Winston Tabb

Winston Tabb, dean of libraries and museums at Johns Hopkins University. Tabb was appointed to the National Board of the Institute of Library and Museum Services (IMLS) by President Obama in 2010. He serves as the chair of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institution’s (IFLA) Standing Committee on Copyright and Legal Matters (CLM) and advocates for library users across the world at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva.

Image of Winston Tabb



A worthy recipient of the Patterson Award, his decades long support for balanced copyright law, advancement of library and user copyright exceptions worldwide and commitment to an international copyright law to support the information needs of people with print disabilities are no less than remarkable. Janice Pilch, copyright and licensing librarian at Rutgers University agreed that “in seeking to influence the direction of copyright law he has made a profound impact on the views of policy makers and has earned the respect of members of all stakeholder groups in the intellectual property system."

Awards Won

Title Year
L. Ray Patterson Copyright Award


The Patterson Copyright Award recognizes contributions of an individual or group that pursues and supports the Constitutional purpose of the U.S. Copyright Law, fair use, and the public domain. The award is named after L. Ray Patterson, a key legal figure who explained and justified the importance of the public domain and fair use. He helped articulate that copyright law was negatively shifting from its original purpose and overly favoring rights of copyright holders.

2012 - Recipient(s)

Press Releases