Laurie Aycock

a graduate student in the Library and Information Science Program at Valdosta State University, in Valdosta, Georgia



For Laurie, libraries have been an important part of her life for as long as she can remember. One of her earliest memories is going with her mom to meet the bookmobile that visited her rural community and selecting stacks of books to take home. Libraries and librarians have always had a positive impact during her education and Lindsay would like to do the same for another generation of students.

In addition to taking graduate classes, Laurie currently works as the Government Documents associate at the University of West Georgia, in Carrolton, Georgia. She is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the department and overseeing the technical processing of the new items. She also works closely with the cataloging department to resolve questions or issues that arise. Her other responsibilities include supervising students assistants and working weekly shifts on the reference desk.

The Ingram Library on the campus of West Georgia is currently being renovated and the government documents collection will be housed in compact shelving once the renovation is complete. Laurie has undertaken a few large projects during this renovation period. She has removed outdated publications and materials that are no longer of use and offered them to other libraries. Her goal is to have every document in the collection inventoried and cataloged prior to moving the collection in to the new space. Though she currently enjoys her work she knows that to go farther in the profession she must earn her Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. This degree will enable her to fulfill a long-term career goal of becoming a government information librarian. Having worked with documents collection, Laurie is aware of the wealth of information the government provides via the Federal Depository Library Program and she believes that many library users are unaware of this important information.

Laurie’s passion and commitment for librarianship whether in public services or working with the government documents collection is evident by her hard work, attention to details, and the goals she has aspired to achieve. From earning her master’s degree to having all the documents at the Ingram Library cataloged, Laurie’s desire to play an active role in educating library patrons on the wealth of information found in a documents collection will make her an excellent documents librarian.

Awards Won

Title Year
David Rozkuszka W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship


The W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship provides financial assistance to an individual who is currently working with government documents in a library and is trying to complete a masters degree in library science.
2011 - Recipient(s)