Public Libraries Briefcase


Published by the

*Indicates a previously published article with minor updates, e.g. links/resource names.


Trade Associations for Industry Research

Teresa Williams


Creative Entrepreneurship in Youth Programming

Ashley Johnson


Trends in Librarianship and City Government Combine to Create New Business Research Initiative

Kassie Ettefagh

2018 NJLibsGrowBiz Summit: Building Business Outreach and Services from the Ground Up

Andrea Simzak Levandowski


Understanding Financials Ratios for Small Business

Ray O’Keefe Cruitt

*Public Library Personal Investing Resources

Barbara J. Birkas

*U.S. Demographics

Nelly Somerman

*Importing Resources - Trade Leads

Luise Weiss

*Review of Public Library Websites and their Business Reference Content for Patrons

Doug Doremus

*Best Practices of Adult Financial Literacy in a Large Public Library System

Melissa Jeter

*Writing a Business Plan

Terry Zarsky

*Job Hunting Tips and Resources

Sharon Vincent

*Marketing Your Library's Business Collections

Jennifer Bernardelli

*Finding Company Information: Selected Titles and Tips

Pamela Morgan


Help, I'm not a Business Librarian!

Sal DiVincenzo

Best Practices of Adult Financial Literacy in a Large Public Library System

Melissa Jeter

What's in a Name? Naming Rights as Revenue Generators

Ed Rossman

*Using Local Business Resources in a Challenging Economy

Pinar Arcan

*Market Research @Your Public Library

Terra Moon

*The Business Book Club: Leveraging Brand to Connect to Your Business Community

David Hanson

*BRASS Forum: Twixters, Tweeners & Financial Security

Matthew Tarczy and Elizabeth Carter

*Finding & Using Public Records

Stephanie Maatta and Diane Ashoff

*Fun with Federal Procurement

Susan Gray


Google Drive or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Online Forms

Sal DiVincenzo

Harness the Power of Branding

Eric Petersen


An Introduction to Researching Private Companies

John Raynor


Tracking the Stimulus: Resources for Providing Information on the

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)

Joseph Gremillon

Latino Entrepreneurs Support: Growth Opportunity for Public Libraries

David Hanson

Networking for Business Librarians

Elizabeth Malafi


A Few Social Networking Tools Not to Miss for Business Information:

Social Networking for Business Librarians

David Davisson, Marilyn Hart, and Stephanie L. Maatta

Using Local Business Resources in a Challenging Economy

Pinar Arcan


Top Ten Best Business Reference Sources, For Non-business Librarians

Julie Raynor

Market Research@Your Public Library

Terra Moon

The Business Book Club: Leveraging Brand to Connect to Your Business Community

David Hanson


BRASS Forum: Twixters, Tweeners & Financial Security

Matthew Tarczy and Elizabeth Carter

Historic Stock Prices

Rosalie Bork


Building Business Connections: Outreach 101

Barbara Vlk

Finding & Using Public Records

Stephanie Maatta and Diane Ashoff


Fun with Federal Procurement

Susan Gray

Writing a Business Plan

Terry Zarsky

Job Hunting Tips and Resources

Sharon Vincent


Marketing Your Library's Business Collections

Jennifer Bernardelli

Finding Company Information: Selected Titles and Tips

Pamela Morgan

Small Business Online Resources

Rhonda H. Kleiman

Public Library Personal Investing Resources

Barbara J. Birkas


U.S. Demographics

Nelly Somerman

Tips on Presenting a Small Business Workshop in a Public Library

Irwin D. Faye

Successful Business Programs in Public Libraries

Sharon Vincent

Finding Industry Information

Jennifer Mahnken


Importing Resources - Trade Leads

Luise Weiss

Review of Public Library Websites and their Business Reference Content for Patrons

Doug Doremus