¾«¶«´«Ã½Policy Manual

Policy Manual, Intellectual Freedom


Table of Contents

Section A: Organization and Operational Policies

A.1 Mission, Priority Areas, Goals (Old Number 1)

  • A.1.1 Introduction (Old Number 1.1)
  • A.1.2 Mission (Old Number 1.2)
  • A.1.3 Vision (Old Number 1.3)
  • A.1.4 Core Organizational Values (Old Number 1.3.1)
  • A.1.5 Key Action Areas (Old Number 1.4)
  • A.1.6 Goals and Objectives (Old Number 1.5)


A.2 Membership (Old Number 2)

  • A.2.1 Perquisites of Chapter and Organization Membership (Old Number 12)
  • A.2.2 Honorary ¾«¶«´«Ã½Membership (Old Number 2.1)
  • A.2.3 Membership Dues
  • A.2.4 Membership: Suspension of (Old Number 2.2)


A.3 Trustees (Old Number 3)

  • A.3.1 Trustees and the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ (Old Number 3.1)
  • A.3.2 Fair Representation on Library Boards (Old Number 3.2)
  • A.3.3 Reimbursement of Conference Expenses of Trustees (Old Number 3.3)


A.4 (Old Number 13)

  • A.4.1 Executive Board Review (Old Number 13.1)
    • A.4.1.1 Executive Director (NEW)
  • A.4.2 Council (Old Number 5)
    • A.4.2.1 Relationships of Executive Board and Council (Old Number 5.1)
    • A.4.2.2 Motions for Council Action (Old Number 5.2)
    • A.4.2.3 Council Resolutions: Guidelines for Preparation (Old Number 5.3)
    • A.4.2.4 Reporting the Implementation of Council Actions and Resolutions (Old Number 5.4)
    • A.4.2.5 Policies on Council Procedures (Old Number 5.5)
      • A. Attendance (Old Number 5.5.1)
      • A. Council/Executive Board/Membership Information Session (Old Number 5.5.2)
      • A. Advance Distribution of Council Agenda and Other Documents (Old Number 5.5.3)
      • A. Reports (Old Number 5.5.4)
      • A. Reports of Divisions (Old Number 5.5.5)
      • A. Reporting of Council Votes (Old Number 5.5.6)
      • A. Revisions to Council Minutes (Old Number 5.5.7)
    • A.4.2.6 Policy Manual/Monitoring Committee (Old Number 5.6)
  • A.4.3 Units, Committees, Etc. (Old Number 6 HEADING)
    • A.4.3.1 Chapters (Old Number 6.1)
      • A. ¾«¶«´«Ã½Responsibilities to Chapters (Old Number 6.1.1)
      • A. Effect of Unpaid Dues on Chapter Status (Old Number 6.1.2)
      • A. Library Issue Caucuses (Old Number 6.1.3)
    • A.4.3.2 New Units of ¾«¶«´«Ã½(Old Number 6.2)
      • A. Petitions for Establishment of New Units of ALA (Old Number 6.2.1)
    • A.4.3.3 Round Tables of ALA: Role and Function (Old Number 6.3)
    • A.4.3.4 Divisions (Old Number 6.4)
      • A. Preamble
      • A. Current Organizational Values of ALA
      • A. Purpose, Scope, Implementation, Review Process, and Definitions
      • A. Use of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Services
      • A. Financial
      • A. Publishing Activities
      • A. Personnel
      • A. Division National Conferences, Pre-conferences, and Related Activities
      • A. Annual Conference and Midwinter Meeting
      • A. Special Projects of Divisions
      • A. Planning
    • A.4.3.5 Units (Old Number 6.5)
      • A. Adoption of Standards of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Divisions (Old Number 55.1)
      • A. Adoption of Standards of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Units (Old Number 55.2)
      • A. Adoption of Guidelines (Old Number 55.3)
    • A.4.3.6 Committees (Old Number 6.6)
      • A. Types of Committees (Old Number 6.6.1)
      • A. Kinds of Committees (Old Number 6.6.2)
      • A. Leadership Development Program for ¾«¶«´«Ã½Committees (Old Number 6.6.3)
    • A.4.3.7 Subcommittees (Old Number 6.7)
    • A.4.3.8 Commissions (Old Number 6.8)
    • A.4.3.9 Task Forces (Old Number 6.9)
    • A.4.3.10 Discussion Groups (Old Number 6.10)
    • A.4.3.11 Assemblies (Old Number 6.11)
    • A.4.3.12 Membership Initiative Groups (MIG) (Old Number 6.12)
    • A.4.3.13 Interest Groups (Old Number 6.13)
    • A.4.3.14 Sections (Old Number 6.14)
    • A.4.3.15 Forums (Old Number 6.15)
    • A.4.3.16 Open Activities (Old Number 6.17)
      • A. Minutes of Meetings of Governing Units
    • A.4.3.17 Offices (Old Number 6.20)
    • A.4.3.18 Subdivision (NEW)


