School Library Media Research (SLMR) Volume 14


Hill, Renee Franklin and Kafi Kumasi. "Bridging the Gaps: Measuring Cultural Competence among Future School Library and Youth Services Library Professionals." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: December 2011

Herring, James E. "Year 7 Students, Information Literacy, and Transfer: A Grounded Theory." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: December 2011

Nesmith, Suzanne, Sandi Cooper, and Gretchen Schwa. "Exploring Graphic Novels for Elementary Science and Mathematics." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: November 2011

Everhart, Nancy, Marcia A. Mardis, and Melissa Johnston. "National Board Certified School Librarians’ Leadership in Technology Integration: Results of a National Survey." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: October 2011

Perrault, Anne Marie. "Reaching All Learners: Understanding and Leveraging Points of Intersection for School Librarians and Special Education Teachers." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: September 2011

Neuman, Delia. "Constructing Knowledge in the Twenty-First Century: I-LEARN and Using Information as a Tool for Learning." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: August 2011

Williamson, Kirsty and Joy McGregor. "Generating Knowledge and Avoiding Plagiarism: Smart Information Use by High School Students." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: August 2011

Kimmel, Sue C. "'Consider with Whom You are Working:' Discourse Models of School Librarianship in Collaboration." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: April 2011

Magnuson, Marta L. "Perceptions of Self and the "Other": An Analysis of Challenges to And Tango Makes Three." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: March 2011

Crow, Sherry R. "Exploring the Experiences of Upper Elementary School Children Who Are Intrinsically Motivated to Seek Information. School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: March 2011

Ewbank, Ann Dutton. "Values-Oriented Factors Leading to Retention of School Librarian Positions: A School District Case Study." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: March 2011

Smith, Daniella. Educating Preservice School Librarians to Lead: A Study of Self-Perceived Transformational Leadership Behaviors." School Library Media Research Vol. 14 (2011).

Board approved: March 2011

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