For immediate release | March 1, 2024

AASL Opens Call For Knowledge Quest and School Library Research Editorial Board Members


CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) seeks a dynamic group of school library professionals to serve on the Knowledge Quest (KQ) and School Library Research (SLR) Editorial Boards. These publications move the profession forward by highlighting school library best practices and emergent research in the field. For more information and the application, visit .

"AASL has a deep bank of publications, rich in research, data analysis, best practices, and more,” said AASL President-Elect Becky Calzada. “Every publication harnesses the knowledge of content area experts to guide and share innovative library practices which address the relevant needs of AASL members and the greater school library profession. In order to continue on this path of offering high quality resources, it is my hope perspective volunteers will thoughtfully consider applying to be a part of the editorial staff for Knowledge Quest (KQ) or School Library Research (SLR). “

The Knowledge Quest Editorial Board works under the direction of the chair and editor to ensure the journal’s features, articles, content experts, and authors are relevant, current, and meet the needs of AASL’s diverse membership and the school library profession. Members of the editorial board identify the focus of feature articles and topics for related articles for each issue, along with potential content experts and authors. Members also serve as liaisons to content expert(s) to help direct, shape and review the editorial content for each issue.

The School Library Research Editorial Board works under the direction of the SLR co-editors to review manuscripts in a timely fashion and ensure the research journal is relevant, current, and meets the needs of AASL’s diverse membership. Members of the editorial board will review manuscripts and encourage submissions. They are also expected to offer insight and suggestions for additional research areas for coverage as well as promote the content and value of SLR.

Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on April 4. All applicants will be notified as to appointment decisions by June 1.

The American Association of School Librarians, , a division of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.


Jennifer Habley

Manager, Members & Chapters

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