A.5 Elections and Appointments and Attendant Responsibilities (Old Number 4)

  • A.5.1 Vote Tallies: Publication (Old Number 4.1)
  • A.5.2 Candidates: Statements of Concern (Old Number 4.2)
  • A.5.3 Executive Board Vacancies (Old Number 4.3)
  • A.5.4 Member Service Policy (Old Number 4.4)
  • A.5.5 Requirements for Committee Service (Old Number 4.5)
    • A.5.5.1 Membership (Old Number 4.5.1)
    • A.5.5.2 Participation (Old Number 4.5.2)
    • A.5.5.3 Provision of Explanation of Absences (Old Number 4.5.3)
  • A.5.6 Conflict of Interest: Executive Board (Old Number 4.6)
  • A.5.7 Members Serving as Independent Contractors (Old Number 4.7)
  • A.5.8 Amendments to Constitution and/or Bylaws (Old Number 4.8)


A.6 Finances (Old Number 8)

  • A.6.1 Management of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Funds (Old Number 8.1)
    • A.6.1.1 Purchasing Policy/Conflict of Interest (Old Number 8.1.1)
    • A.6.1.2 Short-Term Investments (Old Number 8.1.2)
    • A.6.1.3 Property Transactions: Authorization to Sell Real Estate (Old Number 8.1.3)
    • A.6.1.4 Authorization to Overspend Budgeted Funds (Old Number 8.1.4)
    • A.6.1.5 Authority to Borrow Money (Old Number 8.1.5)
    • A.6.1.6 Limitations on ¾«¶«´«Ã½Funding of Divisions (Old Number 8.1.6)
    • A.6.1.7 Unrestricted Bequests (Old Number 8.1.7)
  • A.6.2 Support for Officers and Executive Board (Old Number 8.2)
    • A.6.2.1 Expenses of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½President (Old Number 8.2.1)
    • A.6.2.2 Expenses of Members of the Executive Board (Old Number 8.2.2)
    • A.6.2.3 Released Time for the ¾«¶«´«Ã½President (Old Number 8.2.3)
  • A.6.3 Disaster Aid (Old Number 8.3)
  • A.6.4 Council Receipt of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Budgets (Old Number 8.4)
  • A.6.5 Long-Term Endowment Funds (Old Number 8.5)
    • A.6.5.1 Long-Term Investment Funds: Association’s Use/Withdrawal and Repayment (Old Number 8.5.1)
    • A.6.5.2 Endowment Funds: Combining (Old Number 8.5.2)


A.7 Conferences and Meetings (Old Number 7)

