Agency Liaison Reports


Government Documents Roundtable of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½

Annual Conference, June 2005

International Documents Task Force

Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the ¾«¶«´«Ã½. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF we page, which is found on the GODORT page on the ¾«¶«´«Ã½ site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at

Agencies Included in this Report


Canadian Publications

Council of Europe


Human Rights



InterAmerican Dev. Bank





The Stationary Office

UN Depository Libraries


World Bank


World Tourism


The following report is by Bruce Samuelson, Director of Marketing and Library Services, on the latest developments at Bernan that may be of interest to IDTF members. As always, Bernan welcomes feedback and suggestions, and appreciates the opportunity to communicate directly with the IDTF. Bruce's email address is: Bernan is at the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual Conference in Chicago. and Bruce invites everyone who will be there to stop by their exhibit in booth #2503. Bernan also encourages Bernan encourages all IDTF members to subscribe to their Government Publication News, their free monthly email newsletter on new and forthcoming intergovernmental organization

publications. Sign up online at or email at

Bernan continues to serve as a sales agent for various online subscriptions from the UN, OECD, World Bank, World Tourism Organization, and the Pan American Health Organization. They will be hosting a demonstration and training day at the UN in New York City in early Fall, Contact them to reserve a space. Would a training day for other organizations they deal with also be worthwhile? If so, contact them to express interest.

Bernan Press continues to co-publish with the World Trade Organization, and next month is scheduled to release Volumes 2 and 3 of the WTO Basic Instruments and Selected Documents.. Co-publication continues for the WTO Trade Policy Review Series and the WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions:

Key current publications of special note are The Doha Round and the WTO: A New Agenda for Development from the World BankMillenium Development Goals: Report 2005 from the UNand the new International Patent Classification from the World Intellectual Property Organization, which will be five volumes instead of ten this edition. Bernan is now a distributor for the Council of Europe.


Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20 2005

Canadian Official Publications

Released in June of 2004, Directions for Libraries and Archives Canada outlines broad directions for the newly created Library and Archives Canada (LAC) agency. It is available at:

A companion document is Consultation with Stakeholders on Directions for Library and Archives Canada: Overview Report of Findings that briefly describes the multi-type survey process preceding the agency reorganization and summarizes the results. Included are a summary of the responses, selected quotations, a list of those who responded from the 150 specifically invited groups, and the dates and locations of the consultation sessions. See: .

The LAC now combines the former National Archives of Canada and the National Library of Canada. It assigns ISBNs and ISSNs as well as provides cataloging for all documents. The agency is also making progress with the harvesting and of web documents. Approximately 10,000 documents are available through their Federal Locator System at: . The agency has also launched an electronic newsletter to be published every two months at: .

The Library Advisory Committee of the Canadian Depository Services Program (DSP) is meeting the end of August 2005. Contracts with Natural Resources (NRCAN) for maps, Statistics Canada, and the Canadian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) materials end this year and will most likely be renewed. Thanks to Vivienne Monty of York University who is a member of the Library Advisory Committee and has provided much of this information

Report submitted by Linda Johnson, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 15, 2005

Council of Europe

The following report was provided by Tom Johnson, Manhattan Publishing Company, on the latest developments from the Council of Europe that may be of interest to IDTF members. Contact information is: Tom Johnson, Manhattan Publishing Co, P.O. Box 468, Croton-on-Hudson NY 10520. Phone 888-686-7066, fax 914-271-5856, email:, and web


Terrorism: special investigation techniques.(2005) A survey of national practice in thirty-five Council of Europe member states as well as in Canada and the United States of America. It also includes an analytical report, which examines special investigation techniques in relation to law enforcement and prosecution, the control of their implementation, human rights and international co-operation in this field.

Crime Policy in Europe (2005) ISBN 92-871-5486-4& 16x24cm 200 pages

Dealing with criminal policy in the Member States of the Council of Europe, this book concentrates on examples of promising practices in specific countries that could be encouraging to other countries.

Organised Crime in Europe: the threat of cybercrime - Situation report 2004(2005)

ISBN 92-871-5682-4 Format 16x24cm 268 pages An overview of the organised crime situation in Europe in 2004. A topical chapter is dedicated to the challenge of cybercrime with a detailed analysis of different forms of cybercrime, its links to organised crime and terrorism, and its impact on societies.

