Roles and Responsibilities of the PLA Fiscal Officer


The PLA Fiscal Officer is appointed to a three-year term by the immediate past-president of PLA . The Fiscal Officer serves as a member of the PLA Board of Directors.

The Fiscal Officer also chairs the PLA Budget & Finance Committee and acts as the liaison between the committee and the PLA Board. The position also serves as liaison between PLA and ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC and ¾«¶«´«Ã½generally on financial matters. The Fiscal Officer works closely with the Executive Director on the long-term fiscal sustainability of PLA, ensuring that the organization has diversification of assets and revenue streams to fulfill its long-term mission. This document provides an orientation to future PLA Fiscal Officers related to their roles, responsibilities, and relationships with the various governance groups within PLA and ALA.

PLA Board of Directors

This body provides general oversight and direction of the affairs of the association. It conducts all business pertaining to the association at a strategic and policy level and has authority to make decisions for the association. Directors (except the Fiscal Officer) are elected by the PLA membership and serve three-year terms. The PLA Board works toward the good of the overall association, operating as a cohesive whole with one voice, rather than as individual members. Each position is of equal importance to the success of the whole. A Board thrives on mutual respect among its members.

PLA Budget & Finance Committee

The Fiscal Officer will chair the PLA B&F Committee. The committee is responsible for monitoring PLA finances, reviewing current and proposed annual budgets and each June, based on careful review by the B&F Committee, recommending to the PLA Board the annual budget for the upcoming year. The Fiscal Officer will present the budget to the PLA Board at its June meeting. PLA Executive Director and staff will support the work of the Fiscal Officer by preparing regular reports and briefing the Fiscal Officer.

Time Commitment

Members considering the position of Fiscal Officer should understand that it is a significant three-year service commitment. Candidates should understand the commitment involved and be willing to devote the considerable time necessary to be prepared for: PLA Board, PLA Budget & Finance Committee and ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC.


The Fiscal Officer attends two annual face-to-face ¾«¶«´«Ã½conferences (January and June). In addition to the required PLA Board, and B&F meetings at ¾«¶«´«Ã½conferences, the Fiscal Officer attends a variety of ¾«¶«´«Ã½meetings including Division Fiscal Officers/¾«¶«´«Ã½Treasurer, Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA), with an additional meeting with the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) during the Annual Conference. When attending conferences, Board members are asked to circulate and talk informally with PLA members; many Board members do this by attending the full schedule of PLA events. It is acknowledged that the Fiscal Officers time is limited due to additional responsibilities with ¾«¶«´«Ã½finance meetings; however, the Fiscal Officer may use this time to position and promote PLA to the broader ¾«¶«´«Ã½community. A full listing of PLA meetings and events is found on the PLA website. ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC and other finance meetings are listed on the ¾«¶«´«Ã½scheduler associated with each ¾«¶«´«Ã½Conference website.

The Fiscal Officer is expected to cover the costs of registration and travel to the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual and Midwinter conferences.

Spring and Fall Board Meetings

In addition to the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual and Midwinter meetings of the PLA Board and PLA B&F, the PLA Board meets each spring and each fall for approximately 1.5 days each. Dates and locations of these meetings vary. The Board is polled well in advance to select the most workable date to ensure all may attend. PLA covers the travel and hotel costs of the spring and fall meetings of the Board.

¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC Meetings

The ¾«¶«´«Ã½Budget Assessment and Review Committee meets in the fall and the spring in conjunction with ¾«¶«´«Ã½Board meetings. The meetings are typically held at ¾«¶«´«Ã½in Chicago in October and April. The PLA Fiscal Officer is expected to attend the BARC meeting as an observer and to report back to the PLA Board on those discussions. PLA will cover the cost of travel and hotel to these meetings.

PLA Conference

PLA hosts its biennial conference in the even years. By ¾«¶«´«Ã½policy, PLA is prohibited from holding business meetings at its conference. Therefore, no board or B&F committee meetings are held at PLA conference and the Fiscal Officer is not required to attend. Given that the conference is a major networking, education, and financially important event, all PLA board members are encouraged to attend.

Virtual Engagement

Between annual conferences, the Fiscal Officer will also participate in online meetings and discussions as appropriate. The PLA Board and B&F Committee communicate regularly between conferences and handle association business between conferences, via email. The Fiscal Officer is also expected to monitor emails from the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Treasurer, ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC, and Planning and Budget Assembly and participate actively in discussions.

