How Library Outreach Workers Became a Lifeline to Their Communities During COVID-19



By: David Kelsey, 2021 Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services President, and Lori Berezovsky, 2021 Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services President-Elect

When COVID-19 hit the United States in March 2020, libraries responded by discovering new and innovative ways to connect with their community members through bookmobile and outreach programs. Library outreach workers have been at the forefront of serving their communities throughout the pandemic, ensuring that patrons have access to quality and meaningful materials and resources.

Picture of St Charles Public Library outreach vehicle with two staff members in front of vehicle

While wearing PPE and practicing social distancing, outreach staff quickly adapted to meet the needs of their communities by providing the following services:

  • Providing virtual storytimes to children.
  • Leading virtual programming to seniors, featuring programs that spark reminiscence.
  • Visiting seniors residing in facilities through “window chats.”
  • Calling seniors on the phone to provide well-being checks.
  • Launching a “Dial-A-Story” phone line for patrons of all ages.
  • Assembling “take & make” craft kits for children and adults.
  • Launching a “W-iFi on Wheels” program using mobile libraries to provide free Wi-Fi to patrons.
  • Hosting Pop-Up Libraries in underserved areas of the community to ensure residents have access to materials.
  • Spearheading contactless material delivery and Books by Mail to serve seniors in isolation.
  • Using bookmobiles or outreach vans to deliver food and clothing to residents in need.
  • Registering seniors for COVID-19 vaccines.

Library bookmobile and outreach workers have met their communities at their point of need during COVID-19, serving patrons hardest hit with a friendly face and kind word. Outreach staff have become a lifeline to their communities, providing innovative services to engage, comfort, and supply critical information, resources, and materials.

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