Human Rights

Mechanisms for the implementation of minority rights (2005)

ISBN&92-871-5499-6& 300p. A comprehensive and critical overview of the political and legal mechanisms that are available at both European and international levels ...the UN... International Court of Justice; ... the Council of Europe; � the OSCE �

Short guide to the European Convention on Human Rights (2005) 3rd edition

ISBN 92-871-5670-0& 200 p. A concise overview of the basic rights guaranteed by the Convention on Human Rights .. . case-law � the procedures followed by the European Court of Human Rights , the role of the Committee of Ministers as a supervisory organ in giving force to the judgments of the Court.

Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion (2005) [Human Rights files, No. 20] ISBN 92-871-5626-3 111 p.C overs internal aspects of beliefs (as absolute) and external manifestations ( as relative).

European Court of Human Rights: Reports of Judgments and Decisions Latest volumes2003/I through 2003/XII.

Social Security

MISSCEO - Comparative tables of social protection systems in 13 member states of the Council of Europe, Australia, Canada and New-Zealand - 12th edition(situation on 1 January 2004) (2005) ISBN 92-871-5590-9 Pages 689 p.


Recent Demographic Developments in Europe 2004 (2005) ISBN 92-871-5665-4& Format A-4 with CDRom Pages 100& An annual lpublication presenting � developments in forty-six European states: the size of the population and its rate of increase, rates of migration, marriage and divorce, fertility and mortality, and the size of foreign population.�prepared �& in co-operation with national statistics offices.


Blood transfusion Guide to preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components –11th edition(2005) ISBN&92-871-5667-0 50 p.

This guide continues to be the "golden standard" for blood transfusion services and forms the basis for many national guidelines in Europe and outside.

Activities of the Council of Europe - 2004 report (2005) ISBN 92-871-5696-4& 119 p. This report describes all the work carried out in 2004 by the Council of Europe's

Report submitted by
Chelsea Dinsmore, , IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005 <>

Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO

What’s New is an innovative information service that displays FAO’s most recently-published online information on a single, unique Web page. What’s New allows Internet audiences to be informed in real-time of the Organization’s newest Web sites, publications, press releases and other valuable material avoiding the need to constantly revisit individual databases and systems. Updates are available via RSS feeds as well. FAO currently hosts hundreds of specialized Web sites and systems which support the Organization’s mandate to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy.

The World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT) contributes to FAO’s mandate to collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate information relating to nutrition, food and agriculture. FAO established WAICENT as a corporate framework for agricultural information management and dissemination. WAICENT Partnersinclude:

  • Agriculture Network Information Center (AGNIC)
  • AGROWEB Initiative
  • Bellanet
  • CAB International
  • Center for Transportation Analysis (CTA)
  • Central Laboratory For Agricultural Expert Systems (CLAES)
  • Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
  • China Agricultural University
  • China - Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)
  • Cornell University, MANN library
  • Development Gateway
  • Development Gateway - Food Access & Availability Special
  • French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
  • Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)
  • International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD)
  • ITrainOnline
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF/AFFRC)
  • National Agricultural Library, USA
  • UAE - Agriculture Information Centre (UAE-AGRICENT)
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  • United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force (UN-ICT)
  • The German Centre for Documentation and Information in Agriculture (ZADI)

The WAICENT portal provides access to the latest highlights, the what’s new page, and FAO web sites with subject entry points, with a range of search options. The FAO Corporate Document Repository houses FAO documents and publications, as well as selected non-FAO publications, in electronic format. Publications added in the last month can be seen at:

Report submitted by Sandra K. Peterson, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

Human Rights

Council of Europe. Directorate General of Human Rights. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. United Nations. Commission on Human Rights

Council of Europe: Directorate General of Human Rights

The Directorate General of Human Rights supervises the Council of Europe’s human rights policies and standards.

The latest Human Rights Information Bulletin (April 2005) is available online in pdf format at


The Bulletin summarizes events in the field of human rights from the perspective of the Council of Europe.

Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights states that "No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". This article led to the formation of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

The Directorate General’s homepage has links to the following recent publications pertaining to torture:

A report on the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man. 4 March 2005

A report on the Slovak Republic.9 March 2005

A report on Latvia 10 May 2005

Related publications can be obtained online

from the Council of Europe’s Prevention of Torture Database:


The database indexes all public statements and reports made by the CPT and the standards from the CPT's Annual General Reports. The Committee for the Prevention of Torture also has an electronic mailing list which generates 1-2 messages a month that link to news items. Instructions for subscribing can be found at


The Directorate General Homepage notes the European Committee of Social Rights' has found violations of the Council’s social charter concerning corporal punishment of children and the rights of the Roma (Gypsy) population to housing.

