IDTF Agency Liaison Reports


Midwinter Meeting, January 10, 2004


The following report was provided by Bruce Samuelson, Director of Marketing, on the latest developments that are of interest to IDTF members.

In August, Bernan began publishing the Government Publication News (GPN), a free monthlyelectronic newsletter covering all Bernan distributed and published titles by source, with a special focus on intergovernmental publications. GPN lists basic ordering information (title description, item description, ISBN, item number, price, and availability date), and each title links to Bernan's Web site for more information. Readers can view just the section(s) that they’re interested in, such as IGO titles, and search by issuing international agency (UN, FAO, etc.) To subscribe to this free service, simply email your name and email address to You can also see past issues by visiting our Web site home page ( ) and clicking on the Government Publication News Archive link towards the bottom of the page.

Bernan’s Managing Director, Don Hagen, attended the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, where he met with leading representatives from many of the international and intergovernmental organizations for which Bernan is a distributor. WIPO indicated that a new Patent Classification Treaty is due to be published in March 2004 The World Tourism Organization had just launched the WTOelibrary, a subscription service providing Web access to a vast number of their publications in their respective languages. More information about this new service can be found in the October issue of GPN.

Recent releases that may be of interest include the World Economic Outlook (IMF), British Pharmacopoeia (TSO), World Economy: Historical Statistics (OECD), Study Abroad (UNESCO), and Doing Business in 2004: Understanding Regulations (World Bank), and European Business—Facts and Figures 2003 (formerly Panorama of European Business).

Volume 1 of the World Trade Organization Annual Report 2003 was published in August, and International Trade Statistics, Vol. 2 is being released this month Bernan continues to co-publish several other WTO titles, including the WTO Trade Policy Review (TPR) Series. TPRs for Mauritania Gabon, and Venezuela will be published this month, while the European Union Japan Hong Kong, and Haiti are due in January We will soon begin production of the 2003 TPR CD-ROM and the WTO Analytical Index CD-ROM. Bernan also continues to regularly publish World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Decisions: Bernan’s Annotated Reporter (DSD) The DSD Cumulative Index Annotations Vols. 41-50/tables & Cumulative Index Vols. 1-50 (2-Vol. set)—January 29, 1996-July 11, 2003 has just been published.

On November 25, Bernan was informed by FAO that due to a change in warehousing arrangements, they are experiencing delays in shipping They hope to catch up by the first of the year.

Bernan’s 2004 Spring Catalog will be available in early January They are also publishing a new Standing Order Catalog later this winter, the first update to this catalog in a few years You can request either catalog via their Web site, or you can call them toll free at 800-865-3457.

Bruce will be at the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Conference in San Diego from Jan. 9-12, and invites everyone who will be there to stop by Bernan’s exhibit booth #514 He will also be exhibiting for Bernan at the American Economics Association/Allied Social Science Associations annual conference, which will also be in San Diego, from Jan.3-5 The booth number there will be #435

As always, Bernan welcomes your feedback and suggestions, and appreciates the opportunity to communicate directly with the IDTF Bruce’s email address is:

Respectfully submitted by Brett Cloyd, liaison

Council of Europe

Tom Johnson, Manhattan Publishing Co. provided the following report.

Council of Europe member countries now number 45, extending from Iceland through the Caucasus, including all countries except for Belarus.

New Treaties

No. 189:

Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalization of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems.

No. 190:

Protocol amending the European Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism.

No. 191:

Additional Protocol to the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption.

No. 192:

Convention on Contact concerning Children.

Formerly the Council published semi-annually a multi-page "Chart of signatures and ratifications"covering all treaties and all member countries. This information is now available in the human rights section of the Council's main website: .

The 2004 Catalogue of Publications of the Council of Europe has just been publishedit is now available from Manhattan Publishing Co.

Catalogue is also accessible on the Council's newly-redesigned website: .

Publications of note:

Human Rights:

  • European (Social Charter -- Collected Texts (4th edition). 502 pages
  • Violence against women and children -- Vision, Innovation and Professionalism in Policing
  • Child sexual abuse in Europe.


  • Euthanasia, vol. 1 -- Ethical and human aspects ( soon to be followed by vol. 2: Euthanasia -- national and European perspectives).

