School Library Research (SLR) Citations


Manuscript Citations are in alphabetical order by volume and author.

Volume 26

Kimmel, S., Moore, J., Morris, R., Church, A., & Ewbank A. (2023). School Libr*: A Review of Published Research Articles from 2019. School Library Research 26. <>.

Spiering, J., Santos Green, L., & Bowman, J. (2023). LGBTQIA+ Inclusive School Library Research: A Systematic Literature Review. School Library Research 26. <>.

Volume 25

Kammer, J., Atkins, C. & Burress, R. (2022). The Personal Cost of Small Budgets & Underfunded Libraries: Out-of-Pocket Spending by School Librarians during COVID-19. School Library Research, 25. <>

Koh, K., Ge, X., & Petrella, J. B. (2022). Librarian-teacher co-teaching and the role of school librarians in facilitating inquiry and maker learning. School Library Research, 25. <>

Smith, D., Milburn, S., Esener, Y. & Colby, D. (2022). Teacher Perceptions of One-to-One Laptop Implementation: Suggestions for the Role of School Librarians. School Library Research, 25. <>

Wake, D., Hu, H., & Shaw E. (2022). School Librarians Leading from the Center in Online Learning Contexts: Informal Communities of Practice Creating Space for Connection and Collaboration. School Library Research 25. <>.

Volume 24

Burns, Elizabeth, and April M. Dawkins. 2021. “School Librarian Preparation and Practice: An Exploration of the AASL National School Library Standards and ALA/AASL/CAEP School Librarian Preparation Standards.” School Library Research 24. <>.

Cates, Michelle. 2021. “Social Media to Survive and Thrive: School Librarians Describe Online Professional Learning.” School Library Research 24. <>.

Dawkins, April M., and Emily Eidson. 2021. “A Content Analysis of District School Library Selection Policies in the United States.” School Library Research 24. <>.

Harland, Pamela, Judi Moreillon, and Anita Cellucci. 2021. “Take Action: A Content Analysis of Administrators’ Understandings of and Advocacy for the Roles and Responsibilities of School Librarians.” School Library Research 24. <>.

Kammer, Jenna, Matt King, Allison Donahay, and Heather Koeberl. 2021. “Strategies for Successful School Librarian and Teacher Collaboration.” School Library Research 24. <>.

Lewis, Melanie A. 2021. “Enabling School Librarians to Serve as Instructional Leaders of Multiple Literacies.” School Library Research 24. <>.

Robinson, David E., and Scot W. McNary. 2021. “School Library Instruction: Does Teaching Experience Matter?” School Library Research 24. <>.

Soulen, Rita Reinsel. 2021. “Enabling Collaboration through Mentorship: Examining the Role of the School Librarian.” School Library Research 24. <>.

Thompson, Jessica, Michelle Barthlow, and Kelly Paynter. 2021. “School Librarians’ Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Predictor of Reading Scores?” School Library Research 24. <>.

Volume 23

Burns, Elizabeth. 2020. “Reflective School Library Practitioners: Use of Journaling to Strengthen Practice.” School Library Research 23. <>.

DiScala, Jeffrey, Elizabeth A. Burns, and Sue C. Kimmel. 2020. “Pre-Service School Librarians’ Perceptions of Research Pedagogy: An Exploratory Study.” </aasl/slr/volume23/discala-burns-kimmel>

Leung, Lok-Man, Dickson Chiu, and Patrick Lo. 2020 “School Librarians View of Cooperation with Public Libraries: A Win-Win Situation in Hong Kong.” School Library Research 23. <>.

Soulen, Rita Reinsel. 2020. “School Librarian Interventions for New-Teacher Resilience: A CLASS II Field Study.” <>

Sultanik, Alyssa. 2020. “Genrefying the Children’s Fiction Collection.” School Library Research 23. <>.