All formal complaints of Social Charter Violations are online at < >.

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has adopted Guidelines on the protection of victims of terrorist acts in March 2005. Text of the Guidelines is available online at

The Guidelines are available in paper format packaged with The 2002 Guidelines on Human Rights and the Fight Against Terrorism. The book is available from Council of Europe Publishing.

Inquiries regarding Council of Europe Directorate General of Human Rights publications can be addressed to

United Nations Commission on Human Rights


The United Nations Commission on Human Rights meets in Geneva each spring during March and April for a six week session.

In addition to the regular spring session the commission can also meet in special sessions which expedite mechanisms dealing with urgent human rights situations.

Documents from regular and special sessions held from 1982 to the present are available online at >

The Newsroom link

features materials organized by Date, Mandate, Subject, Country, Official, and Type of document.

Questions regarding publications and documents should be addressed to


The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights works to maintain the United Nations’ goals of worldwide respect for human rights.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights works to maintain the United Nations’ goals of worldwide respect for human rights.

A new link on the homepage features the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights available in over 300 languages and links to documents pertaining to the 2005 World Programme for Human Rights Education.

The OHCHR’s documents search engine available at

searches for documents in English, French or Spanish.

OHCHR Publications consist of fact sheets, training and educational material, special issue papers, reference material, promotional material and Annual Reports and Appeals. Most publications are available for downloading in PDF format in at least three different languages.

Recent publications include

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights Poster (containing the text of the Universal Declaration and drawings illustrating each article),
  • ABC - Teaching Human Rights: Practical activities for primary and secondary schools (French)
  • Human Rights and Prisons - A Compilation of International Human Rights Instruments concerning the Administration of Justice (Russian)
  • Human Rights and Prisons - A Pocket Book of International Human Rights Standards for Prison Officials (Russian)
  • Embedding Human Rights in Business Practice (English)

Selection of Decisions of the Committee of Adopted Human rights adjusted to the Facultative Protocol: Vol.4 (Spanish)

All recent publications including the poster are available online from < >

Email notification of new publications can be obtained by writing to

Questions referring to fact sheets, training and educational material, reference and promotional material, and special issue papers should be addressed to “Publications” should appear in the “Subject” field

Report submitted by Susan Golding, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

International Labour Organization - ILO

Notes from Reliable Sources

  1. Karin Lee has retired as the publications officer from the ILO Office in Washington, where she served the U.S. library community faithfully for twenty-five years. We will miss her encyclopedic knowledge of ILO publishing, and her willingness to help with tracking any ILO publication.
  2. We look forward to working with Marjorie Crow and Kitty Shea in the Washington Office, who still welcome questions.
  3. Renouf is now the official source for ILO publications in the U.S. (See full details in the Renouf Publishing Report below.)
  4. ILO’s web listings of publications are kept up to date, lsiting important titles on a global basis.
  5. Regional Office in London has closed.
  6. Regional publications are only listed on the web site of that region’s officeand not on the home ILO web site publications. On the regiion’s site,.often there is not an alphabetical listing for even that region’s publications. Instead, they are listed first by topic, then by year of publication. Renouf hopes to add Regional ILO Publications to their offerings, a most welcome development.
  7. ILO does not a separate exhibit at ¾«¶«´«Ã½annual conference. Instead, see booths of Renouf and UN Publications.


  1. Both the Ebrary Electronic text service and the MyiLibrary service from Coutts offer a full range of ILO publications in electronic format. Ebrary contains a selection of priced publications, while MyiLibrary coverage is comprehensive, including both priced and free publications in one electronic portal.
  2. A Broad Range of useful databases, free on the ILO web site, covers: Country and regional information, labour legislation, labour statistics, occupational safety, social security, terminology, vocational training and rehabilitation, vorld of work

Recent Titles of Special Note:

A Global Alliance Against Forced Labour,
Report of the Director-Genera. 2 005, vi + 87 p ISBN 92-2-115360-6 US$29.95 Comprehensive account of contemporary forced labour covers number of people affected and profits made by their exploitation... Covers that imposed by the State for economic, political or other purposes, that linked to poverty, and that which arises from migration and trafficking of workers across national borders.

Hours of Work. From fixed to flexible?& International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report III (Part 1B) 2005, ix+139 pp. ISBN 92-2-115364-9 US$19.95 Hours of work are reviewed in ILO Conventions related to legislation, arbitration awards, collective agreements and individual bargaining. Provides detailed statistics

International Labour Standards Electronic Library 2005, CD-ROM,& Trilingual English/French/Spanish, ISSN 1020-9972& US$9.95& An annual electronic reference library of basic International Labour Standards documents, including ILO Conventions, Recommendations, Constitution, Standing Orders, and other major instruments.

