GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting
Saturday, January 13, 2001
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Washington, DC,
Wyndham Hotel, Vista A
Presiding: Barbara Mann, IDTF Coordinator
Secretary: Catherine Shreve


The agenda was approved by a voice vote.


IDTF needs nominees for coordinator-elect. Contact Arlene Weible, Nominating Committee Chair, during ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter. The International Relations Round table program at ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual 2001 will involve government information. They are looking for speakers with expertise in national government documents.

Approval of Minutes

The Minutes from ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual 2000 were approved by voice vote.

Reports from Committee Liaisons

Helen Sheehy reported on the activities of the Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS) in the past year. GIOPS is considering as a topic for their next conference program, electronic access to government information for the short and long term. Papers from the Russian seminar have been translated and posted on the Web. The database for the Directory of Government Information Specialists is largely completethe online version should be available by late spring 2001.

See agenda item on the Cataloging Toolbox.

Education: Angela Bonnell reported that there is an international and state section of the Government Information and Depository Management Clearinghouse website.

Bert Chapman, Legislation Committee liaison, was unable to attend.

GITCO: Eric Forte reported that the CD-ROM Documentation Service is online.

Program: Carol Hunter reported that there will be an ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual 2001 preconference on 19th and early 20th century Federal documents. GODORT will also present a program jointly with BRASS and RUSA, on finding business information in government sources.

Andrea Morrison reported that there are two candidates to be interviewed for the position of website administrator. John Shuler is up for a recommendation to continue for another 3 years as Editor of Documents to the People. The Editorial Review Board is being reorganized. Andrea reiterated that the Publications Committee is there to help GODORT members publish their work.

Rare and Endangered Documents:
Jackie Druery announced that the League of Nations project is now being guided by Kristina Waldron at Northwestern University. They expect to mount digital files and an interface by December 2001.

¾«¶«´«Ã½International Relations Committee:
Rosemary Little announced that she is running for ¾«¶«´«Ã½Council.

Reports from Agency Liaisons

See attached reports from liaisons to Bernan, International Labour Organization, International Monetary Fund, and World Health Organization. The IDTF web page will show newly assigned liaisons.

Cataloging Toolbox

The Cataloging Toolbox for international documents is modeled on the Federal Government Documents toolbox. Recent changes and additions: change in AutoCat, added listservs Docworld-L and Intl-Doc, and some citations to print resources. The task force decided to keep the links to library catalogs and citations/annotations to print sources, and add explanations of document symbols. The Collection Management category may not be helpful to catalogers, and considerably expands the scope of the website. A volunteer group will work on the details of sources to include and draft a report for ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual.

IGO Survey

Jim Church discussed the survey to international governmental organizations on plans to archive Internet documents. He has incorporated changes suggested by the Publications Committee and the survey has been approved for distribution. The group generated a list of thirteen IGOs to which the survey will be distributed by mail. The results will be reported to IDTF and submitted to Documents to the People.

IDTF website

Jim Church presented a draft of the website, which includes links to full-text databases and online catalogs under "Topical Guides.". Barb Mann suggested adding subtitles at the top of each page to designate "Foreign National Governments" and "Intergovernmental Organizations." Please direct suggestions for additions, deletions, or changes to Jim Church.

IFLA Meeting in Boston

See the IFLA Annual Report and report from the committee liaison. IDTF is discussing the possibility of collaboration with IFLA on web tools for IGO information.

New Business

Peter Hajnal announced that volume 2 of his book on international information is about to be published, and circulated his copy. Jim Church proposed that IDTF start a series of working papers on international documents librarianship, to be electronically published. He will work with a small group to draft a more detailed and formal proposal for ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual.

IGO speakers

The task force heard updates from: European Commission-Barbara Sloan, Manager, Public Inquiries and Library Delegation, Washington DC; United Nations-Dana Loytved, Depository Libraries Officer; OECD-Suzanne Edam, Washington Center and Okinawa G8-Peter Hajnal, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto. Representatives from ILO, Norman Ross, CIS, and Bernan also attended. Respectfully submitted by Catherine Shreve, Secretary