For immediate release | May 13, 2015

Panel to discuss ebook lending growth at 2015 ýAnnual Conference


SAN FRANCISCO—A leading panel of library and publishing experts will provide an update on the library ebook lending market and discuss best ways for libraries to advance library access to digital content at the 2015 ý’s (ALA) Annual Conference in San Francisco. The interactive session, “Making Progress in Digital Content,” takes place from 10:30 to11:30a.m. on Sunday, June 28, 2015. The session will be held at the Moscone Convention Center in room 2018 of the West building.

During the session, an expert panel of library leaders from ALA’s Digital Content Working Group (DCWG) will provide insights on the most promising opportunities available to advance library access to digital content. Organizational leaders will discuss ALA’s efforts toward exploiting digital content access opportunities. Audience input will be sought to inform ýpriorities in this area. The program features DCWG co-chairs Carolyn Anthony and Erika Linke, along with additional guest panelists.


  • Carolyn Anthony, co-chair, ýDigital Content Working Group; director, Skokie Public Library (Illinois); immediate past-president, Public Library Association
  • Erika Linke, co-chair, ýDigital Content Working Group; associate dean of Libraries and director of Research and Academic Services, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
  • Yoav Lorch, founder and chief executive officer, TotalbooX
  • Monique Sendze, chief operating officer, Odilo

WHEN: Sunday, June 28, 2015, 10:30–11:30a.m.

WHERE: Moscone Convention Center (West Building, Room 2018), 747 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

REGISTER: To attend the conference session as a reporter, email Jazzy Wright, press officer of the ALA’s Washington Office, at


Jazzy Wright

Press Officer

ýWashington Office