Wood, Clare, et al. 2020. “Exploring the Literacy-Related Behaviors and Feelings of Pupils Eligible for Free School Meals in Relation to Their Use of and Access to School Libraries.” School Library Research 23. <>.

Volume 22

Boulden, Danielle Cadieux, Lauren Pellegrino, and Joanna Gerakios. 2019. "Career Growth through Action Research: Outcomes from a Structured Professional Development Approach for In-Service School Librarians." <>

Crary, Sarah. 2019. “Secondary Teacher Perceptions and Openness to Change Regarding Instruction in Information Literacy Skills.” <>

Dawkins, April M., and Karen W. Gavigan. 2019. "E-Book Collections in High School Libraries: Factors Influencing Circulation and Usage." <>

Kimmel, Sue C., Marcia A. Mardis, Shana Pribesh, Laura A. Pasquini, Barbara Schultz-Jones, Faye R. Jones, Lois D. Wine, and Lenese M. Colson. 2019. “The Preparation and Certification of School Librarians: Using Causal Educational Research about Teacher Characteristics to Probe Facets of Effectiveness.” <>

Phillips, Abigail L., and Victor R. Lee. 2019. “Whose Responsibility Is It? A Statewide Survey of School Librarians on Responsibilities and Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship.” <>

Volume 21

Frye, Julie Marie. 2018. “Assimilation or Humiliation? An Analysis of Professional Identities after Critical Events in the Workplace.” <>

Garrison, Kasey L., Lee FitzGerald, and Alinda Sheerman. 2018. “ ‘ Just Let Me Go at It’: Exploring Students’ Use and Perceptions of Guided Inquiry.” <>

Johnston, Melissa P., and Lucy Santos Green. 2018. “Still Polishing the Diamond: School Library Research over the Last Decade.” <>

Moeller, Robin A., and Kim Becnel. 2018. “Drawing Diversity: Representations of Race in Graphic Novels for Young Adults.” <>

Reed, Karen Nourse, and Eric L. Oslund. 2018. “School Librarians as Co-Teachers of Literacy: Librarian Perceptions and Knowledge in the Context of the Literacy Instruction Role.” <>

Ross, Natalie Hoyle. 2018. “Sparking Reading Motivation with the Bluestem: School Librarians’ Role with a Children’s Choice Award.” <>

Taylor, Natalie Greene, Jennifer Moore, Marijke Visser, and Colette Drouillard. 2018. “Incorporating Computational Thinking into Library Graduate Course Goals and Objectives.” <>

Volume 20

Merga, Margaret K. 2017. “Becoming a Reader: Significant Social Influences on Avid Book Readers.” <>

Morris, Rebecca, and Maria Cahill. 2017. “A Study of How We Study: Methodologies of School Library Research 2007 through July 2015.” <>

Santos Green, Lucy, Stephanie A. Jones, and Panne Andrea Burke. 2017. “School Librarians Fully Online: Preparing the Twenty-First Century Professional.” <>

Scott, Rebecca, and Charles Inskip. 2017. “UK Preparatory School Librarians’ and Teachers' Design and Use of Reading Lists: A Qualitative Study of Approaches, Perceptions, and Content.” <>

Weeks, Ann Carlson, Jeffrey DiScala, Diane L. Barlow, Sheri A. Massey, et al. 2017. “The Lilead Survey: A National Study of District-Level Library Supervisors: Roles, Responsibilities, Challenges, and Professional Development Needs.” <>

Volume 19

Arnone, Marilyn P., Ruth V. Small, and Shicheng Weng. “Are Self-Perception Measures Used in School Library Research Transferable to the Context of Public Library Summer Reading Programs?” <>

Burns, Elizabeth, Sue Kimmel, and Gail Dickinson. “Anatomy of Advocacy: A Case Study of the White House Petition.” <>

Crow, Sherry, and Lisa Kastello. “The Dispositions of Elementary School Children of Individualistic and Collectivist Cultures Who Are Intrinsically Motivated to Seek Information.” <>

