Agency Liaison Reports


Government Documents Roundtable of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½

MidWinter Meeting, January 2005

International Documents Task Force

Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF we page, which is found on the GODORT page on the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at

Agencies Included in this Report


Council of Europe

European Union


Human Rights



InterAmerican Dev. Bank

Lexis - CIS






The Stationary Office

UN Depository Libraries


World Bank



The following report is by Bruce Samuelson, Director of Marketing and Library Services, on the latest developments at Bernan that may be of interest to IDTF members. As always, Bernan welcomes feedback and suggestions, and appreciates the opportunity to communicate directly with the IDTF. Bruce's email address is: Bernan is at the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Conference in Boston and Bruce invites everyone who will be there to stop by their exhibit in booth #234.

Bruce attended the Frankfurt Book Fair in October along with Libby Bauer, Bernan's Director of Distribution, and was able to meet with many of the Intergovernmental Organizations for whom they distribute print publications. They were pleased to find that many of the agencies are interested in having Bernan become a sales agent for their electronic publications and/or subscriptions (they already had agreements in place since last summer with the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Tourism Organization, OECD, and the Pan American Health Organization, and are now working with consortia on behalf of the UN, WTO, PAHO, and the World Bank). Bernan was also pleased that most of the agencies they met with are interested in exploring opportunities to co-publish with Bernan Press, the publishing imprint of Bernan.

Bernan Press continues to co-publish with the World Trade Organization (WTO), and next month is scheduled to release Volumes 2 and 3 of the WTO Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (BISD). The BISD is the official, one-stop source for documents pertaining to the operation and scope of the WTO, and it contains the Protocols for Accession for new WTO member nations along with other legal instruments. Bernan also continues to co-publish the WTO Trade Policy Review (TPR) Series. TPRs being published this winter include Belize and Suriname, the Republic of Korea, the European Union Rwanda, Benin Burkina Faso, and Mali. TPRs for Norway, Brazil Jamaica, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are due in April and May. Bernan Press also continues to regularly publish World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Decisions: Bernan's Annotated Reporter (DSD).

Other recent and upcoming releases that may be of interest include the new International Patent Classification from the World Intellectual Property Organization (tentatively scheduled for release in April)ITIL Business Perspective from The Stationery OfficeThe Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS from the International Monetary Fundand Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism, and Development from the World Bank.

Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

Council of Europe

The following report was provided by Tom Johnson, Manhattan Publishing Company, on the latest developments from the Council of Europe that may be of interest to IDTF members. Contact information is: Tom Johnson, Manhattan Publishing Co P.O. Box 468, Croton-on-Hudson NY 10520. Phone 888-686-7066, fax 914-271-5856, email:, and web

A daily Newssheet on Council of Europe activities may be viewed at: which is the Council's home page and offers access to all departments and committees.

Treaties: No. 194. Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending the control system of the Convention

Parliamentary Assembly: Continued issuance of its 4 titles of proceedings:
Documents, Official Report of Debate Orders of the Day Texts Adopted.

Constitutional Law: Venice Commission's
Bulletin on Constitutional Case-law: edition 2003/3

Law publications include:

"Apologie du terrorisme"and quot;incitement to terrorism"(on limits to freedom of expressionsand that situation in each member country) (pp. 200)

Dirty Money - The evolution of international measures to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism (3rd edition) (2004) . extensively rewritten and expanmded, with the revised Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering as per June 2003 and the second European Directive.

Combating organized crime - Best practice surveys of the Council of Europe .(i.e.Reports by the Committee of Experts on Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of Organised Crime (PC-CO) (1997-2000) and by the Group of Specialists on Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of Organised Crime (PC-S-CO) (2000-2003)(pp.326)

Anti-corruption services - Good practice in Europe (reports of Octopus Interface Meeting No. 2003. and with profiles of the anti-corruption services in a number of individual countries)(pp.133)

Population publications include the continuing series Population Studies:

No. 44: International labour migrations.

No. 45: Reproductive health behavour of young Europeans –Vol. 2, The role of education and information.

No. 46: Demographic and social implications of social exclusion in central and Eastern Europe .

No. 47: Active ageing in Europe , Vol. 2. Demographic characteristics of the oldest old.

Society publications include two series of booklets:

#1 series: quot;Responses to violence in everyday life in a democratic society".

Urban crime prevention - a guide for local authorities.

The prevention of violence in sport.

Violence against vulnerable groups.

