Digital Literacy

Public libraries highlight cyber security awareness in October


CHICAGO – Earlier this month the credit reporting agency Equifax disclosed that they had suffered a cyber-attack that endangered the personal information of 143 million U.S. users. Even before the Equifax hack, 64 percent of Americans had been personally...

September webinar focuses on measuring effect of digital literacy services


CHICAGO – Nearly all public libraries offer some sort of digital literacy services, ranging from group computer classes to individual tutoring assistance, but how do library staff know their efforts are achieving the desired effect? How can libraries...

New Tools, Support Advance Digital Skills Training in PLA Pilot Project


CHICAGO -- A new digital literacy pilot project made possible by the Public Library Association (PLA) and Cox Communications (Cox) is hitting a critical milestone this summer as participating libraries kick off training events in their communities. The...

Expert Internet Searching, Fifth Edition

Becoming an expert internet searcher


CHICAGO — In an environment where increasing amounts of information (and fake news) flood the internet on websites and social media, the information professional’s job is getting harder. It is important that they are skilled at finding and using the...

Creating and Sharing Online Library Instruction: A How-To-Do-It Manual For Librarians

A manual for creating and sharing online library instruction


CHICAGO — Designed to be reused and shared, learning objects are digital content and assessments centered on student learning outcomes. The promise of sharing online instruction across libraries, campuses, or a consortium holds time-saving appeal. An easy...