

The intent of the program is to establish contacts between working librarians, IGOs, vendors and non-U.S. national governments. By establishing these contacts, we hope to:

  • Explain what GODORT does and who it represents.
  • Open a dialogue between GODORT and the agency.
  • Influence developments in depository programs and, hopefully improving them or heading off problems.
  • Provide inpute for the development of new products and services.
  • Keep the GODORT membership informed of developments.

Making contact

  • Pick an agency which interests you, preferably one with which your library has a depository arrangement or for which it has extensive holdings.
  • Research the agency to learn more about publishing programs. Monitor developments and changes.
  • Use staff directories to locate and establish contacts.

Communicating with the Agency

  • Be open but polite. Let them know what is good about their depository or publication program. Let them know what areas of concern there are.
  • Express GODORT's interest in developing a link between the agency and public users of their documentation.
  • Explain why libraries are interested in a particular product or service. Explain who the users are.
  • Ask about future plans, especially for indexes, electronic products, and electronic publications replacing paoper versions.
  • emphasize that you are trying to disseminate the information to a major user group with the potential to increase the visiblity of the agency.

Reporting back to GODORT

  • Keep the IDTF informed of new developments in programs. Report back through the IDTF home page, INTL-DOC, DTTP, GOVDOC-L and at IDTF meetings.
  • If problems develop, contact the IDTF officers. Post messages on INTL-DOC and GOV-DOC-L so that responses can be made in a timely fashion.

Directory of IDTF Agency Liaisons

Liaison Coordinator

Susan Bennett White

United Nations / Sociology Librarian

Princeton University Library

One Washington Road

Princeton, NJ 08544

(609) 258-4814, 258-3701

Updated December 21, 2001