Positive Action: Reducing poverty through social dialogue. A guidebook for trade unions and employers' organizations Rosalind Harvey and Chang-Hee Lee 2005, 88 pp. ISBN 92-2-116151-X US$15.95 Guidebook to help trade unions and employers’ organizations take an active role in the PRSP program to reduce poverty.

Promotion of gender equality inction against child labour and trafficking: a practical guide for organizations by Nelien Haspels and Busakorn Suriyasarn Bangkok: ILO, 2003 71 p ISBN 92-2-115098-4 (print version) [unpriced]ISBN 92-2-115099-2 (Web version)&[Following links are found on the ILO web page under the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, under heading “gender Issues and Women at Work”] - (2,973 KB) - PDF - PDF

Working and Employment Conditions in New EU Member States: Convergence or diversity?& Edited by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead 2005, ix+381 p. ISBN 92-2-117139-6 US$39.95 A first look at labour issues through case studies at the enterprise level in several new EU countries., including employment contracts, working time, wages, social dialogue and workers’ participation, reconciliation of work and family - are combined, interact and are negotiated at local level..

General Information: Renouf is the new agent for purchase of ILO titles in the U.S. For both individual and blanket serials: ILO Pubs in Geneva. Check ILO site at Inqueries only in the U.S. Contact: Marjorie Crow or Kitty Shea, International Labour Office, 1828 L. Street N.W., Washington DC 20036, Tel: 202-653-7652. Fax: 202-653-7687.

Report submitted by Susan Bennett White, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

International Monetary Fund - IMF


Quarterly External Debt Statistics

IMF and World Bank have launched an online database with timely and comparable quarterly external debt statistics for 41 countries. It is updated every three months and brings together external debt statistics that are normally published individually by countries that subscribe to the IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS). It provides data in a format that enables cross-country comparison. Eventually the goal is to extend participation to all countries where external debt data can be disseminated according to the SDDS requirements. The database is maintained by the World Bank.

It is organized into three sets of tables:

table 1: External Debt Position by Sector, Maturity and Instrument. All participating countries provide data for table 1.

tables 2 and 3: External Debt Position by Domestic - Foreign Currency Split, and Forward Debt Service Schedule. Available data for these tables are more limited as countries work to improve their external debt data.


In September 2000 world leaders adopted the Millennium Development Goals by which, it is hoped, poverty will be reduced by half by 2015. Together with the World Bank, the IMF assesses how well the world countries are doing in implementing these goals.

Global Monitoring Report 2005

This second annual report has a special focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, because of its particular challenges.

The 2004 report is also available online at:

On the same theme of poverty reduction, a recent IMF
Working Paper No.05/100 (May 2005) “Does Foreign Aid Reduce Poverty? Empirical Evidence from Nongovernmental and Bilateral Aid” by Nadia Masud and Boriana Yontcheva assesses the impact of foreign aid on human development indicators.


World Economic Outlook database

Among changes to the database as of April 2005:

  • Afghanistan data is now included.
  • The base year for time series expressed in index form is re-indexed to 2000.

Report submitted by Vida Margaitis, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

InterAmerican Development Bank - IDB

Groundbreaking news: A recent change in implementation of the IDB’s “Information Disclosure Policy” has now allowed any employee of the IDB to post bank documents directly to their website. The policy is available on their website in the Public Information Center section:

This site clarifies the Bank’s policy on information and their determination to have it freely available as soon as possible. This has led to the decision to allow employees who create the documents that fall under the purview of the policy to post them directly. The website remains unchanged in its format so these documents are not easy to identify, but some of the documents that could be controversial are the “Environmental Impact Assessments” for new projects and updates to “Country Strategies” and “Economic Situation and Perspectives” documents.

To find these, go to the main website , and scroll down to the resources section, then click on the link to the Public Information Center. Find the link to “Strategies” and follow the links to the information. Also, any publications of the Office of Evaluation and Oversight could be sensitive. The IDB is also pursuing rapid methods of getting print documents to the public in member countries to respond to the criticism that they rely too heavily on the web. It will be interesting to see if the IDB continues with this policy as it becomes more known within the organization and more employees comply. It will also be noteworthy if any other investment banks follow their lead.

