Victoria Raish

Online Learning Librarian at Pennsylvania State University

Photo of Victoria Raish



“Torrie Raish has made significant contributions to the field of distance librarianship,” said award co-chairs Melissa Atkinson of Abilene Christina University and Cynthia Thomes of the University of Maryland University College. “Her various efforts include creating an embedded librarian program and information literacy repository, starting an equivalent access e-book program, and collaborating with other departments at Penn State to start a digital badge initiative.”

“Her publications include peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapter, invited papers, and conference proceedings, and she has given numerous presentations at the international, national, state, and local level,” continued Atkinson and Thomes. “Furthermore, her collaborations with departments and stakeholders at her institution have given online students greater access to the resources they need. Torrie is a leader on her campus, and her work to serve distance learners is being increasingly and deservedly recognized.”

Awards Won

Title Year
Routledge Distance Learning Librarian Conference Sponsorship Award


This conference sponsorship award honors any individual ACRL member working in the field of, or contributing to the success of distance learning librarianship or related library service in higher education.

2019 - Winner(s)