For immediate release | May 1, 2012

'Empowering Diverse Voices' webinar explores library leadership and diversity


CHICAGO — The intersection of diversity and leadership will be the focus of a free webinar, “Library Leadership 2.0,” from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. CDT on Tuesday May 15, 2012.

Part of ýPresident Molly Raphael’s “” diversity leadership initiative, this free webinar will explore how diversity affects leadership in a new library work environment.

“Our libraries and profession will be greatly enhanced by the increasing inclusion of staff from diverse backgrounds,” said Molly Raphael. “This series of webinars, and the other elements of my presidential initiative, seek to expand and enhance leadership development opportunities for our more diverse workforce, ensuring that the library leaders of tomorrow, at all levels and in all types of libraries, are as diverse as communities we serve."

“Library Leadership 2.0” will explore how people work in libraries today. With the integration of technology, team-based and project-based groupings, changing demographics, and a distributed model of work, a wider variety of expertise is needed throughout the library. The role of leader changes as the same person moves from a leadership capacity in one group, project or area, to a follower in one or more other areas. This new model of distributed or shared leadership demands a deeper understanding of organizational context, culture and climate and a fresh look at the intersection between leadership and diversity.

“Library Leadership 2.0” will feature Karen Downing, education liaison and foundations and grants librarian at the University of Michigan Library, and Alexandra Rivera, student enrichment and community outreach librarian at the University of Michigan Library. Karen Downing served as the inaugural visiting scholar (2010-2011) to the Diversity Research Center at Rutgers University and received the ý's Equality Award in 2009. Alexandra Rivera is the chair of the ýCouncil Committee on Diversity, a past Spectrum Scholar and a member of the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color Steering Committee.

Registration for the May 15 webinar is mandatory. Visit to sign up today.

This is the first in a two-part series of Empowering Diverse Voices webinars that will explore diversity within the profession.


Miguel Figueroa


Office for Diversity & Spectrum
