School Library Media Research (SLMR) Volume 12


Hughes-Hassell, Sandra, Heather A. Barkley, and Elizabeth Koehler. "Promoting Equity in Children's Literacy Instruction: Using a Critical Race Theory Framework to Examine Transitional Books." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: December 2009

Krueger, Karla Steege. "A Case Study of a Rural Iowa School Preparing to Meet New State Guidelines for School Libraries." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: December 2009

Mardis, Marcia A. and Gail K. Dickinson. "Far Away, So Close: Preservices School Library Media Specialists' Perceptions of AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: October 2009

Arnone, Marilyn P. and Rebecca Reynolds. "Empirical Support for the Integration of Dispositions in Action and Multiple Literacies into AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: October 2009

Small, Ruth V. and Jaime Snyder. "The Impact of New York's School Libraries on Student Achievement and Motivation: Phase II—In-Depth Study." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: October 2009

Small, Ruth V., Jaime Snyder, and Katie Parker. "The Impact of New York's School Libraries on Student Achievement and Motivation: Phase I." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: June 2009

Harris, Frances Jacobson. "Challenges to Teaching Evaluation of Online Information: A View from LM_NET." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: June 2009

Lukenbill, Bill and Barbara Immroth. "School and Public Youth Librarians as Health Information Gatekeepers: Research from the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas." School Library Media Research Vol. 12 (2009).

Board approved: March 2009

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