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What you can do to fight censorship, keep books available in your libraries, and promote the freedom to read!


Banned Books Week offers an opportunity for readers to voice censorship concerns, celebrate free expression and show their communities the importance of intellectual freedom. Here’s what you can do to fight censorship, keep books available in libraries, and promote the freedom to read!

A blue megaphone coming out of a red open book

Stay informed. If you hear of a challenge at your local library, support your librarian and free and open access to library materials by (OIF). OIF estimates it learns of only 3-18% of book challenges. Find out your library's policy for reviewing challenged materials. Stay updated about intellectual freedom by signing up for the free newsletter, or reading the .

Attend a Banned Books Week program. Libraries, schools, bookstores and literary communities are celebrating the freedom to read across the world. See a schedule of events on the .

Stream a Banned Books Week webinar. Designed for libraries and schools to stream as programs during Banned Books Week celebrations, are a way for library users to explore censorship history and trends in a place that advocates for their freedom to read every day: their own library.

Organize your own Banned Books Week program. This could be at your school, public library, or favorite bookstore. Think “outside the book" when brainstorming ideas. OIF offers an array of resources, such as options for a and . The Banned Books Week hosts a collection of ideas to spark your creativity.

Participate in the Stand for the Banned Virtual Read-out. from across the world in filming yourself reading from your favorite banned book. The videos are featured on the .

Write a letter to a favorite banned or challenged author. Take some time to thank a banned or challenged author for their words. Author addresses and Twitter handles can be found on the .

that address censorship and banned books to the Intellectual Freedom Blog. Posts can be news items, reviews and listicals.

Perform a play about the freedom to read. The Office for Intellectual Freedom offers a of YA novel The Sledding Hill, written by frequently banned author Chris Crutcher.

Proclaim Banned Books Week at your local library. Use our to announce your library’s dedication to the freedom to read.

Stock up on Banned Books Week materials. Every year, OIF produces a line of . Show your literary pride with T-shirts, bookmarks and posters, while helping support OIF. We also offer a with graphics, official logos and social media tools.

Write a letter to the editor. Edit and adapt this “Read a Banned Book” for your local newspaper. Include local Banned Books Week programs so your community can support their right to read.

Brush up on banned book history. The latest edition of contains an annotated list of challenged and banned books, as well as the history of literary censorship.

Help spread the word. Use the hashtag to declare your right to read.

Speak out. Announce the importance of unrestricted reading on your local public radio station with a . Write , your public library director and your school principal supporting the freedom to read. Talk to your friends about why everyone should be allowed to choose for themselves and their families what they read.

Exercise your reading rights. Check out a banned book. Encourage your book club to discuss rebellious reads.

Join the . It's dedicated to the legal and financial defense of intellectual freedom, especially in libraries.

Support Banned Books Week with a , , , or donation.

Share how you're celebrating Banned Books Week with OIF at; your ideas may inspire others!