Everhart, Nancy, and Melissa P. Johnston. “A Proposed Theory of School Librarian Leadership: A Meta-Ethnographic Approach.” <>

Gross, Melissa, Don Latham, Jennifer Underhill, and Hyerin Bak. “The Peritext Book Club: Reading to Foster Critical Thinking about STEAM Texts.” <>

Harada, Violet. “A Practice-Centered Approach to Professional Development: Teacher-Librarian Collaboration in Capstone Projects.” <>

Luetkemeyer, Jennifer, and Marcia Mardis. “Applying the Quadratic Usage Framework to Research on K–12 STEM Digital Learning Resources.” <>

Moore, Jennifer, and Maria Cahill. “Audiobooks: Legitimate ‘Reading’ Material for Adolescents?” <>

Weeks, Ann Carlson, Jeffrey DiScala, Diane L. Barlow, et al. “The Lilead Survey: A National Study of District-Level Library Supervisors: The Position, Office, and Characteristics of the Supervisor.” <>

Volume 18

Church, Audrey. “Performance-Based Evaluation and School Librarians.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Crow, Sherry. “The Information-Seeking Behavior of Intrinsically Motivated Elementary School Children of a Collectivist Culture.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Kim, Sung Un. “Enablers and Inhibitors to English Language Learners’ Research Process in a High School Setting.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Markey, Patricia T., and Michel L. Miller. "Introducing an Information-Seeking Skill in a School Library to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Using Video Modeling and Least-to-Most Prompts." American Association of School Librarians. <>

Robins, Jennifer. "Action Research Empowers School Librarians." American Association of School Librarians. <>

Rawson, Casey, Janice Anderson, and Sandra Hughes-Hassell. “Preparing Pre-Service School Librarians for Science-Focused Collaboration with Pre-Service Elementary Teachers: The Design and Impact of a Cross-Class Assignment.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Ewbank, Ann Dutton. “Union-Active School Librarians and School Library Advocacy: A Modified Case Study of the British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association and the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Volume 17

Adkins, Denice. “U.S. Students, Poverty, and School Libraries: What Results of the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment Tell Us.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Donham, Jean. “College Ready—What Can We Learn from First-Year College Assignments? An Examination of Assignments in Iowa Colleges and Universities.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Everhart, Nancy, and Marcia Mardis. 2014. “What Do Stakeholders Know about School Library Programs? Results of a Focus Group Evaluation.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Moreillon, Judi, Sue Kimmel, and Karen Gavigan. “Educating Pre-Service School Librarians for the Instructional Partner Role: An Exploration into University Curricula.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Richey, Jennifer, and Maria Cahill. “School Librarians’ Experiences with Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Small, Ruth V. “The Motivational and Information Needs of Young Innovators: Stimulating Student Creativity and Inventive Thinking.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Varlejs, Jana, Eileen Stec, and Hannah Kwon. 2014. “Factors Affecting Students’ Information Literacy as They Transition from High School to College.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Volume 16

DiScala, Jeffrey, and Ann Carlson Weeks. 2013. “Access Denied: School Librarians’ Responses to School District Policies on the Use of Social Media Tools.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Hughes-Hassell, Sandra; Overberg, Elizabeth; and Harris, Shannon. 2013. “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ)-Themed Literature for Teens: Are School Libraries Providing Adequate Collections?” American Association of School Librarians. </aasl/slr/volume16/hughes-hassell-overberg-harris>

