For immediate release | November 7, 2022

AASL Commends The Conscious Connect, Inc.


CHICAGO – Acting upon a resolution submitted by the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA) the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) formally commended The Conscious Connect, Inc. The program is one of eleven outstanding programs, events, and products nominated by AASL Chapters for their support of the school librarian profession and the learners the profession serves. To be considered, programs must align with the principles expressed in the national association's mission and value statements. The full list can be found at .

“OELMA is proud to have nominated The Conscious Connect CDC for an AASL Commendation,” said Karen Gedeon, OELMA President. “The Declaration of Children’s Rights that serves as its foundation enables The Conscious Connect to address issues of opportunity and equity for children and families to close outcomes and achievement gaps across the Greater Miami Valley and in cities across the country.”

Susan Yutzey, AASL Chapter Delegate, further remarked that “Since its inception, The Conscious Connect has placed 57,000 – of those, 34,000 are culturally relevant books – into the hands of children and their families free of charge. Its dedication to increasing national awareness of the importance of literacy and reading engagement reflects AASL’s core values of collaboration and diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

“The Conscious Connect has many programs to end book desserts and to increase national awareness of the importance of literacy. Their programs support the AASL Common Belief that reading is the core of personal and academic competency,” said AASL President, Kathy Lester. “Congratulations to Conscious Connect, Inc for their expansive work in promoting literacy.”

The provide a channel of communication between AASL-affiliated school library organizations and the AASL Board of Directors. An AASL Chapter nominates outstanding programs, events, and products for official AASL commendations, which are then reviewed and approved by the AASL Board of Directors for national recognition.

The American Association of School Librarians, , a division of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.


Jennifer Habley

Manager, Members & Programs

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
