Voice of Exchange


elda guerrero-valle

Elda Guerrero-Valle

Bibliotecaria, Asociacion Mexicana de Ayuda a Niños con Cancer, Centro de Tlalpan, Mexico

Fulbright Scholarship to the USA

The National Library of Mexico was invited to present a candidate to participate in an exchange study visit to The Library of Congress of the United States. With a scholarship from the U. S. Fulbright Program, I was intern at the first Library’s International Intern Program on Information Technologies and Management 1989-1990. The internship lasted from September 1989 to May 1990, and it consisted particularly in academic lectures and practical work at different areas within the Library chose by us.

The group had 14 interns, that were selected 10 from the United States best Library Sciences students, and four from well formed librarians from Africa, Asia, Latin America and New Zealand.

The experience was great as we did not leave Washington, D. C. and easily visited the National Library of Agriculture, the National Library of Medicine the National Services for the Blind, as well as several other university and art libraries much valuable to our labour interests and the great museums.

This experience marked forever my professional as well as my personal life.

Now I am retired but continue working as a volunteer at a library in the Mexican Association for Aid to Children with Cancer.