Academic qualifications in higher education:

  • Recognition issues in the Bologna Process(with texts of Convention and various declarations)

From the Venice Commission (i.e., European Commission for Democracy through Law.):

  • Democracy, Rule of Law and Foreign Policy
  • Code of good practice in electoral matters.

Death Penalty:

  • Death Penalty -- Beyond abolition ( finally expected in January)

Respectfully submitted by Marian Shaaban, liaison

International Labour Organization

Publication update:


  1. Next year there will be substantial price increases in ILO serials for the first time in quite some time.
  2. ILO has decided not to offer blanket orders on monographs for libraries.
  3. There are fewer and fewer books being published centrally in ILO Instead, while there is more publication activity in the organization as a whole, many publications are created and distributed directly from regional offices. They are not distributed centrally. This is a serious problem since they are difficult for libraries to identify and acquire, and indeed for ILO staff to know about and promote Simply knowing of the existence of important titles created this way is hard, especially since there are multiple sites to monitor And then, creating orders for diverse locations, dealing with payments and difficult shipment situations, and looking for shared catalog copy are moving a substantial part of the important work that ILO is doing firmly into the realm of gray literature.
  4. On the ILO website, many regional bodies listed under Publications show a strong focus as that for Central Europe states of "bringing the ILO closer to the governments and the employers’ and workers’ organisations in the member States and is a new approach to relations between the ILO and its tripartite membership, based on continuous interaction and dialogue,�."& How this related to Publications, other than the generally sad effects of de-centralization, is unclear.
  5. Paper / print publication of central titles seems more secure at ILO at this time Indeed, we have heard that some staff at ILO who have focused on electronic publications are on sabbatical working for another IGO.


  1. ILO offers a blanket electronic subscription to pdf files for a number of titles through the Ebrary Service.
  2. The new ILO paper catalogue will be available in February.
  3. ILO will not have an exhibit at ¾«¶«´«Ã½midwinter instead, see booths of Renouf and UN Publications.
  4. MYILIBRARYComprehensive ILO and Beyond Electronic Publications

ILO along with a number of other UN and other IGOs have placed all their output with a new electronic platform called MyiLibrary being launched at the end of January in Geneva. It will include all ILO publications (in a collection called ILO Insight) Other bodies participating are: International Organization for Migration, World Health Organization, OECD, UN (begins April 04), International Maritime Organization (April 04), International Atomic Energy Agency, and World Bank Many of the other smaller agencies are also joining during 04.

The aim is comprehensive in terms of coverage of UN produced information. This will be quite different from the individual books available from Ebrary, netLibrary and others in that it will be all the output from these organizations that can be accessed all on one platform. It will also include free publications, reports, journals etc. Subscription price will vary according to coverage chosen. Many individual agencies’ publications are available from other sources, i.e. Source OECD. However this will be the first time that they will all be available and cross searchable in one database. Coutts will be the world wide distributor for MyiLibrary. ( From senior staff at Coutts Library Services)


  1. Alcohol and Drug Problems at Work: The Shift to Prevention. United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Staff et al., Pub. ILO, 92-2-113373-7, May 2003
  2. Preventing Violence at Work. Rogers, Kim, et al. ISBN 92-2-113374-5 , Oct 2003
  3. Protection of Workers' Personal Data: An ILO Code of Practice., a 1999 title of special note today
  4. 2003 Yearbook of Labour Statistics. (Just released) PRINT includes ten years of data ISBN 92-2-014912-5 $168.00 CD-ROM contains 40 years of data plus 10 volumes of the series Sources and Methods: Labour Statistics to fill out brief explanations given in the Yearbook tables. ISBN 92-2-115146-8 $168.00

General Information: Standing Orders for ILO Monographs go to ILO Pubs in Waldorf MD at 301 638-3152. For both individual and blanket serials: ILO Pubs in Geneva. Check ILO site at ILO U.S. Contact: Karen A Lee, International Labour Office 1828 L. Street N.W. Washington DC 20036, Tel: 202-653-7652, Fax: 202-653-7687, Email:

Respectfully submitted by Susan White, liaison

International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund Archives:

IMF announces that its Executive Board has liberalized IMF’s policy on access to the archives The expanded range of information includes:

  • Executive Board documents that are more than five years old except for items classified as "Secret"or "Strictly Confidential"
  • Executive Board minutes that are more than ten years old
  • Other archival materials more than 20 years old.