Security and democracy under pressure from violence.

Violence , conflict and intercultural dialogue.

Preventing violence against women.

Violence in schools - a challenge for the local community.

Rebuilding community connections - mediation & restorative justice in Europe .

A partnership approach to crime prevention.

New patterns of irregular migration in Europe .

#2 series: "Making democratic institutions work”:

Women's individual voting rights - a democratic requirement.

Highway to democracy - the Council of Europe and the information society.

Financing political parties and election campaigns - guideline.

The future of democracy - trends, analyses and reforms.

Developing democracy - an analytical summary of the Council of Europes acquis.

Local consultative bodies for foreign residents - a handbook.

Going for gender balance.

Genderware - the Council of Europe and the participation of women in political life.

Guarding the watchdog- the Council of Europe and the media.

Human Rights
The Human Rights Information Bulletin ( a 4-month review, 3 issues per year) reviews important judgments of the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber and other selected judgmentsand news concerning the European Social Charter, Prevention of Torture, Committee against Racism and Intolerance, Equality between women and men, Protection of Minorites. Current Issues: No. 61 (Nov. 2003) and No. 62 (Feb. 2004)

Report submitted by Marian Shaaban, IDTF Agency Liaison

December 21, 2004 <>

European Union

Eurostat: NEWS! On 13 December 2004, Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, announced free Internet access to its data and publications. Eurostat’s homepage is
. Electronic publications can be searched by title, category, date or just browsed. For general data users, a simple click on ‘data’ will deliver some predefined tables. Data extraction is also available online. For more information, please consult

Eurostat includes data from the 25 EU member states, the euro-zone, and often, the United States and Japan. Data series include trade, industry, financial sectors, social statistics, demography, economies, R& D, the environment, etc.

Retirement: Ms. Barbara Sloan, Head of Public Inquiries, has retired from the Washington Delegation. She has trained American librarians in the intricacies of EU documentation, been our advocate for access and built a truly collaborative depository system. She also departed with the prestigious EIA Chadwyck-Healey Award for Achievement in European Information. Barbara is currently lending her expertise to Phil Wilkin’s open archive of EU documentation and European integration working papers.

Current Contacts: Despite personnel cuts, both Sergio Lopez (Public Inquiries) and Ann Sweeny (Webmaster/Information Officer) remain ready to assist us.Sergio’s email is (202) 862-9548&Fax:&(202) 429-1766 Ann’s email is 202-862-9546Fax: 202-429-1766

Special Note: Library of Congress Subject Heading Changes for European Union. European Union is now NOT a subject heading within the Library of Congress scheme, but instead is a corporate body entry. This will have implications for the OPACs at all of our institutions. The Library of Congress is to be commended for finally making a corporate entry for the European Union, but now we need to replace all those 650s. Global changes may not solve all inconsistencies, this will bear watching.

Report submitted by Mary Gay Anderson, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 5, 2005 <>

Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO

The Virtual Library of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations provides four options for search and retrieval of publications and documents produced by the FAOthese include the FAO Corporate Document Repository, FAO Library catalogue on-linethe FAO Sales Catalogue and the David Lubin Memorial Library On-line. The FAO Corporate Documents Repository is an electronic library that holds FAO's collection of publications and meeting documents. This is the replacement for the FAO microfiche collection that ceased in 1998. Over 6,000 documents have been converted into HTML. It is possible to search for documents using a combination of search fields such as title, language, publication year and keywords. There is also an option to look at the newest documents loaded, and to search the meeting records, publications (by series and/or serial title), and for articles within FAO journals.

The FAO Sales Catalogue lists a selection of FAO publications and CD-ROMs that are available for purchase over the Internet (by registering), by mail, fax or through official distributors. The FAO Library Catalogue On-Line is a multilingual online catalogue of documents and publications produced by FAO since 1945, books added to the library collections since 1976 and serials held in the FAO library. The David lubin Memorial Library was opened in 1952the online site allows you to search its extensive catalogue and FAO databases, as well as providing links to both FAO and other institutional electronic journals and internet sites.

Report submitted by Sandra K. Peterson, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

Human Rights

Council of Europe . Directorate General of Human Rights. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. United Nations. Commission on Human Rights

Council of Europe : Directorate General of Human Rights

The Directorate General of Human Rights supervises the Council of Europe’s human rights policies and standards.