Kovalik, Cindy; Yutzey, Susan; and Piazza, Laura. 2013. “Information Literacy and High School Seniors: Perceptions of the Research Process.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Krueger, Karla Steege, and Jean Donham. 2013. “Professional Staffing Levels and Fourth-Grade Student Research in Rural Schools with High-Poverty Levels.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Latham, Don; Gross, Melissa; and Witte, Shelbie. 2013. “Preparing Teachers and Librarians to Collaborate to Teach 21st Century Skills: Views of LIS and Education Faculty.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Subramaniam, Mega; Ahn, June; Waugh, Amanda; Greene Taylor, Natalie; Druin, Allison; Fleischmann, Kenneth R.; and Walsh, Greg. 2013. “Crosswalk between the Framework for K–12 Science Education and Standards for the 21st-Century Learner: School Librarians as the Crucial Link.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Subramaniam, Mega; Oxley, Rebecca; and Kodama, Christie. 2013. “School Librarians as Ambassadors of Inclusive Information Access for Students with Disabilities.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Whittingham, Jeff; Huffman, Stephanie; Christensen, Rob; and McAllister, Tracy. 2013. “Use of Audiobooks in a School Library and Positive Effects of Struggling Readers’ Participation in a Library-Sponsored Audiobook Club.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Volume 15

Antrim, Patricia and Robins, Jennifer, 2012. "School Librarians and Response to Intervention," American Association of School Librarians. <>

Chu, Samuel Kai Wah. 2012. "Assessing Information Literacy: A Case Study of Primary 5 Students in Hong Kong", American Association of School Librarians. <>

Collins, Karla B. and Carol A. Doll. 2012. " Resource Provisions of a High School Library Collection", American Association of School Librarians. <>

Dequoy, Elyse and Stefl-Mabry, Joette. 2012. “Retrospective Reflection: Insight into Pre-Service School Librarians’ Competencies and Skill Development as Revealed through Field Notes", School Library Research. American Association of School Librarians. <>

Dow, Mirah J. and McMahon-Lakin, Jacqueline. 2012. "School Librarian Staffing Levels and Student Achievement as Represented in 2006–2009 Kansas Annual Yearly Progress Data", American Association of School Librarians. <>

Hill, Renee F., 2012. "Strengths and Opportunities: School Librarians Serving Students with Special Needs in Central New York State," American Association of School Librarians. <>

Irwin, Marilyn and Moeller, Robin. 2012. "Seeing the Same: A Follow-Up Study on the Portrayals of Disability in Graphic Novels Read by Young Adults", School Library Research. American Association of School Librarians. <>

Johnston, Melissa P., 2012. "School Librarians as Technology Integration Leaders: Enablers and Barriers to Leadership Enactment," American Association of School Librarians. <>

Kimmel, Sue C., 2012. "Collaboration as School Reform: Are There Patterns in the Chaos of Planning with Teachers?". American Association of School Librarians. <>

Krueger, Karla S., 2012. "The Status of Statewide Subscription Databases," American Association of School Librarians. <>

Montiel-Overall, Patricia and Hernández, Anthony C.R. 2012. "The Effect of Professional Development on Teacher and Librarian Collaboration: Preliminary Findings Using a Revised Instrument, TLC-III", American Association of School Librarians. <>

Moreillon, Judi; Cahill, Maria; and Rebecca McKee. 2012. "State Library Conferences as Professional Development Venues: Unbalanced Support for the AASL-Defined Roles of the School Librarian", American Association of School Librarians. <>

Richey, Jennifer. 2012. "Motivators and Barriers to Sexual-Health Information Provision in High School Libraries: Perspectives from District-Level Library Coordinators and High School Principals", School Library Research. American Association of School Librarians. <>

Todd, Ross J., 2012. "School Libraries and the Development of Intellectual Agency: Evidence from New Jersey," American Association of School Librarians. <>

Volume 14

Cooper, Sandi and Nesmith, Suzanne and Schwarz, Gretchen. 2011. "Exploring Graphic Novels for Elementary Science and Mathematics”, School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Crow, Sherry R. 2012. "Exploring the Experiences of Upper Elementary School Children Who Are Intrinsically Motivated to Seek Information", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Everhart, Nancy and Johnston, Melissa and Mardis, Marcia A. 2011. "National Board Certified School Librarians’ Leadership in Technology Integration: Results of a National Survey”, School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>.

