Judy Russell

District teacher-librarian for Saydel CSD in Des Moines, Iowa



The recipient of the secondary division award, Judy Russell, is the district teacher-librarian for Saydel CSD in Des Moines, Iowa, where technology is fully integrated into the schools. Each of the 500 7-12 grade students are issued a laptop, and the library provides all Internet-based resources for 24/7 access. At the beginning of each year, Russell holds a laptop orientation day, and students are trained on computer ethics and safety. Later, students receive instruction on the use of library online resources, which include the library wiki and blog, e-books, online bookshelves, research databases and online docs.

Russell’s technology instruction extends to other educators in Saydel. Since the beginning of the 1:1 laptop initiative, two professional development technology days are held at the beginning of each year. At these, Russell has presented sessions on the use of social media in the classroom and different platforms for professional learning communities. She keeps up to date on technology trends by attending local conferences and workshops and passes her knowledge on to her peers. Russell also serves on the district technology committee, which sets goals for technology infusion and then works collaboratively with classroom teachers to integrate technology into research units.

Awards Won

Title Year
ALA_pod_Awards.png Information Technology Pathfinder Award


The Information Technology Pathfinder Award recognizes and honors school librarians demonstrating vision and leadership through the use of information technology to build lifelong learners.


Division One: For the innovative use of information technology in the school library program in an elementary (K-6) setting.

Division Two: For the innovative use of information technology in the school library program in a secondary (7-12) setting.

2013 - Winner(s)