IMF can accommodate only onsite access to the Archives which are located in Washington D.C. Visits should be arranged by mail, facsimile, email, or telephone at least 10 working days in advance.

Please contact:

The Archivist, International Monetary Fund

Telephone number: 202-623-5950 Fax number: 202-623-7175 Email address: Postal address: International Monetary Fund Archives and Records Management, IS 11-400 700 19 th St., NW, Washington D.C. 20431

Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 A.M.-5 P.M.

Archival holdings include:

Central Files Collection:

  • It holds a wide range of IMF records (correspondence, memoranda, Executive Board and staff documents) concerning the organization of the IMF, its policies, procedures, important operations and activities

  • It is considered the richest source of information for analysis of the organization's activities over time.

Photographs and Audiovisual Collection

Executive Board Documents

  • Documents of the IMF Executive Board and its committees have been collected and indexed.

Institutional Archives 1946–1980:

  • These document the activities of the business units. They include statistical data, background materials on financial operations and policies, IMF programs, and relations with member countries and other parties.

Archives Services:

Archives staff offers guidance to researchers and can identify material that will enable you to conduct in-depth research in your area of interest.

Archives staff will provide brief responses to information requests of a factual nature, but for more substantive or analytical work, researchers are expected to visit the archives.

A laptop computer is permitted and data ports are available in the research room.

Archives staff can mail photocopies of items you have identified depending on the volume of material. The first fifty pages are free and additional pages cost 25 cents each. The IMF Archives reserves the right to bill researchers for mailing costs.

Respectfully submitted by Vida Margaitis, liaison

International Telecommunications Union (ITU)


The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was held in
Geneva on December 10 - 12, 2003. A “Declaration of Principles” and “Plan of Action” were adopted and can be accessed via the ITU website [ ]

Resources of note:

ITU Digital Access Index: World’s first global information and communication technology (ICT) ranking. This resource is freely available. [ ]

Monitoring the Information Society: data, measurement and methods

A collection of documents released at the World Summit on the Information Society, including the executive summary of the World Telecommunication Development Report, are available on the website: [ ] The publication World Telecommunication Development Report, can be ordered from the ITU website: [].

Respectfully submitted by James R. Jacobs, liaison

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Suzanne Edam from the OECD Washington office has prepared the following update.

News on SourceOECD:

In mid-December 2003, OECD quietly launched a public beta version of its new SourceOECD that can be found at First launched in November 2000, SourceOECD will retain its single portal concept, but will use a new technical platform The new and old sites will run parallel for approximately three or four months.

Features Now Active on the New SourceOECD Site:

All content is loaded and ready for access and downloading.

Searches are now more flexible and easier to access via “advanced search” on the first page. With the advanced search option, the descriptive text on the web site as well as the full text in the pdf files of OECD books and periodicals can be searched.

Counter compliant usage statistics are available.

Direct links to each title are available The links are based on ISBNs providing links for both the print and the pdf ISBNs. For example Health at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2003 with a print ISBN 92-64-10404-6 and a pdf ISBN of 92-64-10406-2 can be linked via “” as well as “ 9264104062.”

Verification of content will allow users to easily verify the active subscriptions for their institutions The site provides a complete list of available subscriptions on SourceOECD, and each listing is tagged as active or not active This should eliminate the guesswork concerning accessible content.

Not yet active features:

OECD hopes to load the Model Tax Convention and the Transfer Pricing Guidelines chapter by chapter. These special titles, mostly loose-leaf editions, have found a new place on the new platform in the Reference section - a new tab across the top of each page The Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals have already been moved from the Periodicals section to this new section.

As of now there is no way to search the variables in the statistics component There is an effort to create something “searchable” - for example adding the user manuals for each database in PDF format, which often come with a listing of the series titles and descriptor.

The new email alert section, not yet activated, will automatically send announcements when new titles are loaded. Until the end of March the old OECD Direct will continue to work.

The set-up for the free trials via username and password are not yet working but OECD can create individual trials for those interested in trying SourceOecd.

Respectfully submitted by Lynne Stuart, liaison

Organization of American States

The following report was sent by Rene Gutierrez, Documents Librarian at the OAS Columbus Memorial Library.

