Great Graphic Novels for Teens Committee Description

Great Graphic Novels for Teens Committee


Type: Standing

Membership: 11, plus an administrative assistant, if requested by the chair, and a consultant from the staff of Booklist.


  • Current personal membership in YALSA
  • Experience in evaluating library materials, such as relevant course work, on the job materials evaluation experience, publishing reviews and/or relevant articles in respected publications, previous selection committee experience, etc.
  • Ability to work year-round in a virtual environment with tools including, Google Drive, Skype, webinar plat
  • Ability to dedicate a significant amount of time to seeking out and reading relevant titles.
  • Ability to comply with YALSA policies, including the , & policies, which are found in YALSA's
  • Good time management and organizational skills
  • High ethical standards
  • Previous service on a YALSA committee/jury/taskforce is preferred.

For information on the responsibilities of committee/jury/taskforce members, visit YALSA's Handbook.

Term of Office: 1 year, beginning Feb. 1 and ending Jan. 31 of the following year. There is a possibility for reappointment for one additional year provided that the member's committee participation has been satisfactory and that he/she has submitted a volunteer form. 1 year, commencing February 1 and ending Jan. 31 one year later. Committee members, including administrative assistants and chairs, are appointed by YALSA's President-Elect and serve a term of one year. Committee members may be selected to serve a concurrent, second one-year term based on the member's first year performance and his/her interest and availability in serving another year, for a total of a two-year maximum concurrent term length on the committee, provided that the member has submitted a volunteer form.

Function: To annually prepare an annotated list of significant titles in a graphic novel format that appeal to a young adult audience.

Procedures: Read the full Policies & Procedures.