Ewbank, Ann Dutton. 2012. “Values-Oriented Factors Leading to Retention of School Librarian Positions: A School District Case Study", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Herring, James E. 2012. "Year 7 Students, Information Literacy, and Transfer: A Grounded Theory”, School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Hill, Renee Frankin and Kumasi, Kafi. 2012. "Bridging the Gaps: Measuring Cultural Competence Among Future School Library and Youth Services Library Professionals", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Kimmel, Sue C. 2012. “Consider with Whom You are Working: Discourse Models of School Librarianship in Collaboration”. School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Magnuson, Marta L. 2012. " Perceptions of Self and the "Other": An Analysis of Challenges to And Tango Makes Three", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

McGregor, Joy and Williamson, Kirsty. 2012. "Generating Knowledge and Avoiding Plagiarism: Smart Information Use by High School Students", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Neuman, Delia. 2011. "Constructing Knowledge in the Twenty-First Century: I-LEARN and Using Information as a Tool for Learning”, School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Perrault, Anne Marie. 2011. "Reaching All Learners: Understanding and Leveraging Points of Intersection for School Librarians and Special Education Teachers”, School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Smith, Daniella. 2012. “Educating Preservice School Librarians to Lead: A Study of Self-Perceived Transformational Leadership Behaviors", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Volume 13

Bush, Gail; Jones, Jami L.. 2010. "Exploration to Identify Professional Dispositions of School Librarians: A Delphi Study,‖ School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Chu, Samuel K. W; Mak, Maggie Y. K.; Tsang, Ka-yee. 2010. "An Electronic News Database for Upper Primary School Students and Teachers in Hong Kong", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>.

Church, Audrey P. 2010. "Secondary School Principals‘ Perceptions of the School Librarian‘s Instructional Role", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Farmer, Lesley and Safer, Alan M., 2010. "Developing California School Library Media Program Standards", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Howard, Jody K.. 2010. "The Relationship between School Culture and the School Library Program: Four Case Studies", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Irwin, Marilyn and Moeller, Robin. 2010. "Seeing Different: Portrayals of Disability in Young Adult Graphic Novels", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Rickman, Wendy. 2010. "A Study of Self-Censorship by School Librarians", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Small, Ruth V.; Shanahan, Kathryn A.; Stasak, Megan. 2010. "The Impact of New York‘s School Libraries on Student Achievement and Motivation: Phase III", School Library Research. ¾«¶«´«Ã½. <>

Volume 12

Amone, Marilyn P., and Reynolds, Rebecca. 2009. “Empirical Support for the Integration of Dispositions in Action and Multiple Literacies into AASL's Standards for the 21st Century Learner.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Harris, Frances Jacobsen. 2009. “Challenges to Teaching Evaluation of Online Information: A View from LM_NET.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Hughes-Hassell, Sandra; Barkley, Heather A.; and Koehler, Elizabeth. 2009. “Promoting Equity in Children’s Literacy Instruction: Using a Critical Race Theory Framework to Examine Transitional Books.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Krueger, Karla Steege. 2009. “A Case Study of a Rural Iowa School Preparing to Meet New State Guidelines for School Libraries.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Lukenbill, Bill, and Immroth, Barbara. 2009. “School and Public Youth Librarians as Health Information Gatekeepers: Research from the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Mardis, Marcia A., and Dickinson, Gail K. 2009. “Far Away, So Close: Preservices School Library Media Specialists' Perceptions of AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Small, Ruth V., and Snyder, Jamie. 2009. “The Impact of New York’s School Libraries on Student Achievement and Motivation: Phase II—In-Depth Study.” American Association of School Librarians. <>

Small, Ruth V.; Snyder, Jamie; and Parker, Katie. 2009. “The Impact of New York’s School Libraries on Student Achievement and Motivation: Phase I.” American Association of School Librarians. <>