The website is still under review but the publications and research are still accessible through several different sections (see the January report). The Integration and Regional Programs Department has a new website: . On the main page they have highlighted a new document that deserves to be on the main publications page. It is The Emergence of China: Opportunities and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean. It was posted in March 2005 and is a good source for analysis and statistics.

The Felipe Herrara Library remains a good source of information. The Chief of Library Services,Benita Weber Vassallo, will be retiring soon.

Report submitted by Diane K. Campbell, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005


Report on MyiLibrary Trial - April 2005

This report is based on a trail in April 2005, while MyiLibrary is progressing at a rapid pace. Since about June 2004, about 7,000 titles have been added to MyiLibrary, and the search interface continues to evolve significantly and rapidly. Both Steve Forest and James Gray of Coutts Library Services have provided detailed and helpful information.


MyiLibrary is a full-text database including 4,400 (and counting) intergovernmental agency publications. Agencies include International Atomic Energy AgencyInternational Labour OrganizationInternational Organization for MigrationOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentThe World Bank GroupUN AIDSUnited Nations;and the World Health Organization.

Title counts and coverage) for individual agencies are as follows in April 2005.

2004-current: comprehensive

Awaiting rights clearance on 600 titles

Project in place to archive Weekly Epidemiological Record back to 1937

IGO agency

Title count Coverage All currently available content loaded?
ILO 1,292

1980s, 1996-2003: electronically available priced and un-priced publications Yes
IAEA 182 2001-current: priced publications

Newsletters and journals slowly being added.

200 titles to load
IOM 50 Same as ILO More content on the way from publisher
OECD 886 Currenlty no statistical content unless published in book format, but statistical section will launch in 3-4 days. More content on the way from publisher. Absolutely duplicates SourceOECD (in a different format).
World Bank 1,497 1995-current: comprehensive

Currently no statistical content unless published in book format, but statistical release is planned.

UNAIDS 312 200 titles to load
UN 0 40 titles 2003/2004 to load

4,000 books and treaties being converted to digital format for inclusion

WHO 181 2003/04-current: priced publications


Coutts plans getting content from the IMF, IMO, FAO, OHCHR and World Tourism Organization in the future. Electronic text are provided by the AgencyCoutts does not digitize print context. By the end of this 2005, they expect to have 50,000 titles in MyiLibrary

A new interface will offer statistical databases with exporting capabilities. These databases are the World Bank’s World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, the OECD databases and Omnistat, which includes European-based statistics on population and other areas.

Features available to individual users include Bookmarks, Dictionary, Citations, Ready Reference and Printing. Where printing is allowed, only one page can be saved or printed at a time.


  • There is no thesaurus, which makes subject searching awkward.
  • Library of Congress Subject Headings based searching is available.
  • Boolean searching is provided.
  • Keywords from titles make searching more inclusive.

Cataloging Coutts will provide MARC records for all the titles in a library’s subscription..

Archival Issues MyiLIbrary currently has no perpetual access clause. Access to material will cease if subscriptions are not continued..

Subscriptions and Pricing Libraries can subscribe to individual agency collections and will receive a sliding scale discount for multiple subscriptions. Consortia and individual pricing is subject to negotiation.

Report submitted by Daisy Dominguez, IDTF Agency Liaison

January 14, 2005

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Suzanne Edam of the OECD Washington Office will attend the IDTF meeting at June 2005 Annual Meeting in Chicago and talk about the OECD service. She is always available for help with OECD materials by email at or phone 202 822 3865. The Washington Office web site is found at

SourceOECD Developments

  • Working papers online will be added to SourceOECD in June 2005. These can be accessed directly by a tab “Working Papers” at the top right of the button bar on the SourceOECD page.
  • OECD Health Data, 2005 edition has been launched inside SourceOECD. This is a big improvement as you do not need to download the whole file to your hard drive anymore but can access the data like any other data base. Download of the whole file will still be offered for those who prefer this access.
  • OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capitol, in an online version (eMTC) is planned to be added to SourceOECD.
  • SourceOECD version 3 software, the next generation,. is being developed. Comments and suggestions on the software are welcome, and can be sent to Suzanne in the Washington Office. She also has a questionnaire about the software that she can send to interested persons.

Report submitted by Lynne M. Stuart, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

Organization of American States - OAS

René Gutiérrez, the Documents Librarian for the Organization of American States’ Columbus Memorial Library in Washington, D.C., is an “army of one.” He is currently staffing the reference desk, doing all the indexing for upcoming OAS collections, and handling all document orders. Despite all this, he was happy to take a few moments to provide some news for the International Documents Round table. By the end of 2005, he expects that the following items will be ready for publication:

  • An analytical index of resolutions of the OAS General Assembly, covering the years 1970–2004;
  • An index to documents from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, covering 1980–2004and
  • An index to documents from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 1960–2004.

