Resumes, Cover Letters, CVs, and Thank You Letters...Oh My!


Well known as a job posting and job seeking site, Monster also has free tools to help you write an interview-winning resume and cover letter. They push their fee-based resume writing service but also have lots of free articles and tips for writing your own.

This site covers careers in libraries and is authored and maintained by NMRT member Pricilla Schontz. An excellent collection of original articles covering everything to getting the job to building your career once you've landed the position. You'll find resume and cover letter advice as well as interview tips under the Job Hunting section.

A popular site for jobseekers in a variety of careers, this site is the online component of the world-renowned What Color is My Parachute print books for job hunting and career advice. Build your resume with the help of these links to articles and advice.

Cover Letters

"Cover letter letter writing, samples, tips and tools for creating job search correspondence."

Katharine Hansen & Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.: Quintessential Careers

Anonymous cover letters from hired librarians & archivists.

Curriculum Vitae

Thank You Letters