Electronic Maps and Geographic Information Systems


Electronic Publication No. 2

Selected resources for small libraries. Prices are not current


1. Street Atlas (Delorme) CD-ROM $45.00

Easy-to-use, well designed program which will find a place anywhere in the U.S. by name, zip code, area code or latitude/longitude. Search for and highlight street addresses, display zip codes and boundaries. Features are labeled. Can add text as note, or preset for street names.


AAA Map'n Go (Delorme) CD-ROM $39.00

Combines maps of North America with AAA's travel database. Choose quickest, shortest or preferred route from one point to another. Print travel plans and strip maps. Includes sightseeing and lodgings information.


Global Explorer (Delorme) CD-ROM

No longer available. Electronic atlas with world-wide coverage. Gazetteer to locate a place or a geographic feature. No print function; not completely up-to-date.

Encarta Virtual Globe (Microsoft) CD-ROM $54.95

Excellent world atlas for Windows 95.


Maps 'n Facts (Broderbund) CD-ROM $34.95

World atlas with physical, political and statistical maps of countries. Includes statistical data and maps of groups of countries. Can make customized maps.


Animap Plus County Boundary Historical Atlas (Gold Bug) Diskette.

Shows changes in county boundaries in U.S. from seventeenth century to present. Gold Bug, P.O. Box 588, Alamo, CA 94507-0588. 510-838-MAPS


Centennia (Clockwork) Diskette $35.00

Guide to the history of Europe and the Middle East from 1000 AD. to the present. Detailed, dynamic maps. Who? what? where?

Clockwork: PO Box 148035, Chicago, IL 60614; 312-281-3132

GNIS (CD-ROM) U.S. Geological Survey $57.00, plus $3.50 s&h.

Geographic Names Information System, the Nation's official automated names repository. Contains information for known places, features and areas of the U.S. For information on this and other USGS products, phone NCIC 1-800-USA-Maps.


Geographic Information Systems

1. MapInfo (Maplnfo Corporation)

Cost: $1295.00, or call SPSS at 800-543-2185 for educational discount information. Desktop GIS used to capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze and display geographically referenced data.


ArcView (ESRI)

Educational package: $250.00 for first copy; $100 for subsequent copies. Used to manipulate and display ArcInfo spatial data with statistical data.


Internet Sites






Margaret Brill (6/97)

Minor revisions (3/98)