Recruitment to the Profession


ALA’s Recruitment Assembly maintains the which is an interactive resource that contains information about successful recruitment efforts as well as a variety of recruitment materials.

¾«¶«´«Ã½provides several useful tools for advertising the profession that may be useful in recruiting:

Web Sites

State organizations, other associations, and library schools have developed sites to promote librarianship. In addition to those listed in the state-by-state information, check out these sites.

Job statistics, selecting the career, locating library schools, certification requirements, finding a job, and help for new school librarians.

Other Resources

A wide range of resources are already out there. Many have information specific to the creating group, but provide ideas of what your group might do. Contact the sponsoring organization for more information.

  • Association for Indiana Media Educators. Media Specialists: A Vital Link to Educational Standards.
  • ¾«¶«´«Ã½Youth Services Divisions. The Ultimate Search Engine Could Be You (text for a brochure promoting librarianship for children and youth)
  • Kaaland, Christie. (2010). Recruitment to the Profession: A Form of Advocacy. School Library Monthly, 26 (10), 44-46.
  • Klais, Madge & Bugher, Kate. (2010). Helping Administrators Recruit and Support School Library Information Specialists. Library Media Connection 29(2), 22-23.
  • Bishop, Kay & Janczak, Sue. (2007). Recruiting the Next Generation of School Librarians. Library Media Connection 26(2), 14-18.

Talking Points:

Displays and Posters

Displays at job fairs, in the library, at conferences, and in other public places are a good way to promote the profession. Beverly Obert, Rolling Priaire Library System in Decatur, Illinois, provide guidelines for creating your own displays.

Recruitment Events

Job Fairs or Career Days

Events promoting different careers to high school students, college students, or the general public are good venues for promoting the profession. Beverly Obert of the Rolling Prairie Library System provides some tips on setting up a career day.

Job Shadow Day gives students across America the chance to "shadow" a workplace mentor as he or she goes through a day on the job. School, academic and public librarians will receive information and support from ¾«¶«´«Ã½divisions including AASL to participate in the program as part of recruitment efforts.

Open House

There are several ways to approach this event that can promote both the library and the job of the library media specialist. In schools, this may be done in conjunction with a general school open house that attracts parents and community members. A school library might consider hosting an open house in conjunction with other technology staff in the school or district. Ideas from public library systems can be modified for use in individual schools or districts.

"The Great Librarian Adventure”

The Alliance Library System, Illinois, created with the help of an LSTA grant a recruiting campaign titled "The Great Librarian Adventure" which includes suggestions for speaking engagements and library tours.