For immediate release | November 29, 2022

AASL Commends the Nebraska Library Association and the Nebraska Library Commission


CHICAGO – Acting upon a resolution submitted by the Nebraska School Librarians Association (NSLA) the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) formally commended the Nebraska Library Association and the Nebraska Library Commission for their collaborative advocacy efforts. The program is one of eleven outstanding programs, events, and products nominated by AASL Chapters for their support of the school librarian profession and the learners the profession serves.

Mandy Peterson, AASL Chapter Delegate from NSLA, shared “Only 60 days long in 2022, Nebraska's Legislative session was a whirlwind of bill proposals, committee meetings, and frenzied debate. Many proposed bills had direct effects on education and school libraries. As a volunteer organization, the Nebraska School Librarians Association (NSLA) was thrilled to partner with the Nebraska Library Commission (NLC) and the Nebraska Library Association (NLA). We formed an alliance to raise awareness, provide information to members, contact representatives, and advocate for Nebraska school and public libraries. The work to uphold the intellectual freedom of all Nebraskans was a group effort between many people in the NSLA, NLA, and NLC. Nebraska saw that all libraries in our state will advocate for each other. Because of this combined effort, the bills that would have negatively impacted Nebraska students and their families were kept at bay, and the positive effects of strengthening the NSLA's relationship with these two amazing organizations continues to reap benefits. We are incredibly grateful for all the NLA and NLC did to assist us and advocate for school libraries and school librarians in Nebraska.”

“These collaborative advocacy efforts align with AASL’s core value that intellectual freedom is the right of every learner,” said AASL President, Kathy Lester. “Congratulations to Nebraska Library Association and the Nebraska Library Commission for their successful work with the Nebraska School Library Association.”

To be considered, programs must align with the principles expressed in the national association's mission and value statements. The full list can be found at .

The provide a channel of communication between AASL-affiliated school library organizations and the AASL Board of Directors. An AASL Chapter nominates outstanding programs, events, and products for official AASL commendations, which are then reviewed and approved by the AASL Board of Directors for national recognition.

The American Association of School Librarians, , a division of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.


Jennifer Habley

AASL Manager, Members & Chapters

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