The OAS Bookstore was closed down a couple of years ago, but the Columbus Memorial Library continues to handle the sales of OAS documents and publications. I wish to share with you part of the Annual Report of the Columbus Memorial Library (2003), prepared by the Chief Librarian, Ms. Beverly Wharton-Lake:


A total of 46,400 documents were received, processed and distributed The Documents Control Unit compiled, published and distributed "Lista General de los Documentos Oficiales de la OEA, 2000".

The Unit compiled two issues of the Permanent Council's official publication in Spanish quot;Sintesis de las decisions tomadas en las sesiones y textos de las resoluciones y declaraciones aprobadas"for the years 2000 and 2001.

During the report period the Library continued to assist with alleviating the problems encountered with the closing of the OAS Bookshop. All mail related to OAS documents and publications were sent to the Library The Library received 359 requests for OAS publications and mailed out 233 packages. The Librarian continues to serve as Technical Secretary of the Publications Board.


The Library processed, microfilmed and distributed OAS Official Records Series for 1999 to University and Specialized Libraries.

Mr. Gutierrez may be contacted by phone: (202) 458-3914or by e-mail:

Respectfully submitted by Marian Shaaban, liaison

The Stationery Office (TSO)

Brian Tierney continues as TSO agency representative. He suggests looking at the Latest Information section of TSO’s website ( ), and the new UKOP website ( ) to read about developments. UKOP (UK Official Publications) is the official catalogue of The Stationery Office, along with the Catalogue of Publications Not Published by The Stationery Office. The UKOP subscription service offers access to over 450,000 bibliographic records dating back to 1980 from over 2000 sources. Over 2,000 key documents are digitized every year. Features for searching include increased access to full text, including digital versions of documents available elsewhere in electronic format, daily updating, email alerting, and a search history function.

TSO has become a founding sponsor of Information Economics JournalA Guide to Information Technology Investment(ISSN:1740-7052), published by the Butler Group. The journal focuses on current issues about how to manage and extract value from information. View the first issue at

Respectfully submitted by Andrea Singer, liaison.


The United States rejoined UNESCO on October 1, 2003. The US had previously been a member from Nov. 4, 1946 to Dec. 31, 1984.

United Nations

The UN Depository Libraries Officer, Kikko Maeyama, reports that the UN’s IT office has started work to make the Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS) open and free to everyone This goal may be achieved in the fourth quarter of 2004 or the first quarter of 2005. For this reason, her office is currently administering a survey designed to assess each depository’s readiness for this transition, and she would appreciate prompt replies. Ms. Maeyama states that the enhancement of ODS and other factors may lead to the revision of depository library policies in the near future, but the details have not yet been discussed.

Additional information regarding ODS implementation may be found in the UN Joint Inspection Unit’s recent report From the Optical Disk System to the Official Documents System (ODS): Status of Implementation and Evaluation (symbol: A/58/435), which was written by Louis-Dominique Ouedraogo. Ouedraogo recommended, among other things, that the General Assembly “authorize the Secretary-General to apply as soon as practicable a new policy based on free, public access to the system.” Paragraphs 32 to 36 of the document contain additional details on this issue A somewhat troubling point arises in the author’s discussion of the ODS backlog. Regarding documents that predate the System’s development in 1993, he states: “The issue here is how far back the scanning should go and, if resources do not permit coverage of all past documents, how will it eventually be determined which are the ‘important documents’ that deserve to be preserved. A decision on what is considered an ‘important document’ should not be made by the Secretariat without guidance from the legislative bodies concerned” (paragraph 41).

Noriko Gines of the UN provided the following comments regarding the ODS backlog in an e-mail dated December 2003:

In response to General Assembly resolution 52/214 (1997),& in 1998 the Dag Hammarskjöld Library at United Nations HQ introduced a programme to digitize the pre-1993 documents. The digitization programme is ongoing and is being supplemented by similar initiatives in other duty stations (Geneva and Nairobi). For the last 3 years, for which statistics are available, approximately 15,000 A/ and S/ documents containing over 235,000 pages have been converted, OCRed and loaded to the ODS. Many sessions are only partially complete and this makes it difficult to provide users with a clear pattern of the digitized sessions The DHL has refocused the project and will be digitizing sessions in a more systematic manner paying particular attention to the Security Council in 2004, particularly 1987-1992.

