Kim Pittman

I love being a librarian primarily because of the people it brings me into contact with, including students, colleagues, faculty, mentors, and collaborators. Being part

Kimberly Bailey


My main job is to provide reference assistance and library instruction to the Pitt-Bradford Community. I serve as the liaison librarian to the biological &

Kimberly Shotick


Life as an academic librarian for me is about listening, learning, and evolving. The challenges that students face are numerous and varied, and while I

Kristen Cooper


I have always enjoyed science, and for most of my childhood I wanted to be a marine biologist. Now as an academic librarian, one of

Kristin Williams


As I'm writing this I'm struggling to find words about life as an academic librarian. We're being asked to stretch already too-thin budgets and making

Kristina Clement


The university library is the heart of campus--often literally, but more often metaphorically. In my work as a professional librarian, I strive to create a

Kristina De Voe


I think librarians help shape their campus communities in meaningful ways by bringing together campus stakeholders and furthering dialogue around topics like textbook affordability, information

Kristy Nowak


I think librarians are well-positioned to make significant contributions to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice on academic campuses, but we have to focus more

Larry Alford

I have been privileged to witness the technological transformation of libraries and the revolution of how we discover and access information. I began working in

Laura Bowering Mullen


I have had a wonderful career as an academic science librarian. Over the years, there has always been something exciting happening in science librarianship and

Laura Gariepy


When I decided somewhat on a whim to go to library school, I never could have imagined what an incredibly fulfilling career I would find

Lauren Tubbs


Since becoming an academic librarian, I have been able to find my tribe. Finding belonging at one's place of work is a hard dream for

Leslie L. Morgan

In research-based academic institutions, there is tremendous opportunity for instruction librarians-public service librarians, to evolve our efforts to include digital humanities endeavors within our pedagogy

Liana Bayne

One of my favorite parts of academic librarianship is the way in which it touches all areas of a campus – the beautiful way in

Linda Miles


This stuff is challenging. We get knocked down, but we get back up again--as the song says. We don't do this work for the money

Lisa Campbell

If I could I’d probably put a Leslie Knope gif. To spend each day learning, enabling learning in others, and thinking creatively is a real

Lisa Kallman Hopkins


As an academic librarian at this particularly unique university, we serve students who are hungry to learn, hungry to have a better life for themselves

Livia Piotto


My love for books and for the written word has brought me to become a librarian. In my mind the world of libraries was quiet

Lorelei Sterling


I love my job! My favorite part of my current position is mentoring my staff. I focus quite a bit of time ensuring that I

Lori Birrell


As academic librarians we tend to focus on the functional aspects of our work, like learning new metadata standards, Open Access models, or active learning

Lorisia MacLeod

Librarianship doesn't stop at the border, so why should I? That's been the phrase I've been using to drive myself to get outside of my

Lu Gao

I come from China. I have earned a B.A. in International Trade and a Masters of Public Administration. My educational and work experiences are cross-cultural

Lucas Berrini

If you had asked me ten years ago if was going to be the ACRL member of the week, I would have laughed you out

Luz Badillo


My favorite thing about being an academic librarian is the opportunity to support and learn from first-year, first-generation, and prospective transfer students of color. Their

Lynda Kellam


My favorite thing about librarianship is that every day brings something new, either a new tool, a new person, or a new idea. The field

Lyndon J. Batiste


As a result of recent social unrest, and systemic injustices that have been under greater scrutiny, I view my life as an academic librarian completely

Lynn A Valetutti


I constantly attune my leadership skills in our constant world of change, bracing uncertainty, and complexity with creativity to insure my success as librarian.

Lynn Olson Deeken

I’ve always loved the ebb and flow of the academic year, the core tenets of librarianship we practice, and the opportunities to innovate and collaborate

M. Leslie Madden


I didn't know I wanted to be a librarian until I was halfway through a master's program in English literature. I was working full-time in

Maggie Murphy


As a visual art librarian, in thinking about generating and facilitating access to information for students, I am really interested in the places where art