International Documents Task Force (IDTF), GODORT


Annual Meeting

Saturday, June 23, 2007, 1:30-3:30pm, Ticonderoga Room

Hyatt Regency Capital Hill

Washington, D.C.


Marcy Allen, Mary Gay Anderson, Angel Batiste, Angela Boyd, Crenetha Brunsen, Jim Church, Brett Cloyd (secretary), Elaine Coppola, Jose DeBaerba, Janet DeForest, Jackie Druery, Dina Faygad, Mary Fetzer, Ann Fuhrman, Christof Galli (coordinator, James Gerard, Jennie Gerke, Noriko Gines, Susan Golding, Gordon Grahame, David Griffiths, Richard Guajardo, Tom Hwiss, August Imholtz, James Jacobs, LindaJohnson, Danielle Lachter, Julie Linden, Keith Lukaszewski, Chuck Malone, Elizabeth Margutti, Grace Ellen McCrann, Terri Miller, Catherine Morse, David Oldenkamp, Laverne Page, Christina Perantonakis, Elliot Riordan, Janet Scheitle, Sean Scully, Helen, Sheehy, Amy Stewart-Mailhiot, Sara Striner, Louis Takacs, Triinu Tombah, Tom Twiss, Amy West, Carol Wheeler, Susan White, Richard Yarna.


Galli called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions

Item number VII (Virtual Membership) was added to the agenda. Agenda was approved

Minutes from 2007 ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter Meeting, Seattle, Washington

Minutes were approved as presented.

Reports from Committee Liaisons

  • Cataloging. (Malone) Meets Sunday. Will discuss the UN Classification Scheme letter presented to IDTF by David Griffiths and forward on to GODORT Chair.
  • Education. (Church) Will have a forum on e-government and discuss e-competencies for librarians.
  • GITCO. (Amsberryaugier) Liaison not present.
  • Legislation. (Stewart-Mailhiot) Will discuss improving availabilities of CRS reports to the public and support a letter to thank Bruce James for his years of service.
  • Program. (Coppola) Talking about 2008 Pre-conference ideas. Likely a full-day on election related resources. ½ day session possible on Web 2.0 issues, government information for businesses, and looking for more ideas.
  • Publications. (Allen) Will be conducting interviews for GODORT Web manager, Notable Docs chair and DTTP managing team.
  • Rare & Endangered Gov't Publications. (Morse). Liaison not Present
  • IFLA (Druery). August 2007 meeting will be in Durban South Africa. Government Information and Official Publications (GIOPS) will have 3 programs, including government and science partnerships and a co-sponsored session on guidelines for libraries of government departments. David Oldenkamp from Indiana University will be presenting a paper. GIOPS will be working on newsletter and Druery is involved with this process. A standing committee on a membership is working to promote activity within GIOPS as it is difficult for many people to participate with the group due to financial constraints and international travel.
  • Agency Liaison Program (White).

    Louis Takacs has taken on the responsibility of being agency liaison for the World Health Organisation. Liaisons for UNIDO and OAS are currently needed and individuals may contact Susan White if interested ( Mary Gay Anderson had a few updates to the European Union report, noting the variety of depository relationships libraries have with the EU delegation. She indicated that the EU Commission has 2 trainers available that have been afield (she noted a trip to Australia). She wondered if people in the United States would like to work together to invite a trainer and have a program for librarians? It used to be that the EU delegation conducted regular workshops in the United States for this purpose.

UN Depository Program

Discussion with Ms. Noriko Gines from the United Nations - led by James Church.

  • Church noted a steady decline in the number of sales publications received by UN Depository Libraries in the United States. He noted the designation of some UN specialized agencies meant they are not participating in the depository program (notably UNICEF). There has also been a steady decline amongst regional economic commission publications. Church noted that UC-Berkeley spent nearly $14,000 collecting sales publications that were previously received as part of their depository relationship. Gines noted that many of these questions might be answered by Anatoli Sidorenko, Chief of the UN’s Outreach Support Unit, but noted that there is no oversight over sales publications as far as what they send to depository libraries. She noted that regional commissions had voluntarily reduced the number of publications due to lack of financial resources. They just reduced but did not communicate this decision with libraries. She also noted the difficulty of tracking down the publications that are entitled to depository libraries and encouraged IDTF and its members to offer complaints and concern to Mr. Sidorenko and the United Nations in general. Church noted that PDF files are available at a reduced price from the Publications office compared to print and are sometimes available ahead of the print versions of titles (but many libraries are not equipped to handle and manage pdf versions of publications in terms of collection building).
  • Amy West noted that Net Library and My iLibrary packages have included e-versions of UN publications, and titles sometimes show up in Yankee Book Peddler leading to discussion about other distribution channels for UN publications (perhaps something like OECD has done with SourceOECD?).
  • Mary Gay Anderson noted the good work that ESCWA is doing and indicated it was one of the better performing economic commissions in terms of publishing titles and working with libraries.
  • Susan White indicated that in the future the UN will be providing a list of sales publications by sales number which might improve collection development and claiming activities for libraries.
  • Brett Cloyd noted some of his frustration with identifying sales publications that had not arrived, which ones were claimable, and where to direct claim requests (only to have to order the title from the Publications Office after exhausting the process).
  • Grace-Ellen McCrann described her effort to re-instate the City College of New York’s Library as a UN depository but being denied.
  • The Task Force thanked Ms. Gines for visiting the meeting and listening to these concerns.