Ultimately, all important documents issued by the organization between 1945-1992 are to be loaded to the ODS for archival storage and access A recent study on this issue estimates that approx. 3.15 million pages need to be digitized. It has recently been recognized that the current in-house efforts alone would not be sufficient to achieve the goal in a timely manner Consequently, there is a renewed interest in looking into the possibility of outsourcing a significant amount of the digitization work.

We would also like to make it more widely known that in the past year the DHL has added linkages to the full text in all available languages from the bibliographic record in UNBISnet () directly to the full text of the document on the ODS. This has been done for General Assembly (A/), Security Council (S/) and Economic and Social Council documents (E/) documents. The links to full text have also been made from the Voting Records and Speech Citation records in UNBISnet to the full text documents on the ODS.

Respectfully submitted by David Griffiths, liaison

World Bank

Meg Keller, North American Sales Manager for the World Bank, has provided a report that contains purchasing information and new developments for World Bank Publications. She includes an article that I summarize below:

Martin Wolf’s October 29, 2003 article in the Financial Times: World Business Newspaper, “A Scandal: Our Burden for the World’s Poorest Nations,” discusses the World Bank’s upcoming study Doing Business in 2004: Understanding Regulation (World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2004) The study sets forth new quantitative and qualitative indicators on doing business and uses concrete examples to compare regulations and laws in 133 countries. His three basic conclusions are that “First, regulation of business varies hugely around the world. Second, rich countries regulate more consistently and appropriately than poor ones Third, poor regulation brings dismal outcomes.”

I would also like to mention a service that might be of interest It is called PovertyNet Library and is available at: .

It contains a freely accessible searchable database of information on poverty PDF files can be viewed or e-mailed directly to you - without having to save them first.

Report from Meg Keller:

I. Online Resources Update

All three World Bank Online Resources were recently reviewed in Library Journal To see the complete reviews, please consult the appropriate issue of LJ as given below or visit our website at & Additionally, GDF Online was reviewed by Emerald’s Reference Reviews in v. 17, no. 6 and a review of WDI Online is also planned.

Full text of all reviews will be posted at .

The World Bank e-Library– Reviewed by Library Journa l August, 2003 Launched in June, 2003. An electronic portal to the Bank’s full-text collection of books, reports, and other documents on social and economic development. Contains over 1200 titles plus every new title as it is published. Powered by ingenta.

World Development Indicators Online (WDI Online)– Reviewed by Library Journal September 1, 2003. Available since 2002. Comprehensive data for over 550 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data can be indexed, graphed, and exported in standard formats including Excel.

Global Development Finance Online (GDF Online)– Reviewed by Library Journal September 15, 2003. Available since 2002. Offers external debt and financial flow data for the 138 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank. Time series data include over 200 indicators from 1970. Also reviewed in Emerald’s Reference Reviews, v. 17, no. 6.


The World Bank is now offering its Online Resources through several consortiamore consortia will be added over time. If you are interested in purchasing a World Bank database through a consortia not listed here, please alert the consortia as to your interest and e-mail us at so that we can establish a relationship.

The current list of consortia includes:




University of California (negotiations in progress)

Renouf Books

Pricing, Discounts, and Print Archive Option

All three electronic resources are priced by FTE Discounts are available when libraries subscribe to all 3 databases. A print archive option is also available for subscribers to all 3 databases for $2500 (single-invoice, flat price, includes all titles published in year of subscriptionestimated cost of books at list price is $3800). For a price estimate, please e-mail Triinu Tombak at


Subscriptions to the three electronic resources can be arranged direct through World Bank Publications, through Renouf in Canada, or from a number of distributors including: EBSCO and Swets Blackwell, and from other distributors internationally.

Free Trial

Libraries wishing to try the e-Library may access from January 1 through February 28 at:


Password: dataworld

II. Print Resources Update

Doing Business - New Annual Title with Free Data Website

Doing Business in 2004 is the first title to be released in a new series which measures the regulatory costs of doing business in over 130 countries. (Countries represent all geographic regions and income levels.) The Doing Business project has been covered widely in the press (see attached article from the Financial Times) and will be particularly useful for students and scholars of international business and development economics. (Also reviewed in The Economist, October 11-17 issue and in WSJ, October 29, 2003.)

The Online component, available at is a free-access site. The Doing Business database provides indicators of the cost of doing business by identifying specific regulations that enhance or constrain business investment, productivity, and growth. Data can be exported in excel.

