Guides to GIS and Other Computerized Mapping Products


Guides to GIS Software and Data

  • by the University of Chicago Library provides sample maps produced using ArcView.

  • - includes links to GIS Tutorials.

  • includes information on GIS Services at the University of Arizona Library, data available at the Library, sample maps, and links to information on GIS and spatial data.

  • provides information about GIS services at the University of California, Berkley Library and a list of downloadable GIS data.

  • a useful tutorial by the Memorial University of Newfoundland Library. (This is a draft version.)

  • from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Includes instructions for using products such as ArcUSA, ArcWorld, and the Digital Chart of the World, as well as guides to the process of making maps of Canada and the world.

  • Guides to Other Computerized Mapping Products

  • provides descriptions of the different products held by the University of Chicago Library.

  • provides a listing of the cartographic related products at the University of California - Berkley Library.