Budget & Finance Overview

From the ALSC Handbook of Organization: Program and Budget Development


Current budgetary procedures require that ALSC’s budget must be in line with a budgetary ceiling set by BARC based on the estimated below sources of income. The draft budget as developed by the ALSC Budget Committee, and discussed by the ALSC Board, is prepared and submitted by the ALSC Executive Director to the Director of Planning and Budget after the Midwinter Meeting. The ¾«¶«´«Ã½Executive Director, the Chief Financial Officer, and BARC review the budget to assure that it is within overall general ¾«¶«´«Ã½policies and guidelines.

BARC presents its recommended budget to the Council and Executive Board at the Annual Conference. A budgetary ceiling for divisions is adopted at that time. At the Fall ¾«¶«´«Ã½Executive Board meeting (when the previous year’s figures are available and the exact balance is determined), the final division budgets are adopted.

The ALSC Board gives final approval to the ALSC Budget at the Annual Conference, making any amendments it desires at that time.

Budget—General Information

  1. Source of Funds


    1. Article I, Section 2: …All [ALA] personal members shall be eligible for membership in any division upon payment of annual dues as established by the division.

    2. Article I, Section 2(c): All division membership dues for organization members will be credited to respective divisions.

    3. Article VI; Section 6:

      1. All dues paid by personal members for division membership are credited to the division. Additional allotments may be made by the Executive Board upon BARC’s recommendation.

      2. All divisional funds are in the custody of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Executive Board, to be accounted for and disbursed by its designated officer on authorization of the division officers.

      3. A division shall have the right, by vote of its members, to impose additional fees. Funds so collected shall be subjected to the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) above.

    4. Article VI; Section 7:

      No division shall incur expense on behalf of the Association except as authorized…

      ALSC Bylaws:

      Article III, Sec. 2: The ALSC may charge additional fees in accordance with the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Bylaws, Article I, Sec. 2 and Article VI, Sec. 6(c), when approval of such fees has been given by the membership by a mail vote.

  2. Outside Funds

    Any project for which funds are to be sought from an outside agency must have the approval of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Executive Board. The Executive Board determines the method of negotiation with outside agencies and approves the agencies to be approached.

  3. The ¾«¶«´«Ã½General Budget, by agreement with the division in 1988, provides ALSC with basic support services. For details of these see the Operating Agreement in the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Handbook of Organization.

  4. ALSC’s budget, as approved by the Board, must include:

    1. Children and Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children

    2. Salaries of all staff working for ALSC (Salary scales and benefits set by the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Executive Board)

    3. Postage

    4. Phone

    5. Computer printouts of membership, mailing labels, etc.

    6. Printing and duplicating services

    7. Division Executive Committee Expenses (e.g., costs of postage, telephone during year of presidency, Fall and Spring Planning Meeting expenses)

    8. Committee expenses

    9. Division travel expenses

    10. Special projects: workshops, institutes, preconferences, special handbooks, etc.

    11. Restricted Funds and Endowment Funds

    12. Newsletter expenses

    13. Special grant and award funds

Budgetary Procedure

  1. The Vice-President (President-Elect), the President, the fiscal officer, and the ALSC Executive Director discuss expected budgetary needs and procedures at their Fall meeting. These are communicated to Chair of the Budget Committee by the fiscal officer.

  2. The Executive Director, (with the advice and assistance of the Budget Committee Chair and the fiscal officer) prepares a preliminary draft budget based on:

    1. ongoing activities, that merit continuation

    2. new activities, that merit implementation

    3. estimated increases and additional needs for personnel, salaries, technology and equipment, paper, printing, postage, telephone, Children & Libraries Journal and newsletter, etc.

    4. Estimated travel needs

    5. Special projects

    6. Other

  3. The Chair presents the tentative budget and recommended priorities (as determined by the Committee) to the ALSC Board of Directors for discussion at Midwinter.

  4. Following Midwinter, the ALSC Executive Director prepares the budget, according to ¾«¶«´«Ã½form, using the Budget Committee and Board priorities as a guide, and submits the budget to the Director of Planning and Budget and BARC for review as to conformity with ¾«¶«´«Ã½general policies and guidelines.

  5. If the budget must be adjusted within the period between Midwinter and final approval (due to previously unknown price or salary increases, overhead rates, or other items), the Executive Director confers with the Chair of the Budget Committee. All budgetary adjustments are made within the guidelines of priorities established by the Board.

  6. Final budget, as submitted, is presented to the ALSC Board at the Annual Conference.

  7. The ¾«¶«´«Ã½Executive Board approves the budgetary ceiling at the Annual Conference, and finally in the fall.