The print report (available for purchase as a single title or on standing order) provides a clear analysis of the data as well as conclusions that will be useful for both policy-makers in developing countries and start-up businesses in the countries surveyed.

A Guide to the World Bank

A publication that will be of particular interest to IDTF libraries is the new Guide to the World Bank which provides an accessible introduction to the World Bank’s history, mission, and purpose. (ISBN 0-8213-5344-6; $15).

The miniAtlas Series

The World Bank has launched another new series called the miniAtlas series. Books published in this series will be a pocket-sized format, four-color, and maps will highlight key economic and social indicators. The first publication in the series is The miniAtlas of Global Development which will be published in January of 2004. Books can be purchased individually ($7 / ISBN 0-8213-5596-1) or placed on standing order (direct or through jobbers).

Blanket Standing Order Program

World Bank offers a flat 20% on all purchases for subscribers to the WBP blanket standing order program. The 20% discount applies to all print purchases, not just to standing order releases. Individual standing orders are also available for all annual and series titles. See attached list.


World Bank has a new catalog designed specifically for libraries (print and PDF / email formats available): if you are not currently receiving it and would like to do so, please e-mail


We will be in attendance at the following upcoming exhibits. Visit the booth to see demonstrations, to get a free trial card, and to enter our drawing for one-year free subscriptions to our online databases.

¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting –
San Diego – January 9-12, 2004 & Booth # 2131

SLA 2004 –
Nashville – June 5-10, 2004

¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual Meeting - Orlando - June 26-29, 2004

Contact Information

World Bank Online Resources:

Pricing information and free trials, consortia relations, contract queries:

Triinu Tombak 202-473-5149

Renouf Book Company
Lise St. John or Gordon Grahame
Renouf Books
1-5369 Canotek Road
Ottawa Ontario,
Telephone: 1-613-745-2665
Toll-Free North America: (888) 551-7470 FAX: 1-613-745-7660

and Series Titles

Available for Standing Order

Updated 11/6/2003

World Bank Annual Titles
Title Pub. Date Price
Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics June $29
African Development Indicators (Print) March $40
Doing Business September $30
Global Development Finance - Analysis & Summary Ed June $40
Global Development Finance - Complete Print Edition June $400
Global Economic Prospects December $38
Little Data Book May $15
World Bank Annual Report January FREE
World Bank Annual Review of Development Effectiveness March $22
World Bank Atlas Sept $20
World Bank Group Directory November $25
World Development Indicators (Print) May $60
World Development Report Sept $26/$50 (cloth)

World Bank Series Titles
Title Pub. Date Price
Africa Human Development Series
Ongoing Varies
Disaster Risk Management Series
Ongoing Varies
Latin American & Carribbean Studies Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Berlin Workshop Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Country Studies Ongoing Varies
World Bank Directions in Development Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Health, Nutrition, & Population Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Institute (WBI) Development Studies Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Institute (WBI) Learning Resources Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Law, Justice, and Development Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank miniAtlas Series
Ongoing Varies
World Bank Operations Evaluation Studies
Ongoing Varies
World Bank Orientations in Development Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Policy Research Reports (co-published with OUP) Ongoing Varies
World Bank Regional & Sectoral Studies Series Ongoing Varies
World Bank Trade & Development Series
Ongoing Varies
World Bank Working Papers Ongoing Varies

World Bank CD-ROM Titles
Title Pub. Date Price
Global Development Finance - CD-ROM (single/multiple) June $400/$1100
World Bank Africa Database - CD-ROM (single/multiple) March $95/$190
World Development Indicators - CD-ROM (single/multiple) May $275/$550
Trade Can CDROM (published every two years)
August $350

Respectfully submitted by Daisy Domínguez, liaison

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Intellectual Property Digital Library: provides access to intellectual property data collections housed by WIPO including the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Gazette, Madrid collection (regarding international applications for registers of trademarks) and the Journal of Patent-associated Literature (JOPAL) data collection (indexing of articles published in leading scientific and technical periodicals since 1981). Access is free, but users are required to register. [ ]

Women and Intellectual Property. This website provides information about intellectual property issues and WIPO activities of particular interest and concern to women.

[ ]

Respectfully submitted by James R. Jacobs, liaison

Compiled by Marian Shaaban