For immediate release | November 12, 2019

LLAMA presents Innovation Incubator Webinar Series


Every library leader and manager knows that continually solving problems the same way will usually have the same results. If you want better results, you will need a new approach, and that will require innovation. The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) will present the “Innovation Incubator” webinar series on December 4, December 11, and January 8, at 1:30-3:00 pm Central Time. Each webinar in this three-part series will explore in-depth a separate part of the innovation process. Participants will learn exactly what innovation is, how to successfully implement new ideas or processes, and how to assess their success or failure.

December 4th - Defining innovation

In this webinar participants will learn how to approach innovation in deliberate and practical ways that will have the most impact. Presenters will break down innovation into steps using design thinking. These steps include: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test.

Presenters: Shauna Edson, Instructional Design Librarian, Indiana State Library; Cinthya Ippoliti, Director, Auraria Library, University of Colorado, Denver

December 11 - Implementing innovation

This webinar will explore five key organizational development practices that the Loyola Notre Dame Library successfully implemented to support the transformation of the Library into an innovative center of learning. This will be followed by a discussion of evidence-based management practices used by the Nevada State College Library to develop a highly collaborative project-based work environment that led to cutting-edge college library initiatives.

Presenters: Katy O’Neill, Associate Director, Loyola Notre Dame Library, Baltimore, MD; Nathaniel King, Director of Library Services, Nevada State College, Henderson, NV

January 8, 2020 - Assessing innovation

This webinar will present two alternative ways to assess the success of innovation initiatives implemented at the Loyola Notre Dame Library and University of Oklahoma Libraries. Included will be evaluation methods for new services, spaces, and programming. Presenters will also share storytelling techniques, which have been effective for communicating the value of innovation initiatives, so that participants can develop a framework for ensuring and sustaining institutional and user support.

Presenters: Katy O’Neill, Associate Director, Loyola Notre Dame Library, Baltimore, MD; Matt Cook, Digital Scholarship Program Manager, University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Library, Norman, OK

This series addresses several of LLAMA’s Foundational Leadership Competencies including forward thinking, evidence-based decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking.

For series, click "register" next to "LLAMA Webinar Series Purchase"

Single Webinar:

LLAMA member $49;

Non-LLAMA member $59;

LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $199;

Non-LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $239;

Student: $29

Series of 3 Webinars -- SAVE 20% when you register for the series!

LLAMA member $117;

Non-LLAMA member $141;

LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $477;

Non-LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $573;

Student: $69

For questions about this webinar or other LLAMA programs, contact Fred Reuland:

About the Library Leadership and Management Association

The Library Leadership and Management Association () advances outstanding leadership and management practices in library and information services by encouraging and nurturing individual excellence in current and aspiring library leaders. LLAMA is a division of the ý.


Fred Reuland

LLAMA program officer, continuing education


Library Leadership and Management Association