The indexes will accompany the microfiche collections of each of the above.

If you are interested in purchasing OAS publications, you can call or email Mr. Gutiérrez at (202) 458-6037 or He sends his greetings to the International Documents librarians of this Round table and his continued appreciation for our support.

Report submitted by Jeffrey Knapp, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005 _

Renouf Publications

Gordon Grahame, the president of Renouf Publishing provided this report. He will be in attendance at the International Documents Task Force Meeting in Chicago on Saturday June 25th. He reminded us that at Midwinter and Annual ¾«¶«´«Ã½meetings, he is available by appointment to meet with individual librarians interested in talking about Renouf’s services., and always welcomes comments and suggestions. He can be contacted at

General News

Renouf has been selling the online products from a number of organizations it represents under a consortia arrangement. Over the past three years Renouf has networked a number of regional consortias and libraries throughout North America and are now able to offer the following discounts:

Up to 33% off of SourceOECD

20% off of World Bank's Online Resources

15% off of United Nation's Databases

10% off of World Tourism's WTOelibrary

Renouf has reached the maximum discount offered by the OECD but can obtain further savings with the other organizations, if they can increase membership. Please contact their serials department, if you

have any questions or are interested in joining their group. The serials department can also arrange for a free-trial offer for any of products it sells.

ILO at Renouf

Renouf is pleased to announce that it has been selected as the new official North American distributor for the International Labour Office (ILO). Orders sent to the former distributor located in Waldorf, Maryland have been forwarded to Renouf as of March 15th, 2005. Prepayment will no longer be required for orders submitted to them on an official purchase order. The accounting department would be pleased to open an account for you and once established, you will also be able to charge your purchases to your account for publications ordered through the web site: Renouf has updated their web site and it now contains over 1,600 ILO publications currently available from the organization. If you have any questions regarding your orders or opening an account, please do not hesitate to contact Renouf toll-free at (888) 551-7470 or by e-mail:

Renouf will now be offering North American libraries the option of having a comprehensive or blanket standing order for all new ILO monographs. Renouf also offers standing orders by series and individual

standing orders for new editions of publications that are updated periodically. You will find Renouf's serials department quite flexible and they will also create a specialized standing order by subject or

theme based on the client's requirements. Renouf had anticipated a smooth transition but the standing order records were only received in June and the information is incomplete. Renouf will be calling the

clients over the next few weeks to confirm their orders prior to shipping any documents. In the meantime, please contact the serials department at the above number or by e-mail:

Lise St-Jean, Renouf's serials manager, and her staff will make sure your collections are complete and up-to-date.

Renouf's long-term goal will to be able to offer the ILO publications being produced by all their regional offices. Renouf has written ILO's Training Center located in Turin, Italy and are waiting for their reply.

Renouf will update the IDTF members as soon as new offices have been added.

Gordon is not sure if the members are aware that after more than 25 years of service at the ILO's Washington Center, Karen Lee retired last month. Gordon is quite certain that we will all join him in wishing her a happy and healthy retirement. Karen has agreed to assist Renouf on a part-time basis and you may see her on Renouf's stand at a future exhibit. Her position is not being filled and Renouf will become your North American liaison with the ILO's Geneva Office.

Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

The Stationery Office - TSO

Brian Tierney continues as The Stationary Office liaison contact. The online bookstore is fond at

A Wonderful new publicity as a PDF postcard below. With great advertising for official publications. It headlines,

“We are not just offering you access to every official British publication - We are putting you in charge of them.”


Report submitted by Andrea Singer, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

United Nations Depository Library System

The Dag Hammarskjöld Library (DHL) at UN Headquarters has created a new electronic service. UN Pulse, which was launched in May 2005, is a blog
containing announcements of just-released UN information resources, including major reports, publications, documents, and databases. UN Pulse is very popular and may eventually replace the Documents Alert service, which can be found at .

The organization continues to digitize older masthead documents and Official Records in the six official languages and to add these, as well as current documents, to its freely available Official Document System (ODS). Although the introduction to ODS states that sales publications are not included in the database, some older sales publications have also been digitized and added to this massive resource. Access to ODS documents was recently enhanced through the development of a search interface called Global Search, which is designed for full-text searching. It may be found at .