Of special note in the area of publications is the Human Rights Information Bulletin, which is now available by subscription in electronic format. It has been published under various titles since 1978., and is provides highly useful summaries of events in the field of human rights from the perspective of the Council of Europe. Each issue has sections devoted to:

  • Signatures and ratifications of human rights conventions
  • Developments in cases before the organs of the European Convention on Human Rights: judgments of the Court and resolutions of the Committee of Ministers
  • Coverage of other conventions in the field of human rights: the European Social Charterthe European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishmentthe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Activities in the field of human rights of the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly
  • And activities of the Directorate General of Human Rights

New human rights publications from the Council of Europe publications, those from the most recent year are listed at
The full text of many publications in pdf format are found free on the web at . Some series such as Human Rights Files have limited electronic availability.

Inquiries regarding Council of EuropeDirectorate General of Human Rights publications can be addressed to

United Nations. Commission on Human Rights

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights meets in

Geneva each spring during March and April for a six week session. Documents from meetings held from 1982 to the present are available online at

The Newsroom site
offers links to materials organized by Date, Mandate, Subject, Country, Official, and Type of document.

Questions regarding publications and documents should be addressed to

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights works to maintain the United Nations’ goals of worldwide respect for human rights.

Publications consist of fact sheets, training and educational material, special issue papers, reference material, promotional material and Annual Reports and Appeals. Most publications are available for downloading in PDF format in at least three different languages. Questions referring to fact sheets, training and educational material, reference and promotional material, and special issue papers should be addressed to “Publications” should appear in the “Subject” field

The English language home page features a documents search engine for English, French or Spanish languages. Search options include a Basic Search which can be used to find a specific documents, and a more advanced Categorized Search by Body, Session, Country, Subject, Mandate, Symbol Number. A third type of search, the Treaty Body Database is available, and at present only searches in English. Planned enhancements will be a Treaty searching in Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

New documents highlighted on the home page include the Report of the High Commissioner on the present situation of human rights in Iraq and The Report of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in the Darfur region of the Sudan. Both are available for downloading in PDF format. The Media Centre link on the homepage offers full text of the Newsletter “Respect”, current speeches, News Releases, and press briefing notes.

Report submitted by Susan Golding, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

International Labour Organization - ILO

Notes from Reliable Sources

  1. ILO titles are now being issued in French, and some in Spanish..
  2. ILO will enhance combination subscriptions in 2005.

    Occupational Wages and Hours of Work and Retail Food Prices will be available in combination with the
    Yearbook of Labour Statistics, and the
    Bulletin of Labour Statistics, for a price of $300.
  3. Branch offices of ILO do not always have a full stock of publications. It is sometimes difficult for publications to filter down from headquarters.
  4. There are at present some 400 titles for sale on the ILO publications web site.
  5. Backlist publications are increasingly important in ILO sales. These are being offered for sale through the Renouf Company.
  6. ILO does not a separate exhibit at ¾«¶«´«Ã½annual conference. Instead, see booths of Renouf, Coutts, and UN Publications.


  1. Both the Ebrary Electronic text service and the MyiLibrary service from Coutts offer a full range of ILO publications in electronic format. Ebrary contains a selection of priced publications, while MyiLibrary coverage is comprehensive, including both priced and free publications in one electronic portal.
  2. ILO does not a separate exhibit at ¾«¶«´«Ã½annual conference. Instead, see booths of Renouf and UN Publications.
  3. The Pop-up NEWS box which was such a dramatic and useful part of a visit to the ILO web site has been dropped. In its place is a simple page which is found by clicking on the Publications listing. It offers Priced ILO Publications under three categories: New Books, International Labour Review, and Training Materials. ILO Sector publications is a second category, while a link to Labordoc, listing ILO publications is third.
  4. The ILO Program on the HIV/AIDS and the World of Work has its own web page at Four book-length publications are listed for sale which deal with HIV/AIDS and Work.
    • HIV/AIDS and Work: Global estimates, impact and response
    • HIV/AIDS and the World of Work. An ILO code of practice

    • Implementing the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work. An education and training manual
    • Combating Child Labour and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

Recent Titles of Special Note:

Economic Security for a Better World, 2004, xxv+450 pp. ISBN 92-2-115611-7 US$32.95 Covers the emerging trends and patterns of economic security, and examines the extent of economic and social insecurity. Includes national economic security indexes, covering each of the seven forms of labor security (income, labor market, employment, work, skills, job, and voice representation) as well as a composite Economic Security Index.