  • A.7.1 Facilities (Old Number 7.1)
    • A.7.1.1 Non-Discrimination in Conference Contracts (Old Number 7.1.1)
    • A.7.1.2 Equal Employment Practices in Facilities (Old Number 7.1.2)
    • A.7.1.3 Conference Arrangements for Participants with Disabilities (Old Number 7.1.3)
    • A.7.1.4 Services and Rooms for Non-¾«¶«´«Ã½Groups (Old Number 7.1.4)
    • A.7.1.5 Non-Smoking in Meetings (Old Number 7.1.5)
    • A.7.1.6 Placement Service at Conference and Midwinter Meetings (Old Number 7.1.6)
    • A.7.1.7 Annual Conference and Midwinter Meeting: Impact on Chapter Conferences (Old Number 7.1.7)
    • A.7.1.8 Annual Conference: Location (Old Number 7.1.8)
    • A.7.1.9 Midwinter Meeting Sites (Old Number 7.1.9)
    • A.7.1.10 Fire Protection in Conference Hotels (Old Number 7.1.10)
  • A.7.2 Finances: Workshops, Institutes, etc. (Old Number 7.2)
    • A.7.2.1 Fees for Institutes, Workshops, etc. (Old Number 7.2.1)
    • A.7.2.2 Financing of Institutes, Workshops, etc. (Old Number 7.2.2)
  • A.7.3 Exhibits/Exhibitors (Old Number 7.3)
    • A.7.3.1 Rules and Regulations for Exhibits/Exhibitors (Old Number 7.3.1)
    • A.7.3.2 Admissions to Exhibits (Old Number 7.3.2)
    • A.7.3.3 Exhibit Space for Professional Groups (Old Number 7.3.3)
  • A.7.4 Regulations and Guidelines: Conferences and Meetings (Old Number 7.4)
    • A.7.4.1 Meeting (Old Number 7.4.1)
    • A.7.4.2 Meetings Outside of Annual Conference and the Midwinter Meeting (Old Number 7.4.2)
    • A.7.4.3 Emergency Meetings (Old Number 7.4.3)
    • A.7.4.4 Open Meetings (Old Number 7.4.4)
    • A.7.4.5 Registration at Conferences and Midwinter Meetings (Old Number 7.4.5)
    • A.7.4.6 Preferential Registration Fees (Old Number 7.4.6)
    • A.7.4.7 Distribution of Materials at ¾«¶«´«Ã½Council and Membership Meetings (Old Number 7.4.7)
    • A.7.4.8 Media Access to Information (Old Number 7.4.8)
    • A.7.4.9 Annual Conferences (Old Number 7.4.9)
    • A.7.4.10 Membership Meetings (Old Number 7.4.10)
    • A.7.4.11 Purpose of Midwinter Meetings (Old Number 7.4.11)
    • A.7.4.12 Meetings of the Executive Board (Old Number 7.4.12)
    • A.7.4.13 Conference Planning Calendar (Old Number 7.4.13)
    • A.7.4.14 Conference Program Planning (Old Number 7.4.14)
    • A.7.4.15 Parliamentarian (Old Number 7.4.15)


A.8 ¾«¶«´«Ã½Publications (Old Number 10)

  • A.8.1 Responsibility for Content of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Publications (Old Number 10.1)
    • A.8.1.1 Definition of an ¾«¶«´«Ã½Publication (Old Number 10.1.1)
    • A.8.1.2 Archiving of Electronic Publications (Old Number 10.1.2)
  • A.8.2 American Libraries: Editorial Policy (Old Number 10.2)
  • A.8.3 Sex-Stereotyping Terminology (Old Number 10.3)
  • A.8.4 Reproduction of Articles (Old Number 10.4)


A.9 (Old Number 11)

  • A.9.1 Presentation of Awards (Old Number 11.1)
  • A.9.2 Awards and Minimum Amounts (Old Number 11.2)
  • A.9.3 Administrative Costs of Awards (Old Number 11.3)


A.10 Relationships to Other Organizations (Old Number 9)

