For immediate release | August 3, 2017

RUSA’s Reference and User Services Quarterly journal moves to open access


CHICAGO – announces that its journal will move to open access beginning with the fall 2017 issue.

RUSQ disseminates information of interest to reference librarians, information specialists and other professionals involved in user-oriented library services. The decision to move RUSQ from subscription based to open access was based on many factors, most notably the open access movement strongly supported by librarians. Other factors include ensuring a continued pool of strong authors and articles, ease of access for readers as well as broader worldwide access as the cost for professional journal subscriptions is extremely prohibitive.

“It is essential for RUSA to clearly live the values that we espouse as professionals; the move to open access is an important step in that direction,” states RUSQ Editor, Barry Trott. Read more about the transition from the editor in the first open access issue out this fall.

RUSQ has earned its distinction as a major title in the literature of librarianship, dating back to its origin in 1960 under the title RQ. The RUSA board is pleased with the decision and invites librarians everywhere to engage with RUSA and its many authors through RUSQ,” says RUSA President, Chris LeBeau.

RUSA represents librarians and library staff in the fields of reference, specialized reference, collection development, readers’ advisory and resource sharing. RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services and collection materials they need. .



Melissa Tracy

Marketing & Programs Specialist

Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)