Gender Roles and Sex Equality: European solutions to social security disputes. Ingeborg Heide

2004, xi+117 pp.. ISBN 92-2-115771-7. US$19.95. Matters of gender equality in the field of social security are strongly regulated by supra-national European law. This book bridges the significant gap between equality on paper and everyday reality. Deals with the making of supra-national law and its transposition into national law, and a law enforcement system which is unique in the world.

The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations Bruce E. Kaufman 2004, 600 pp., ISBN 92-2-114153-5 US$74.95. This landmark volume chronicles the history and practice of Industrial Relations. Highlights the four pillars which shaped industrial relations: the ILO, the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA), the leading role in industrial relations played by the US after WWII, and the spread of industrialism, market economies, trade union movements, and democratic forms of government to many non-Western nations.

Jobs after War. A critical challenge in the peace and reconstruction puzzle. Edited by Eugenia Date-Bah 2003, 452 pp. ISBN 92-2-113810-0. US$39. Rather than the traditional exclusive focus on state security, the book focuses on the larger concept of human security, including economic, food security, health, environmental, personal, community and political aspects and the importance of jobs in it.

The Sex Sector: The economic and social bases of prostitution in Southeast Asia. Edited by L. Lean Lim, 1998. ISBN 92-2-109522-3. US$24.95. Prostitution raises issues relating to basic human rights, morality, employment and working conditions, gender discrimination, health threats, and criminality. Includes case studies from Indonesia Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The circumstances of those in prostitution range from freely chosen and remunerative employment to debt bondage and virtual slavery. A chapter on child prostitution shows clearly that it constitutes a serious human rights violation and an intolerable form of child labor.

General Information: Standing Orders for ILO Monographs go to ILO Pubs in

Waldorf MD at 301 638-3152. For both individual and blanket serials: ILO Pubs in

Geneva . Check ILO site at ILO U.S. Contact: Karen A Lee, International Labour Office 1828 L. Street N.W.,

Washington DC 20036, Tel: 202-466-0104, Fax: 202-653-7687, Email:

Report submitted by Susan Bennett White, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

International Monetary Fund - IMF

In recent years IMF has showcased its IMF Webcasts which bring the discourse of issues to life.

A recent one featured by the IMF Book Forum was
The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS, Wednesday,December 01, 2004 12:00 PM. Another recent one was its Economic Forum’s
Why Globalization Works, Wednesday September 22, 2004 2:30 PM Transcripts are also available. See

An exhibit to commemorate the Bretton Woods Conference held 60 years ago, using historical materials from the IMF Archives, the World Bank Group Archives, and the Joint Bank-Fund Library, is posted online at
with some related links.

Report submitted by Vida Margaitis, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 6, 2005 <>

InterAmerican Development Bank - IADB

“A long-standing initiative of the Latin American countries, the Inter-American Development Bank was established in 1959 as a development institution with novel mandates and tools. Its lending and technical cooperation programs for economic and social development projects went far beyond the mere financing of economic projects that was customary at the time. Today, the IDB is the oldest and largest regional development bank. It is the main source of multilateral financing for economic, social and institutional development projects as well as trade and regional integration programs in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

The IinterAmerican Development Bank is actively engaged in research and development, with its work divided into three main Departments. Each has a separate thorough and useful individual main page as part of the overall site. At present each must be searched separately. However, a new committee has been formed to coordinate publication activities so that in the future one search across all departments may be possible.

The Research Department covers matters primarily economic in nature but also dealing with demographic and social issues. Second, the Sustainable Development Department has a more social and educational focus. For example, the topics Disaster Management, Indigenous Peoples, Gender Issues, Health and HIV/AIDS are typical of the emphasis. Third is the Integration and Regional Programs Department which is responsible for the development of programs that are regional and sub-regional in nature.

There is a publications page (
) and a bookstore (
). However, each of the three research departments also maintains its own catalog and ordering system, and it is not possible to order everything through the bookstore. Yet another useful resource on the main site is the Felipe Herrera Library which maintains a good collection of links to Latin American newspapers, national libraries, and financial superintendencies of each nation.

The InterAmerican Development Bank has a very long list of monograph and serial publications, most easily accessible in pdf format on their site. The following two titles are of special note at the present time.