  • A.10.1 The Use of ALA’s Name and Formal Relationships (Old Number 9.1)
  • A.10.2 Affiliation with Other Organizations (Old Number 9.2)
  • A.10.3 Definition of Affiliate (Old Number 9.3)
  • A.10.4 Representatives (Old Number 9.4)
    • A.10.4.1 Formal Relationships (Old Number 9.4.1)
    • A.10.4.2 Informal Relationships (Old Number 9.4.2)
  • A.10.5 Relationships with Organizations Violating Human Rights (Old Number 9.5)


Section B: Positions and Public Policy Statements

B.1 Core Values, Ethics, and Core CompetencIes (Old Number 40)

  • B.1.1 Core Values of Librarianship (Old Number 40.1)
  • B.1.2 Code of Professional Ethics for Librarians (Old Number 40.2)
  • B.1.3 Core Competencies of Librarianship (Old Number 40.3)
  • B.1.4 Copyright: An Interpretation of the Code of Professional Ethics for Librarians (NEW)


B.2 (Old Number 53)

  • B.2.1 Library Bill of Rights (Old Number 53.1)
    • B.2.1.1 Challenged Resources (Old Number 53.1.1)
    • B.2.1.2 Expurgation of Library Materials (Old Number 53.1.2)
    • B.2.1.3 Access to Resources and Services in the School Library Media Program (Old Number 53.1.3)
    • B.2.1.4 Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors (Old Number 53.1.4)
    • B.2.1.5 Evaluating Library Collections (Old Number 53.1.5)
    • B.2.1.6 Restricted Access to Library Materials (Old Number 53.1.6)
    • B.2.1.7 Labeling Systems (Old Number 53.1.7)
    • B.2.1.8 Rating Systems (Old Number 53.1.7)
    • B.2.1.9 Exhibit Spaces and Bulletin Boards (Old Number 53.1.8)
    • B.2.1.10 Meeting Rooms (Old Number 53.1.9)
    • B.2.1.11 Library Initiated Programs as a Resource (Old Number 53.1.10)
    • B.2.1.12 Diversity in Collection Development (Old Number 53.1.11)
    • B.2.1.13 Universal Right to Free Expression (Old Number 53.1.12)
    • B.2.1.14
    • B.2.1.15 Economic Barriers to Information Access (Old Number 53.1.14)
    • B.2.1.16 Access to Library Resources and Services Regardless of Sex, Gender Identity, or Sexual Orientation (Old Number 53.1.15)
    • B.2.1.17 Privacy (Old Number 53.1.16)
    • B.2.1.18 Use of Filtering Software in Libraries (Old Number 53.1.17)
      • B. Internet Filtering
    • B.2.1.19 Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries (Old Number 53.1.18)
    • B.2.1.20 Access to Digital Information, Services, and Networks (Old Number 53.1.19)
    • B.2.1.21 Services to Persons with Disabilities (Old Number 53.1.20)
    • B.2.1.22 Advocating for Intellectual Freedom (Old Number 53.1.21)
    • B.2.1.23 Minors and Internet Activity (Old Number 53.1.22)
    • B.2.1.24 Prisoners’ Right to Read (Old Number 53.1.23)
    • B.2.1.25 User-Generated Content in Library Discovery Systems (NEW)
    • B.2.1.26 Religion in Libraries (NEW)
  • B.2.2 Freedom to View (Old Number 53.2)
  • B.2.3 Freedom to Read (Old Number 53.3)
    • B.2.3.1 Linguistic Pluralism (Old Number 53.3.1)
  • B.2.4 Governmental Intimidation (Old Number 53.4)
  • B.2.5 Support of Academic Freedom (Old Number 53.5)
  • B.2.6 Shield Laws (Old Number 53.6)
  • B.2.7 Loyalty Oaths (Old Number 53.7)
  • B.2.8 Destruction of Libraries (Old Number 53.8)
  • B.2.9 Libraries: An American Value (Old Number 53.9)
  • B.2.10 Violence in the Media: A Joint Statement (Old Number 53.10)
  • B.2.11 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology and Privacy Principles (Old Number 53.11)
  • B.2.12 Threats to Library Materials Related to Sex, Gender Identity, or Sexual Orientation (Old Number 53.12)