Leadership and Collaboration

Beyond meeting attendance, it’s important to be a visible leader, available to engage with members, when attending conferences, online meetings, and other events throughout the year. The Fiscal Officer chairs the PLA B&F Committee and collaborates regularly when appropriate with other Division Fiscal Officers.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Fiscal Officer

Besides duties as a Board member and chair of PLA Budget & Finance Committee, the following responsibilities reside with this position.

Division Responsibilities

  • Serve, along with the PLA Board, as a steward of PLA’s finances.
  • Work with Executive Director and PLA staff in developing and monitoring budgets that incorporate board actions and support the strategic plan.
  • Work with PLA Executive Director and Board with long-range planning and trend analysis including providing oversight of overall budgeting, contributions to ¾«¶«´«Ã½via overhead and other financial planning.
  • Provide assistance and recommendation to the Board of Directors for budget considerations for all programs and activities of the division.
  • In consultation with PLA B&F, recommend to PLA Board the next year’s budget (June of each year).
  • Review PLA grant funding and impact on division finances.
  • Assist the Board of Directors in planning, implementing and evaluating revenue streams and fundraising initiatives including PLA long-term investments, and planned giving.
  • With support of PLA staff, write occasional articles for PLA publications related to the financial health of PLA and financial planning.
  • More information about roles and responsibilities of PLA Board members is found in the PLA Board orientation manual.


  • Serves as PLA Representative to the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Planning and Budget Assembly and attend the meetings of ALA’s Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC).
  • Communicate with Fiscal Officers of other Divisions and attend meetings convened by the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Treasurer for Divisions and Round Tables with the goal of communicating successes/challenges and identifying areas for collaboration.
  • Read and understand any ¾«¶«´«Ã½polices that impact PLA finances; in particular, the operating agreement (¾«¶«´«Ã½Policy 6.4.1) between ¾«¶«´«Ã½and the divisions.

PLA Committee Responsibilities

  • Serve as a Chair of the PLA Budget & Finance Committee. The Fiscal Officer’s role is to review PLA finances, report on them to the PLA board and recommend a new budget each year to the PLA board.
  • Educate and promote availability of funds to support initiatives of PLA committees and task forces.
  • Educate committees on how they can enhance or create revenue streams that contribute to the overall fiscal health of the organization.

Fiscal Officer Calendar

September – ¾«¶«´«Ã½Fiscal Year Begins

  • Review quarterly financial reports for budgetary implications.


  • Attend PLA Board Fall Meeting
  • Attend ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC Meeting and report out to PLA Board.


  • Review financial reports and prepare documents for PLA B&F meeting at Midwinter in consultation with PLA Executive Director. Financial reports for B&F will also be shared with PLA Board.


  • Midwinter Meeting:
    • Attend PLA Board of Directors Meeting and present report on status of current year’s budget as well as any ¾«¶«´«Ã½financial activities that impact PLA.
    • Attend and chair PLA B&F Budget Committee meeting
    • Attend meetings of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Planning and Budget Assembly and BARC/Division Leadership Meeting.
    • Attend ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC meetings at Midwinter.


  • Review financial reports for budgetary implications.


  • Attend PLA spring board meeting and review current year and proposed draft budget for next year with PLA Board.
  • Attend ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC meeting and report back to PLA Board.


  • Review financial reports and prepare documents for PLA B&F meeting at Annual Conference in consultation with PLA Executive Director. Financial reports for B&F will also be shared with PLA Board. These will include the next iteration of the next year’s budget for B&F to review and approve to send on to PLA Board at Annual.


  • Annual Conference:
    • Attend and chair PLA B&F Budget Committee meeting.
    • Attend PLA Board of Directors Meeting and present status of current year budget and next year’s budget for Board review and approval budget. Report on ¾«¶«´«Ã½financial activities that impact PLA.Attend meetings of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Planning and Budget Assembly and BARC/Division Leadership Meeting.
    • Attend ¾«¶«´«Ã½BARC meetings.
    • Attend Fiscal Officer meetings convened by the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Treasurer allowing understanding among Divisions communicating successes/challenges and identifying areas for collaboration.

Throughout the Year

  • Stay in regular touch with the chair of the Budget Committee and the Executive Director. Communicate any pertinent budgetary or fiscal concerns. Respond promptly to all correspondence, including email.
  • Be available to members for discussion and concerns; report to Executive Director, President, and Budget Chair issues or concerns from members.
  • Provide mentoring/support of new Budget Chairs.