Foreign Direct Investment in

Latin America

The Role of European Investors: An update Edited by �iga Vodušek June 2004. An unprecedented inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) played a key role in Latin America's economy during the 1990s. But FDI flows declined starting in 2000. This report seeks to provide more insight into developments in European FDI flows to Latin America during recent years, now that there are indications that FDI in the region is picking up again.

Unlocking Credit: The Quest for Deep and Stable Bank Lending
2005 Report on Economic and Social Progress in Latin America

The scarcity, high cost, and volatility of banking credit in Latin America make it difficult to achieve high and sustainable growth rates and combat poverty. This book analyzes the macroeconomic, institutional, and microeconomic aspects of the credit sector and proposes options and policies to support the deep and stable bank lending necessary to strengthen economic development. This is the latest volume in a series, 1996 to the present are available for download.

Report submitted by Diane K. Campbell, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

Lexis - CIS

Lexis-Nexis, which includes the products and services of the former Congressional Information Service, has continued the Index to International Statistics in the traditional paired abstract and index paper volumes, with available full text in microfiche.

Beginning in 1983 and coming up to the present, the Index to International Statistics has covered more than 2,000 Inter-Governmental titles annually, taking them from some one hundred issuing sources which include: United Nations main and subsidiary bodies, regional commissions, and specialized agenciesthe European Unionthe Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentthe Organization of American Statesand some 35 others. Types of materials covered include: periodicals, annuals, biennials, series, and special studies, and encompasses both official sales publications and less formal, more current quot;mimeographed documents"of the UN, OAS, and other organizations.

Statistical Universe.

Lexis has now folded the indexing of the international documents content of the print / micro product Index to International Statistics, into the subscription based online product Statistical Universe.

Within the online Statistical Universe product, there is a full listing of some 140 agencies and sub-agencies indexed by the Index to International Statistics, with the full text made available in the companion microfiche product. True full text online is also being added, according to the information found on the Lexis-Nexis company’s open Internet web site. An information page for Statistical Universe, including the Index to International Statistics, is found at

Checking the Title Lists page found in the online reveals that the full text Electronic Basic Edition now includes publications from the World Bank, while the Research Edition adds the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, OECD, and World Trade Organization. It should be noted that

While most of the LexisNexis Statistical source publications are updated at annual, quarterly, or other regular intervals. Of these, LexisNexis Statistical usually covers each successive edition. All editions remain available for search and retrieval, but only the most recent edition is cited in these source lists.

A further cautionary note is found in the sites Frequently Asked Questions page for Statistical Universe:

Q. There is information missing in the citation lists and the abstracts!

A. Research of the library market has revealed that many end users become lost in the barrage of information that Statistical provides. We made an effort to streamline the citation lists and the abstracts to provide the information that was seen as important to the librarians that we interviewed.

Report submitted by Suzanne L. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>


MyiLibrary, affiliated with Coutts Information Services, provides a portal for electronic publications from an increasingly comprehensive body of United Nations and related agencies. It now includes material from the World Bank, ILO, UN, UN AIDS, WHO IOM, OECD and IAEA. Material comes in OEB and PDF formats (not Excel) and publishers dictate how much of a document may be printed.

MyiLibrary is not yet comprehensive for all the agencies it covers, although that is its goal. As it stands, ISBN bearing items and “priced” items seem to get better coverage. There is a significant number (1,000+) of WHO, ILO, World Bank, IAEA and OECD publications, while UN and UN AIDS have fewer titles. Many more agencies are scheduled to come on board over the coming months; IMO, FAO, OHCHR and WTO are a few examples. It is possible to exclude certain agencies from your subscription if they are already covered via other vendors. MyiLibrary duplicates SourceOECD coverage, for example, albeit in a different format. An important point is that while the Ebrary full text service does include some titles from the same agencies, its coverage is much less than what is found in MyiLibrary.

Consortium pricing plans have been developed, for example NERL libraries can subscribe through that body. Coutts, the North American distributor for MyiLibrary, will be at booth 1919 at ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter 2005. Their contact is: Steve Forrest, MyiLirary is on the web at

Report submitted by Daisy Dominguez, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Suzanne Edam of the OECD Washington Office will attend the IDTF meeting at January 2005 Midwinter Meeting in

Boston and talk about the OECD service. The Washington Office very useful web site is found at

Report submitted by Lynne M. Stuart, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

Organization of American States - OAS

A conversation with René Gutierrez, the Documents Librarian at the OAS’ Columbus Memorial Library in

Washington , D.C. revealed the following:

  • Two periodicals
    La Educación and
    Inter-America Review of Bibliography, will not appear in hardcopy again.
    La Educación will likely continue only in digital form, while
    Inter-America Review will terminate altogether.
  • The Human Rights Collection on microfiche of documents from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Inter-American Commission of Human Rights has been updated to 2004 and continues to be the OAS’ most popular product.
  • Anyone interested in purchasing documents and publications from the OAS should contact Mr. René Gutierrez at, by phone at (202) 458-6037, or by fax at (202) 458-3914. He is very helpful and appreciative of the support of the many libraries that purchase OAS documents and publications.

