Abby Harwood

Teen services librarian at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh



Abby Harwood has been a teen services librarian at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh since 2011. She coordinates school and group visit requests to Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Main Library and makes bi-monthly, middle school and high school lunch room visits. This lunchroom-based outreach effort, “CAPA Cool Kids,” was selected as an example of a model program for teen services by the Pennsylvania Library Association’s Award for Best Practice in Young Adult Service. In addition to leading recreational and creative teen programs, Harwood has developed and led SAT and College Resources workshops for teens, parents and educators. Harwood continuously advocates, ensuring teens are receiving high quality customer services regardless of the library they visit or staff member they approach. Her drive and passion for teen services librarianship have impacted both her coworkers and the teens that she serves.

Awards Won

Title Year
Baker & Taylor Conference Grant


Awarded to librarians who work directly with young adults to enable them to attend the Annual Conference for the first time.
2013 - Winner(s)