Though the percentage of new sales publications made available online has increased, the organization has no plan to cease distribution of these materials in print. However, according to UN Depository Libraries Officer, Kikko Maeyama, the distribution of masthead documents and Official Records in print will eventually end. Over the course of the last year, many depositories in developing countries have acquired Internet connectivity, so the technical barriers to electronic access are dissolving. However, the UN body that will decide this issue has not yet made a final determination.

Ms. Maeyama continues to emphasize the importance of promoting UN depositories.
To commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations, the DHL is coordinating a world-wide exhibit by all depository libraries near or on October 24 (United Nations Day). In August or September 2005, each library will receive posters and brochures representing the organization’s major commitments and milestones. Suggestions on how to use this “Exhibition in a Box” to publicize UN collections will be provided. Ms. Maeyama hopes that all depositories will participate, and she would appreciate their providing her with photographs of their exhibits, which will be added to the Depository Libraries’ web site at .

Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development


UNCTAD has issued a number of outstanding publications during the last year. To mark its fortieth anniversary, it published Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures, a compact source that contains statistics demonstrating the impact of globalization on developing countries. The GlobStat web site, which may be found at , complements the book by providing access to the resources and reference materials used in its preparation, including time series and country statistics that can be downloaded. Another key UNCTAD title, the 2004 edition of the World Investment Report, focuses on foreign investment trends in services. The four statistical databases on the UNCTAD web site are valuable reference sources. These include:

  • UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics
  • Commodity Price Bulletin
  • Foreign Direct Investment Database

The least well-known of these, TRAINS,
provides access to indicators of trade control measures (tariff and non-tariff measures) as well as imports by supplier at each 6-digit level in the Harmonized System for over 130 countries.

UNCTAD recently introduced the Quick Finder search interface for the UNCTAD Catalogue, which contains records for items in the UNCTAD Digital Library. Quick Finder enables the user to search for sales publications, masthead documents, and newsletters by year, information resource type, and broad subject area. In most instances, the records accessed via this tool will have links to full-text PDF documents in the Digital Library. To conduct Boolean searches using more specific information, such as document symbols, one should continue to use the Advanced Search interface found on the same page. The coverage of the Catalogue is limited to 1996 to the present.

Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

World Bank

Report provided by Triinu Tombak from World Bank Publications.


The World Bank e-Library –Launched in June, 2003. An electronic portal to the Bank’s full-text collection of books, reports, and other documents on social and economic development from 2000 and ongoing. Now over 3,500 titles and working papers. Recent Developments include:

  • MARC Records are now available for almost all publications
  • RSS Feeds &(Really Simple Syndication), which syndicate web content and deliver it to you via a news reader or aggregator. Go to “RSS FEEDS” on the left side menu, copy the given URL into your news reader and see what's new at the e-Library.
  • Live Reference Linking Live reference linking is available for selected regional collections (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Ingenta Journals, CrossRef, etc., total of ca 35 different sources). Will be available for all e titles by Fall 2005
  • Google All e-Library titles have been indexed by Google
  • Subject Categories have been assigned to each title.

World Development Indicators Online (WDI Online)– Comprehensive data for over 660 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data can be indexed, graphed, and exported in standard formats including Excel.

Global Development Finance Online (GDF Online)– External debt and financial flow data for the 138 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank. Time series data include over 200 indicators from 1970. Updated annually in January.

Current North American consortia include: AMIGOS, California Digital Library (negotiating), CES, CIC, FEDLINK, NERL, Michigan Library Consortium (negotiating), OHIONET, Renouf Books, UN System Electronic Information Acquisition Consortium

Pricing, Discounts, and Print Archive Option WDI Online, GDF Online and e-Library are priced by FTE. Discounts for all 3 together. E-Library subscribers can add the e-Library Print Archive to their subscription. Subscribing institutions will receive one copy of each of the 150-200 books published by the World Bank during the subscription year at an estimated 65-70% discount. For a price estimate, please e-mail

Distributors. Subscriptions to the three electronic resources can be arranged directly through World Bank Publications, through Renouf in Canada, Bernan in USA or from a number of distributors including: EBSCO and Swets Blackwell, and from other distributors internationally. For distributor contact information please e-mail


Public Sector Governance and Accountability Series advocates the role of private market-led growth while managing fiscal resources prudently in the public sector. Forthcoming titles include:

  • Public Services Delivery July 2005
  • Fiscal Management July 2005,
  • Public Expenditure Analysis July 2005
  • Tools for Public Sector Evaluations October 2005
  • Macrofederalism and Local Finances October 2005
  • International Practices in Local Governance October 2005
  • Citizen-Centered Governance October 2005

World Bank Trade and Development Series encourages an informed dialogue about the role of trade in development, particularly for the world’s poorest countries. 14 titles already published, forthcoming titles will include:

  • Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda October 2005
  • Poverty and the WTO November 2005,
  • The Doha Round and the WTO: A New Agenda for Development November 2005.
  • International Trade in Health Services: Current Debates on the GATS October 2005.
  • Fighting Fire with Fire: Safeguards and Antidumping in Latin American Trade Liberalization
  • November 2005,
  • Global Integration and Technology Diffusion November 2005.