The OAS does offer a depository program, but it is fairly limited in scope. There are currently 134 OAS depository libraries in the western hemisphere.

One of the difficult things about “shopping” for OAS documents and publications is the fact that they offer no real product catalog, per se, nor do they utilize any broad method of publicizing new documents or publications. This is due to a shortage of financial resources. Annual subscriptions to OAS documents are available, however, for $425 (hardcopy). If you are interested in any documents, you can use Columbus Memorial Library’s online catalog, and/or contact Mr. Gutierrez to inquire about the sale.

Report submitted by Jeffrey Knapp, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

Readex Publications

From a conversation with August Imholz, Readex’s Vice President for documents, there is little to report in the way of international documents offerings right now. It appears as if their current focus is on their continuing
U.S. Congressional Serial Set with American State Papers product. However, there may be some news on the horizon for their United Nations collections. Mr. Imholz can be contacted by phone at (301) 572-5626 or by email at

Report submitted by Jeffrey Knapp, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

Renouf Publications

Gordon Grahame, the president of Renouf Publishing provided this report. He will be in attendance at the International Documents Task Force Meeting in Boston on Saturday January 15
th. He reminded us that at Midwinter and Annual ¾«¶«´«Ã½meetings, he is available by appointment to meet with individual librarians interested in talking about Renouf’s services. He can be contacted at

Titles from over 350 worldwide publishers, totaling more than 35,000 publications are now available from Renouf's web site at . Renouf plans to include the complete backlist of publications currently in print from the organizations they represent. The keyword search engine goes through every title description within a matter of seconds and provides the user with selections from a number of organizations in a single search. In December, Renouf launched a number of new upgrades to its web site based on the feedback it has been receiving. They encourage customers to keep sending comments to help improve the company's web presence.

The site now allows the user to enter multiple purchase order numbers when selecting publications. This change will help ensure that the proper information is appearing on invoices and streamline the ordering process. During the past year the number of libraries submitting their orders through the site has grown substantially and it is now becoming part of the ordering process rather than simply being used as a research tool. Prepayment is not required from customers with established accounts and we would be pleased to open one for your library. If you are interested, contact

IDTF members may also be interested in signing up for a free e-mail service that will provide an alert when new titles are available in categories you select. In the past, individual e-mails were sent out for each subject selected but a number of clients who chose to receive all the updates asked if Renouf could combine the information within a single e-mail. This option is now available and you may visit the site and update your preferences.

Renouf offers a bi-monthly newsletter called "Renouf Highlights" which features publications from a variety of international organizations, including the United Nations, European Union, OECD, World Bank, WHO,

Oxfam, ILO, and IAEA. Many new titles of interest to IDTF members are available from Renouf. You are encouraged to visit the web site at .

Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

The Stationery Office - TSO

Brian Tierney continues as The Stationary Office liaison contact. He reminds us that UKOP, the official catalogue of official publications of the UK since 1980, can be tested through a free trial at . In response to a general query about whether prices for UKOP have shown remarkable increases in the last few years, Brian indicates that special pricing is being offered to US libraries, and a US law library is a subscriber. (The dollar, as we know, is not strong now, but "the price of about $1750 represents excellent value since the UK price would be closer to $3,000." )

TSO has put the Winter 2004 edition of Solar; TSO Library and Information Services Newsletter online at . The issue has been placed in the section of the website where TSO says "we aim to guide librarians to sectors within the website that are of particular relevance to the library profession." Highlighted currently in this section are a link to information from Summer 2004 about the new TSO Law Library Service, and a description of the plan to modernize the Statute Law database of the Department for Consitutional Affairs (DCA). The issue of Solar posted on the site is a bit shorter than previous issues, but continues like earlier editions to call attention to new TSO publications and services. A section on Global Statistics and Reports includes blurbs and order information for selected reports from international organizations which are on sale through TSO. The page for librarians includes a standard search bar which leads quickly to other sections of the TSO site, and links to key publications are highlighted in a box on the left side of the webpage.