IDTF Working Group

Elaine Coppola, David Griffiths, James Jacobs and Amy West.

(direct url:

Information about IGO, country and vendor publication sources is being made available on this new wiki. The section is titled Publishing Policies and Practices. It was specifically mentioned that this does not replace the Agency Liaison program but would hopefully compliment the work of the program. The working group hoped that agency liaisons might be willing to add content. It was noted that a history of each page is kept and that there is room for discussion within the wiki pages. Wikis tend to be more searchable and show up in search engine results. Galli asked that anyone who adds content to the wiki be a registered user and use their real name to ensure accountability and reliability of the information. Working group will continue through mid-winter and evaluate progress at that point. There was also some concern that the wiki pages might be simply a form of advertisement for vendors or agencies and a hope that libraries will offer a critical overview of services.

Virtual members of the task force

While virtual membership seemed like a good idea for people who cannot travel for various reasons, how the task force might implement virtual membership presented some problems and challenges. For example, having speakerphones or conferencing software in place would be necessary to have participation (and also cost money). The task force has only a few named members based on the PPM (coordinator, secretary, web coordinator and committee liaisons). It is usually important that these people regularly attend Midwinter and Annual meetings. The agency liaisons do work that is often in-line with being virtual members of the task force and this seems to work well. Virtual membership seems inevitable but certain adjustments in the PPM, by-laws (voting status, appointment modes, etc.) and commitment to resources would be necessary.

Implementation of IDTF Forums - Brett Cloyd.

Brett presented the idea of creating a forum at Annual meetings of IDTF to talk about information questions or resources that might be of interest to attendees. The focus would be on content that librarians can use to help the researchers in their libraries. It was hoped that Midwinter meetings might focus more on business and administrative issues of the group and the Annual meeting would be more content oriented. Brett will work with Marcy Allen, incoming coordinator of IDTF to make this happen at Annual 2008 and create a more formal structure for these presentations in the future. It was felt that a couple people offering 10-15 minute presentations might be a good way to start. Presenters would also create a hand-out that could be shared on-line with others.

Reports from Vendors/Agencies.

More details coming soon.

  • Bernan - Bruce Samuelson. Samuelson referred attendees to the agency liaison report from Bernan.
  • Center for Research Libraries (CRL) - Pat Finney.

    CRL’s database of Official Gazettes can be found at
    . Site includes a summary of CRL’s collection and full holdings information for each gazette held by CRL. Finney also described a number of new acquisitions by CRL in the field of International Studies including China Inland Mission, 1865-1951,and Nightingale Public Health and Victorian Society from the British Library. She also reported on news from the Global Resource Network. There were will be a forum on human rights archives and documentation in conjunction with Columbia University in October, 2007 and there are plans to digitize primary source materials to support study and research on topics like the colonial world, water resources and immigration.
  • Coutts. Samuelson spoke on behalf of Coutts noting that Coutts was becoming part of Ingram, so My iLibrary would be incorporated into Ingram’s efforts.
  • Lexis/Nexis.

    Lexis is expanding its statistical collection by adding IADB and ILO to its IIS sources. They are working on a launch IIS-PDF (on-line version of the IIS series) but are aiming to have 70% of content available on-line before introducing the service.
  • OECD - Kathleen DeBoer, Catherine Candea. Upgrades are coming. It was noted that economic journals may be compressing titles.
  • Readex - August Imholtz.

    Digitized FBIS daily reports have been launched and on display at Readex’s booth.
  • Renouf - Gordon Grahame.

    Gordon congratulated IDTF on a successful pre-conference. He noted Renouf’s new web site, with over 41,000 titles available for purchase and keyword searching
  • World Bank - Triinu Tombak, Joseph, DeBaerba, and Elliot Riordon.

    Triinu will be on leave for the year. De Plama noted 180 books a year were published by the World Bank Group, and that they work through many vendors. He noted a new catalog and many academic titles in the series, including outreach materials and titles for practioners. The useful primer, "Guide to the World Bank" also has a new edition. Riordon gave presentation on a new web-based service called "Global Economic Monitor" (GEM) which was described as "a portal for access to timely analysis and data on the global economic environment." GEM provides daily commentary and monthly analysis and integrates several earlier internal World Bank products. GEM will be available in September and free trials are available.

Old Business

  • Pre-Conference Report - Chuck Malone.

    Malone reported on the successful pre-conference held at the World Bank. He noted that it met its educational goals He gave special thanks to everyone who made it possible, including the presenters and vendor sponsors (Bernan, Lexis Nexis, OECD, Readex, Renouf and World Bank). Chuck asked that IDTF write letters of thanks that will be signed by the GODORT chair.
  • UN Classification Scheme - Letter to UN Library Director - David Griffiths.

    Griffiths presented a letter, chart, and published journal article describing problems of the UN Classification system. He made the following motion. "I move that IDTF request that the GODORT chair send the letter requesting improvements to the United Nations classification scheme, as well as the article, to Mr. Michael Rose, Chief of the Editorial Control Section at UN Headquarters". IDTF approved the letter and asked that it be forwarded to the Membership committee for the signature of the GODORT chair.
  • Status of Web Migration - IDTF Web Managers. Tabled until Midwinter.

New Business

Formation of IDTF Cataloging Toolbox Working Group - Chuck Malone. Malone noted that the cataloguing toolbox was full of broken links. He asked for volunteers. Those interested may contact him for participation.

Adjournment of meeting. 3:30 p.m.