CSKBART Leadership and Governance


The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table (CSKBART) is administered by elected Executive Board members and appointed Standing Committee chairs. These representatives are:

Executive Board

Dr. Janice Newsum, Chair 2023-2025

Jason Driver, Chair Elect, 2023-2025

Dr. Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, Immediate Past Chair 2020 -2023

Dr. Susan Smith, Treasurer 2023- 2025

Dr. Mariam Thomas, Recording Secretary, 2023-2024

Kimberly Patton, Corresponding Secretary 2023-2025

Standing Committees

Barbara Clark, Chair

Dr. Marguerite Penick, Chair

Dr. LaKeshia Darden, Chair CSK Book Awards Jury

Sonja Gaddy, Chair

Kacie Armstrong, Chair

Caryl Matute, Chair

Dr. Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, Chair

Dr. Nhora Serrano, Chair

Vacant, Chair

Vacant, Chair

Emma K. McNamara, Chair Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement Award Jury

Gladys Smiley Bell, Chair 55th CSK Anniversary Celebration


  • The CSKBART Executive Board and Standing Committee Chairs are currently working to update the Leadership and Governance Documents, including the CSKBART Constitution and Bylaws.

Jury Manual