10, 2004

San Diego, California

Draft Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes for the 2003 Annual Conference were approved.

Committee Liaison Reports

Legislation: A number of resolutions dealing with Federal legislation are in preparation.

Education:Planned is a discussion of web-based training modules and input for the ARL digitization project.

GITCO: Legacy CD software issues and digital project clearinghouse partnership with GPO will be discussed.

Publication: Lexis/Nexis royalty check was received. DttP financial situation was presented. DttP is now marketed to various vendors. Andrea Morrison is planning to edit a volume on “E-Government Publications: Issues and Practices.” Several IDTF members have volunteered contributions.

Cataloging: Nothing of importance to IDTF is planned. Discussion of presentation in Orland is on agenda. The International Cataloging Toolkit is up on the Cataloging web site.

Program: IDTF Pre-conference with REGP at Annual 2004 will include segment on International Statistics. Jim Church presented a program idea for Annual Chicago 2005 on digitally born government documents at the State level. A segment on International Documents may be included.

REGP: Two presentations are planned, one on LC’s “A Century of Lawmaking”, another on the Lexis/Nexis Serial Set project. The committee will discuss planning the pre-conference for Annual 2005 in

Chicago on the Serial Set. The inventory of Serial Set holdings is complete. The Chicago 2005 Pre-conference will address metadata issues. Jim Church will address metadata issues involved in the process of converting pdf tables into Excel tables. Chuck Eckman will talk about metadata in archival and digitally born materials.

IFLA: IDTF’s representative attended the Annual IFLA Conference in Berlin. She was appointed Information Office of the GOPS committee. By May 2004 a new representative will have to be submitted to ¾«¶«´«Ã½for the next 4-year term. In addition, the appointment procedure for IFLA representatives will have to be finalized.

IRRT: The International Relations Round table presented the Global Reach database. This tool tracks the participation of North American librarians in worldwide librarian community activities.

Agency Liaison Reports: Eleven reports were submitted. They will be available on the IDTF Web site. Brett Cloyd is the new liaison for Bernan.

CRL: The Foreign Official Gazettes project has completed the list of titles for which CRL has complete holdings. Also complete is the list of those CRL holdings which exist only in hard copy and need to be filmed. In addition, a list was established of titles which CRL needs to acquire to complete a collection of record through 1995. The redesigned CRL website offers complete descriptions of all CRL collections.

Reports from the Field

OECD: New web site will be launched shortly (). The old and the new site will coexist for March. The new site will allow for permanent URL’s using ISBN numbers. User statistics will be available also.

World Bank: As of this writing, about 1300 titles are now available in the World Bank Online Library. User statistics are available. Publications are in html format. Updated pricing information for E-library: $5000 for up to 5000 FTE; $6000 for 5000FTE-15000FTE; $7000 for gt15000FTE. Metadata for all titles in the Library is now available in Excel format. Policy Research Working Papers, although available for free, will be included also to allow for cross-searching. Regional Papers will also be added. FORUM will be added also. Doing Business database will also become available.

Sharing of Information on International Digitization Projects:

Stanford’s GATT Digital Archives project has nearly completed digitization. In the meantime, WTO has been reviewing its restriction policies and issues have arisen about documentation.

Stanford is exploring the digitization of an archives at the International Bureau of Custom Tariffs. This institution owns extensive runs of tariff schedules of member states.

The Ad-hoc Committee on Digitization is encouraging people to contribute to their clearinghouse, especially if international projects are involved.

Library of Congress: Angel Batiste of the Africa and Middle East Division is involved in a project which is focusing on digitally born South African government documents.

The Social Sciences Library and the Social Sciences Research Service at Yale have digitized the Mexican State Statistical Abstract under an 18-month grant from the Mellon Foundation. Their report is due in February 2005.

Old Business

Sandy Peterson will clarify the status of the IFLA Representative appointment procedure.

New Business

Program Committee Liaison: IDTF is looking for a permanent liaison with the Program Committee.

Canadian Depository Program: Several libraries represented in IDTF are Canadian depositories and are very concerned about the Canadian Government’s decision to dissolve their depository program. IDTF passed a

that the chair of GODORT write a letter to the appropriate authorities in the Canadian government publishing system expressing the grave concern of IDTF about the impending dissolution of the Canadian depository program and the consequences of this action.

UN ODS: ODS is to become the sole distribution tool for masthead and documents and official Records. It will be available free of cost to anybody once an improved server infrastructure is in place. Expected implementation data is late 2004 or early 2005. ODS includes documents from 1993 forward. IDTF passed a

stating that the Chair of GODORT write a letter expressing grave concern of both UN Depository and other libraries that wish to maintain complete runs of official records in paper format about the announcement that ODS become the sole distribution tool for these materials.

UNESCO membership: IDTF passed a

asking that the Chair of GODORT white a letter to the appropriate authorities expressing support and thanks for the United States’ decision to re-join UNESCO.

TASK FORCE MEETINGS: There will be a discussion about programming possible joint session of the three task forces. At the moment, the three task force meeting are scheduled at the same time which makes it difficult for interested members to attend more than one meeting.

ARL: IDTF members should think about what might be good international documents projects that should be prioritized to be taken on by ARL.

Submitted by

Christof Galli