B.3 (Old Number 60)

  • B.3.1 Policy Objectives (Old Number 60.1)
  • B.3.2 Combating Racism (Old Number 60.2)
  • B.3.3 Combating Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination (Old Number 60.3)
  • B.3.4 Native American Themes (Old Number 59.3)
  • B.3.5 Goals for Inclusive and Culturally Competent Library and Information Services (Old Number 60.4)
  • B.3.6 Library and Information Studies Education to Meet the Needs of a Diverse Society (Old Number 60.5)
  • B.3.7 Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Personnel (Old Number 60.6)
  • B.3.8 Leadership Development and Advancement (Old Number 60.7)


B.4 (Old Number 50)

  • B.4.1 Equal Rights Amendment Legislation (Old Number 50.2)
  • B.4.2 Free Access to Information (Old Number 50.3)
  • B.4.3 Bibliographic Data Bases (Old Number 50.4)
  • B.4.4 Funding for Community Access Cable Programming (Old Number 50.5)
  • B.4.5 Trade Publishers Discounts (Old Number 50.14)
  • B. 4.6 Electronic Environment (Old Number 50.15)
    • B.4.6.1 Principles for the Networked World (Old Number 50.15.1)
    • B.4.6.2 Principles for Digitized Content (Old Number 50.15.2)


B.5 (Old Number 50)

  • B.5.1 Nominations to the Posts of Librarian of Congress and of Archivist of the United States (Old Number 50.7)
  • B.5.2 Financing of Libraries (Old Number 50.8)
  • B.5.3 Disarmament and Conflict Solving Information in Libraries (Old Number 50.10)
  • B.5.4 Nuclear Freeze, the Arms Race and National Security (Old Number 50.11)
  • B.5.5 Environmental Issues (Old Number 50.12)
  • B.5.6 Federal Legislative Policy (Old Number 51)


B.6 (Old Number 58)

  • B.6.1 Policy Objectives (Old Number 58.1)
  • B.6.2 Human Rights and Freedom of Expression (Old Number 58.4.1)
    • B.6.2.1 Article 19 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Old Number 58.4)
    • B.6.2.2 Abridgment of the Rights of Freedom of Foreign Nationals (Old Number 58.3)
    • B.6.2.3 ¾«¶«´«Ã½and IFLA (Old Number 58.4.1)
  • B.6.3 Selection of Consultants to Serve Abroad (Old Number 58.2)
  • B.6.4 Rights of Librarians and Library Workers to Travel (Old Number 58.5)


B.7 (Old Number 56)

  • B.7.1 Graduate Programs in Library and Information Studies (Old Number 56.1)
  • B.7.2 Affirmative Action (Old Number 56.2)
  • B.7.3 Continuing Education (Old Number 56.3)
  • B.7.4 Standards of Accreditation in Library Education: Appeals Procedure (Old Number 55.4)


B.8 (Old Number 52)

