For immediate release | April 19, 2023

2023 Core Election Results


On April 12, it was announced that Amber Billey had been elected President-elect of Core, and Miranda Bennett and Angie Ohler had been elected Directors-at-Large. Upon notification, Billey regretfully declined due to “an unexpected and beautiful turn of events in her life” that prevented her from being able to commit to this leadership position. Billey thanked Core members for their support and for this opportunity, saying “At this time for very wonderful reasons I have to decline. Work-life balance is crucial, and it's important to know when to say no for your well-being and what is best for the Division.”

With guidance from the ýParliamentarian, the Core Board discussed how to move forward. Core’s bylaws state that in this situation the Core President shall appoint an individual to the President-elect role with board approval. We are pleased to announce that the Core Board has approved the appointment of Angie Ohler to be the 2023-2024 Core President-elect. She will assume the office of President for the 2024-2025 term and Past-President for the 2025-2026 term. Ohler serves as past-chair of the Metadata & Collections Section.

The current Core presidents reviewed potential replacements, considering current leadership and write-in candidates. Angie Ohler, who was elected as Director-at-Large during this election cycle was approached and accepted the appointment. The Core Board then voted unanimously to approve the appointment.

Ohler was elected to the Core Board for the 2023-26 term, so her appointment leaves a vacancy in the Core Director at Large role. Per the Core Bylaws, the Core President shall appoint the Director at Large vacancy with board approval.

We are also pleased to announce that the Core Board has approved the one-year appointment of Kevin A.R. King to the Director-at-Large role. King received the next highest number of votes in the 2023 election for the Director-at-Large position.

We thank Ohler and King for their willingness to take on these roles unexpectedly and wish Billey the best in these momentous changes she is experiencing.


Julie Reese

Interim Executive Director


Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures
