Leadership Endowment Donors

Leadership Endowment Donors


YALSA would like to thank these wonderful individuals for supporting YALSA's , which funds leadership programs and services for members.

Anonymous, in honor of Gerald Hodges

Anonymous, in honor of Betty O’Donnell

Mary Arnold

Joan Atkinson

Attendees at the 2008 Midwinter Meeting All Committee

Pheobe Ballard

Paige Battle

Alan Bern

Clara Bohrer

Linda Braun

Paula Brehm-Heeger

Nick Buron

Meghan Ciritto

Jennifer Gallant

Amy Estersohn

Vicki Emery

Franklin Escobedo

Kim Farnsworth

Katie Fee

Dahlia Fisch

Sarah Flowers

Sarah Flowers, in memory of Dorothy Broderick

Marilee Foglesong

Beth de la Fuente, in memory of Christy Tyson

Jenna Goodall

Julie Ann Oiye, in memory of Christy Tyson

Gabrielle Hajduk-Oster

Mary Hastler

Frances Harris

Erin Helmrich

Sarah Hill

Dora Ho

Pamela Spencer Holley

Pamela Spencer Holley, in memory of Christy Tyson

Pamela Spencer Holley, in memory of LInda Waddle

Winifred Host

Sanjay Hukka

Sandra Hughes-Hassell

Penny Jeffrey

Penny Jeffrey, in memory of Christy Tyson

Penny Jeffrey, in memory of Dorothy Broderick

Terri A. Jones

Penny Johnson

Katherine Kan

Katherine Klein

Carrie Kausch

Joy Kim

Linette Kim

Katherine Klein

Gretchen Kolderup, to the Dorothy Broderick Student Scholarship

Jennifer Korn

Todd Krueger

Bonnie Kunzel

Robin Kurz

Monique leConge

Monique leConge, in memory of Dorothy Broderick

Elizabeth Lenz

Jane Lofton

Ellen Loughran

Kate McNair

Candice Mack

Amanda Margis

Cryslte Martin

Regina Minudri

James Murdock

Judy T. Nelson, in memory of Linda Waddle

Kim Olson-Clark

Alison O'Reilly

Charli Osborne

Kiera Parrott

Shannon M. Peterson

Eleanor Pourron

Heather Raab

Sharon Rawlins

Roberta Reasoner

Dawn Rutherford

Sara Ryan

Sara Saxton

Simon & Schuster

Ruta Sepetys

Christopher Shoemaker

Sara Siebert

Lisa Simmons

Susan Smallsreed

Jessica Snow

Stephanie Squicciarini

Stephanie Squicciarini, in memory of Dorothy Broderick

Carol Starr

Wendy Stephens

Mega Subramaniam

Jennifer Trusty

Christy Tyson

Beatriz Wallace

Laura Ward

Sara Webb

Ma'lis Wendt

Ma'lis Wendt, in memory of Dorothy Broderick

Ma’lis Wendt, in honor of Betty O’Donnell

Ma'lis Wendt, in honor of Marilee Foglesong

Ma'lis Wendt, in honor of Christy Tyson

Sarajo Wentling

Evie Wilson-Lingbloom

Vivian Wynn

Holly Hong Yu

Double your impact! Between Nov. 1, 2017 and Jan. 15, 2018 any donation up to $1,000 will be matched dollar for dollar by ALA! YALSA's goal is to raise $10,000. Make your tax-deductible donation in any of the following ways:

  • from ALA's secure website. (choose "Divisions," then "YALSA").
  • Send a gift by mail, using the (PDF). Complete the form and mail it with your gift to: Friends of YALSA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.
  • To set up a recurring donation, use the Network for Good's . (In the "Designation" box, type "YALSA")