  • B.8.1 Literacy (Old Number 50.6)
    • B.8.1.1 Literacy and State Library Agencies (Old Number 50.6.1)
    • B.8.1.2 Literacy and the Role of Libraries (Old Number 50.6.2)
  • B.8.2 Service to Detention Facilities and Jails (Old Number 52.1)
  • B.8.3 Preservation (Old Number 52.2)
    • B.8.3.1 Definition of Digital Preservation and the Revised Preservation Policy (Old Number 52.2.1)
    • B.8.3.2 Recycled Paper (Old Number 52.2.2)
  • B.8.4 School Library Media Programs (Old Number 52.2.3)
    • B.8.4.1 Instruction in the Role of Libraries in Teacher Education (Old Number 52.3)
    • B.8.4.2 The School Library Media Program (Old Number 52.3.1)
    • B.8.4.3 School Library Media Programs: Materials Selection Policy Statements (Old Number 52.3.2)
  • B.8.5 Confidentiality of Library Records (Old Number 52.4)
    • B.8.5.1 The Rights of Library Users and the USA PATRIOT Act (Old Number 52.4.1)
    • B.8.5.2 Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information about Library Users (Old Number 52.4.2)
      • B. Protect Library User Confidentiality in Self-Service Hold Practices (NEW)
    • B.8.5.3 Immigrants’ Rights to Free Public Library Access (Old Number 52.4.3)
    • B.8.5.4 Retention of Library Records (Old Number 52.4.4)
    • B.8.5.5 Support of Immigrant Rights (Old Number 52.4.5)
  • B.8.6 Library Services for Youth (Old Number 52.5)
    • B.8.6.1 Youth Services (Old Number 52.5.1)
    • B.8.6.2 Sex Education Materials in Libraries (Old Number 52.5.2)
    • B.8.6.3 Selective Service Information in Libraries (Old Number 52.5.3)
  • B.8.7 Instruction in the Use of Libraries (Old Number 52.6)
  • B.8.8 Privatization of Publicly Funded Libraries (Old Number 52.7)
  • B.8.9 Disinformation, Media Manipulation and the Destruction of Public Information (Old Number 52.8)
  • B.8.10 Library Services to the Poor (Old Number 61)
    • B.8.10.1 Policy Objectives (Old Number 61.1)
  • B.8.11 The Role of Libraries in Providing E-Government and Emergency Services (Old Number 50.16)


B.9 (Old Number 54)

  • B.9.1 Library and Information Studies and Human Resource Utilization: A Statement of Policy (Old Number 54.1)
  • B.9.2 Librarians: Appropriate Degrees (Old Number 54.2)
    • B.9.2.1 Academic Librarians (Old Number 54.2.1)
    • B.9.2.2 School Library Media Specialists (Old Number 54.2.2)
  • B.9.3 Equal Employment Opportunity (Old Number 54.3)
    • B.9.3.1 Affirmative Action Plans (Old Number 54.3.1)
    • B.9.3.2 Library Services for People with Disabilities (Old Number 54.3.2)
  • B.9.4 Comparable Rewards (Old Number 54.4)
  • B.9.5 Faculty Status of College and University Librarians (Old Number 54.5)
  • B.9.6 Security of Employment for Library Employees (Old Number 54.6)
  • B.9.7 Inclusiveness and Mutual Respect (Old Number 54.7)
  • B.9.8 The Library’s Pay Plan (Old Number 54.8)
  • B.9.9 Permanent Part-Time Employment (Old Number 54.9)
  • B.9.10 Equal Opportunity and Salaries (Old Number 54.10)
  • B.9.11 Collective Bargaining (Old Number 54.11)
  • B.9.12 Residency and Citizenship Requirements (Old Number 54.12)
  • B.9.13 Drug Testing (Old Number 54.13)
  • B.9.14 Information and Referral Services (Old Number 54.14)
  • B.9.15 Institutional Support of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Members to Attend ¾«¶«´«Ã½Conferences (Old Number 54.15)
  • B.9.16 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights (Old Number 54.16)
  • B.9.17 Advertising Salary Ranges (Old Number 54.17)
  • B.9.18 Reproduction of Noncommercial Educational and Scholarly Journals (Old Number 54.18)
  • B.9.19 AIDS Screening (Old Number 54.19)
  • B.9.20 Comprehensive Health Care (Old Number 54.20)
  • B.9.21 Workplace Speech (Old Number 54.21)


B.10 (Old Number 57)


B. 11 Public Relations (Old Number 59)

  • B.11.1 Policy Objectives (Old Number 59.1)
  • B.11.2 Public Information Office Responsibility (Old Number 59.2)
  • B.11.3 National Library Symbol (Old Number 50.13)