Report submitted by Andrea Singer, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

United Nations Depository Library System

On the last day of December 2004, the organization’s Official Document System (ODS) became freely accessible to alla username and password are no longer required. According to the UN Depository Libraries Officer, Kikko Maeyama, the ODS contains close to 800,000 full-text documents and is growing at a rate of roughly 100,000 documents per year. These additions include both new and older documents in each of the six official languages. An introduction to the database is available at
. Maeyama noted that, with a freely available ODS “the role of depository libraries as local custodians of UN documentation will gradually change. Envisaged is a network of libraries actively building awareness of the UN and UN materials and communicating their relevance to local issues among various types of users.”

Any UN body having its own web site can enable users to access a given document by providing a link to it in ODS. As a result, it is no longer necessary to load a document onto multiple servers. According to the General Assembly report
Implementation of the United Nations Official Document System(A/59/578/Add.1), 110 UN-related web sites are providing access to digital UN documents in this manner. Unfortunately, unauthorized web sites (i.e., those that are not UN-related) may not provide direct access to an ODS document but must instead obtain it via the ODS interface.

At the 2004 Midwinter Meeting of the International Documents Task Force (IDTF), many librarians expressed concerns about the UN’s plan to discontinue distribution of printed masthead documents and Official Records to depository libraries. At the 2004 Annual Conference, the Dag Hammarskjöld Library’s Noriko Gines reported that, in response to IDTF’s objections, the United Nations Working Group on Depository Libraries prepared a proposal to the UN Publications Board including the following provisions:

  • The distribution of all Official Records to depository libraries will continue.
  • Any depository wishing to receive masthead documents in print must pay a substantial fee (no figure was specified).
  • The free distribution of some very long masthead documents may be considered.

As of December 2004, the Board had not addressed this proposal, and its fate is uncertain. However, all UN depositories that wish to receive masthead documents and/or Office Records in print will be able to till the end of 2005.

Use of the main United Nations web site, which can be found at
, continues to increase.
Questions Relating to Information: Report of the Secretary-General(A/59/221) states that nearly one million pages on this site are viewed daily. The same report indicates that the Dag Hammarskjöld Library’s online catalog, UNBISnet, has also been used heavily. Recent records in this database contain links to full-text masthead documents and Official Records in ODS.

Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison

December 21, 2004 <>

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD

The UNCTAD TRAINS database (TRade Analysis and INformation System), which was once available only on CD-ROM, is now an online product. TRAINS contains product-specific information on tariffs, other trade measures, and import flows for over 140 countries. The process of subscribing to this service is unusual. Universities and research institutions in developed countries must make a $2,500 “voluntary contribution” to the UNCTAD Trust Fund to initiate access (libraries in developing countries pay lesser amounts). From the second year onward, the contribution is $1,250.00. More information is available at

In June 2004, UNCTAD released
Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures, a compact reference source containing data on subjects within its scope, such as trade, investment, external finance, and commodities and manufactures. The online resource, GlobStat (
), complements
Development and Globalization by providing access to the sources on which the publication is based.

Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison

December 21, 2004 <>

World Bank

Report provided by Triinu Tombak from World Bank Publications.

I. Update on Key Online Resources

The World Bank e-Library - Launched in June 2003. An electronic portal to the Bank’s full-text

collection of books, reports, and other documents on social and economic development. Contains all titles published by the World Bank since 2000 and all future titles, as they are published. Currently includes over 3,400 titles and working papers. Approximately 400 new titles have been added to e-Library since the last IDTF meeting in Orlando in June, 2004. The World Bank e-Library is powered by Ingenta.

World Development Indicators Online (WDI Online)– Available since 2002. WDI Online was just selected by
Choice magazine for their annual
Outstanding Academic Title list. Updated twice a year, recently in April 2004. Comprehensive data for 593 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data can be indexed, graphed, and exported in standard formats including Excel. For more, go to

Global Development Finance Online (GDF Online)– Available since 2002. Offers external debt and financial flow data for the 138 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank. Time series data include over 200 indicators from 1970. Updated annually in January. For more, go to

Doing Business – Free data web site (
) - provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement. across 145 economies.

Prospects for the Global Economy is a new and free forecast database for all World regions and income groups, including macroeconomic data out to 2006.