Other Key Titles

World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development, 28th edition, September 2005

Doing Business 2006: Creating Jobs, 3rd Edition

World Development Report 1978-2006 all annual editions. CD-ROM. December 2005.

Global Economic Prospects 2006 November 2005.

Voice for the World’s Poor: Selected Speeches and Writings of World Bank President J D. Wolfensohn, 1995-2005 on critical global issues - poverty, debt, corruption, HIV/AIDS�.

Green MiniAtlas of Global Development. 2004.

Understanding Civil War: Evidence and Analysis, on conflict resolution and reconstruction. Volume 1: Africa. Volume 2: Europe, Central Asia, and Other Regions. Both September 2005.

Blanket Standing Order Program offers a flat 20% on standing order and all others.

New Catalog in print and PDF - request by email to

Contact Information

Visit us at Booth 4004 at ¾«¶«´«Ã½in Chicago

World Bank Online Resources:

Pricing information and free trials,

consortia relations, contract queries:

Triinu Tombak, Electronic Sales Manager

P: 202-473-5149

F: 202-522-2631

World Bank Publications:

Jose De Buerba, Sales Manager

World Bank Publications

1818 H Street NW

Washington DC 20433

P: 202-473-0393

F: 202-522-2631

Report submitted by Daisy Dominguez, IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

World Health Organization - WHO

The WHO website, , continues to be a very user-friendly way to access much of their information for free. Of special interest there are:

  • The WHO Book Shop() Offers links to free reports and publications from the WHO, a “just published” page for new publications, and “forthcoming key titles.”
  • Access to WHO Reference Information () Offers links to a detailed page instructing how to locate and order WHO documentation, links to online versions of WHO periodicals (the Bulletin of the World Health Organization and the Weekly Epidemiological Record are now available electronically back to their inceptions, 1947 and 1926, respectively).
  • World Health Organization Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)
  • () Provides links to an array of WHO statistical sources, including informational pages devoted to special subjects of interest, statistics broken down by country or region, and updated core health indicators.

Report submitted by Jeffrey A. Knapp IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005

World Tourism Organization - WTO

The World Tourism Organization (WTO), one of the specialized agencies of the UN, is producing an increasingly robust number of publications in both print and electronic form. Primary languages in use are English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.&More than 250 titles are currently available and a 2005 catalog of World Tourism Publications & Electronic Products is available, downloadable as a PDF file. Excerpts may be viewed in the WTO Infoshop at and materials ordered online with credit card options available. In the United States, Bernan has recently become an online subscription agent for WTO material including the WTOelibrary, a virtual library that provides access to some 350 books, including the Tourism Factbook. Online subscribers to WTOelibrary also have access to “a growing number of documents that can be defined as Gray Literature” (Bernan announcement, November 17, 2004), and to a WTO CD-ROM collection that presents comprehensive data, organized by country, from WTO publications in Excel spreadsheet format.

WTO’s overall website is and its front page leads to basic facts and figures, to freely available issues of World Tourism Barometer, to a couple charts from Tourism 2020 Vision, to a list of WTO conferences and meetings, an international calendar of tourism events, and to Infodoctour which provides factual data on national and international tourism information holders and brokers. The WTO Documentation Centre utilizes a Multilingual Thesaurus on Tourism and Leisure Activities, and also offers LEXTOUR, a tourism legislation database that provides bibliographic and textual data on laws and regulations.

The WTO recently launched a depository library program of its own and seven participating institutions in the U.S. are currently listed. They are Congressional Information Service, Inc.Cornell UniversityNew York UniversityNorthwestern UniversityUniversity of Central Floridathe University of Hawaii, Honoluluand the Dag Hammarskjold Library. An application form and specific rules for depository libraries are available at .

Report submitted by Mary K. Fetzer IDTF Agency Liaison

June 20, 2005 <>

[End of ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual 2005 IDTF Agency Liaison Reports]