Consortia Current North American consortia include:AMIGOSm CES, CIC, FEDLINK, NERL, OHIONET, Renouf Publications, UN System Electronic Information Acquisition Consortium. If you are interested in purchasing a World Bank database through a consortium not listed here, please alert the consortia as to your interest and e-mail us at so that we can establish a relationship.

II. Print Resources Update

World Bank Trade and Development Series

This timely series seeks to provide objective, accessible information about the new trade agenda and to encourage an informed dialogue about the role of trade in development, particularly for the world’s poorest countries. Recent titles in the series include:

  • China and the WTO: Accession, Policy Reform, and Poverty Reduction Strategies
    (July 2004ISBN: 0-8213-5667-4US$25.00)
  • Intellectual Property and Development: Lessons from Recent Economic Research
    (January 2005ISBN: 0 0-8213-5772-7US$25.00)
  • Global Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries (November 2004ISBN: 0-8213-5863-4US$45.00)

Of particular interest to IDTF libraries, we accept standing order subscriptions for the series (ISSN 1727-3455)4 to 5 titles are added to the series every year. More information can be found in the enclosed brochure and on page 6 of our Spring 2005 catalogue.

World Development Report 1978-2005 with Selected Indicators 2004: Omnibus CD-ROM Edition

World Development Report 1978-2005 with Selected World Development Indicators 2004: Indexed Omnibus CD-ROM Edition (Single User Version: December 2004ISBN: 0-8213-5738-7US$ 250.00)

(Multiple User Version: December 2004ISBN: 0-8213-5739-5US$ 500.00)

Published annually by the World Bank, World Development Indicators provides a comprehensive range of statistical indicators for more than 200 economies. Data can be exported for use in other applications.

Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis - New Title

Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis (March 2005ISBN: 0-8213-5930-4US$20.00)

The unfortunate recent events in East Asia have generated an unusual interest in this publication Provides a global view of major natural disaster risk hotspots - areas at relatively high risk of loss from one or more natural hazards. Analyzes location and characteristics of hotspots for six natural hazards - earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, floods, drought, and cyclones..

Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism, and Development - With New Free Web Site

Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism, and Development (November 2004, ISBN: 0-8213-5747-6, US$ 38.00) Annual whcih provides forecast for the World economy in some 130 countries.

Blanket Standing Order Program offers a flat 20% reduction on all purchases for subscribers to the WBP blanket standing order program. The 20% discount applies to all print purchases, not just to standing order releases. Individual standing orders are also available for all annual and series titles.

NewWorld Bank Catalog designed specifically for libraries (print and PDF / email formats available, if you are not currently receiving it and would like to do so, please e-mail

Exhibits World Bank Publications will be in attendance and exhibit at at the following meetings:. ¾«¶«´«Ã½2005 Midwinter Meeting - Boston - January 14-17, 2005, ACRL 2005 - Minneapolis – April 7-9, 2005, SLA 2005 - Toronto - June; ¾«¶«´«Ã½2005 Annual Meeting - Chicago - June.

Contact Information

World Bank Online Resources:

Pricing information and free trials,

consortia relations, contract queries:

Triinu Tombak, Electronic Sales Manager

P: 202-473-5149

F: 202-522-2631

World Bank Publications:

Jose De Buerba, Sales Manager

World Bank Publications

1818 H Street NW

Washington DC 20433

P: 202-473-0393

F: 202-522-2631

Report submitted by Daisy Dominguez, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005 <>

World Health Organization - WHO

Although this report is being written without the benefit of direct contact with the WHO (for various reasons), the WHO website does offer a great deal of information for free, as well as directions for ordering publications and documentation. There are three pages on their site that are of direct interest:

The WHO Book Shop (

Offers links to free reports and publications from the WHO, a “just published” page for new publications, and “forthcoming key titles.”

Access to WHO Reference Information
) Offers links to a detailed page instructing how to locate and order WHO documentation, links to online versions of WHO periodicals (the
Bulletin of the World Health Organization and the
Weekly Epidemiological Record are now available electronically back to their inceptions, 1947 and 1926, respectively).

World Health Organization Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)

) Provides links to an array of WHO statistical sources, including informational pages devoted to special subjects of interest, such as the AIDS epidemic and the recent South Asian Tsunami.

Report submitted by Jeffrey A. Knapp IDTF Agency Liaison

December 21, 2004 <>

[End of MidWinter 2005 IDTF Agency Liaison Reports]