IDTF Agency Liaison Reports


Annual Meeting,

June 26, 2004


The following report was provided by Bruce Samuelson, Director of Marketing and Library Services, on the latest developments that are of interest to IDTF members.

The newest activity to report is that Bernan is looking to expand its distribution of IGO titles to more agencies and organizations. We would be very interested in learning from members of the IDTF the publications they would be most interested in having Bernan distribute.

Recent releases that may be of interest include the
World Economic Outlook from the IMF
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics from the World Tourism Organization, FAO's
State of Food and Agriculture, and the World Trade Organization
Annual Report, Vol. 1. Also
Basic Facts About the United Nations is being released in June, the first update to this title in a few years.

Bernan recently published three CD-ROMS of vital World Trade Organization information: the
WTO International Trade Statistics CD-ROM, the
WTO Analytical Index CD-ROM, and the
Trade Policy Review CD-ROM (co-published with the WTO). Bernan continues to co-publish several other WTO titles, including the
Trade Policy Review (TPR) Series. TPRs for Burundi, Haiti Honduras, Morocco, Niger & Senegal, Thailand, and Turkey were published in April and May. Bernan also continues to regularly publish World Trade
Organization Dispute Settlement Decisions: Bernan's Annotated Reporter (DSD), with Volumes 51-56 released over the past few months.

Bernan published a new Standing Order Catalog, including all of our IGO publishers. This is the first update to this catalog in a few years. Bernan's 2004 Fall Catalog is also now available. You can request either catalog via our Web site, or you can call us toll free at 800-865-3457. You can also download PDF in the catalogs from our Website.

Bernan will be at the ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual Conference in

Orlando , and Bruce invites everyone who will be there to stop by Bernan's exhibit booth #2677.

As always, Bernan welcomes your feedback and suggestions, and we appreciate the opportunity to communicate directly with the IDTF. Bruce's email address is:

Respectfully submitted by Brett Cloyd, liaison

Council of Europe

Tom Johnson, Manhattan Publishing Co., provided the following update report:


No. 190:
Protocol amending European Convention on the suppression of terrorism.

No. 191:
Additional protocol to the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption.

No. 192:
Convention on Contact concerning Children. (definitions, principles, measures, etc.)

No. 193:
European Convention on the protection of animals during international transport


Constitutional Law:

Through the continuing work of its Venice Commission the Council had assisted in the development of constitutions for its (now) eastern members and in reforming their judiciary to conform to democratic standards.


Bulletin on Constitutional Case-law: editions 2002/3 and 2003/1. (3 per yr.)

Science and technique of democracy series:

No. 33:
Democracy, rule of law and foreign policy.

No. 34:
Code of good practice in electoral matters.

No. 35:
The resolution of conflicts between the central state and entities with legislative power by the

Constitutional Court.


Death Penalty - Beyond abolition(April 2004). The death penalty is almost completely abolished in the Council's 45 member states, and all new members have to sign on to the treaty as a membership condition. (An earlier book, 1999, was
The Death Penalty - Abolition in Europe).

Euthanasia volume II -- National and European perspectives . (Ethical Eye collection). Preceded in Sept. 2003 by
Euthanasia volume I -- Ethical and human aspects.

Biomedical research(2004) (Ethical Eye collection)

The fight against terrorism: Council of Europe standards.


Recent demographic developments in Europe 2003

.(tables and graphs120 page booklet with an accompanying CD.)

continuing series
Population Studies:

No. 38: The demographic characteristics of immigrant populations.

No. 39: Demographic consequences of economic transition in countries of central and eastern Europe .

No. 40: The economically active population in Europe .

No. 41: Active ageing in Europe , volume 1.

No. 42: Reproductive health behaviour of young Europeans, vol. 1.

No. 43: Demographic and social implications of low fertility for family structures in Europe .


The new 10th edition of Europe's benchmark book:
Guide to the preparation,use and quality assurance of blood components 2004.

Human Rights

By way of observation, - there is within the Council of Europe a major emphasis on the promulgation and enforcement of standards regarding human rights and social rights. There are investigative committees and traveling inspectors in such areas as prison conditions and torture (see below), and the very many facets of the Social Rights Charter (e.g.
European Committee on Social Rights: Conclusions 2003/vol. 1 and the parallel
Governmental Committee- 14th Report) making periodic reports,

New York Times editorial on prison torture, a few weeks ago, pointed to the Council's European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and its unrestricted investigate authority as mechanism to be emulated the U.S. (e.g. see book:
Combating Torture in Europe (2001)

Minority Rights in Europe(2004) a major study of the legislation on Protection of National Minorities and of Minority Languages, the work of the European Commission on Racism and Intolerance, the Roma/Gypsies, and monitoring mechanisms. -- (previously published 2002 study and survey;
Minorities in international law )

EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: besides the regularly published collection volumes "Reports of Judgments and Decisions", the Council has just published
Key case-law extracts: European Court of Human Rights viewing cases on the Convention article by article.


� some surveys of legislation and compliance in member states with the existing Treaties and Agreements e.g.
,: Rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities: policy and legislation, 7th ed. (2003)

Legislation to combat discrimination against people with disabilities, 2nd edition,(2002

Tom Johnson may be contacted at the following email:

Respectfully submitted by Marian Shaaban, liaison

Report of ILO Liaison to IDTF / GODORT / ALA

Update on Publications of The International Labour Organization

June 2004

Notes from Reliable Sources

1. Prices for ILO serials have remained relatively stablethe large price increases forecast for ILO serials have NOT materialized, and don’t seem to be on the horizon.

2. ILO is standing firm in not offering blanket orders on monographs for libraries.

3. Decentralization of publication continues at ILO. While ILO continues to publish extensively, and is broadening topics to cover new issues such as Globalization and legitimization of undocumented guest workers, there is less and less publication through the headquarters offices. Many publications are indeed being created and distributed directly from regional offices. This continues to be is a serious problem since they are difficult for libraries to identify and acquire, and indeed for ILO staff to know about and promote.

4. Other than what is on the web at any one point in time, ILO publication from regional offices is becoming gray literature.

5. The ILO is doing a lot of Print-on-Demand publication. This is mostly for older titles which are out of stock, but still in demand. However, this is also being considered for more recent titles.

6. Paper / print publication of central titles is secure at ILO at this time. The web offers free pdf copies of most titles, often in several languages. Paper is almost always available through purchase


1. ILO staff now have the tentative 2005 subscription publications list and are working on firm prices

2. A catalog of ILO publications is now being published twice a year, both on the web and in paper.

Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety price has been permanently reduced. Print $250, CD $175, Both $375.

4. The next issue of the biennial
World Employment Report will be published late fall 2004, subject not yet announced.

5. In 2005, ILO will be again offer a “CA Subscription” package for the Bulletin, the Yearbook, and Occupation Wage Survey.

6. Tentative price for the package US $300.

7. Title change: the former
Statistics on Occupational Wages, Hours of Work, and Food Prices, October Inquery has been streamlined to be called just
Occupation wage survey.

8. ILOLEX CD-ROM will continue to be on annual subscription. Additional updates are being added for June and November

Bulletin of Labor Statistics will now have only two issues per year, and no supplements


1. The Ebrary Electornic text service continues to offer a full range of ILO publications in their standard package.

2. ILO does not a separate exhibit at ¾«¶«´«Ã½annual conference. Instead, see booths of Renouf and UN Publications.

3. MYILIBRARY Comprehensive ILO and Beyond Electronic Publications MYiLibrary is a new service of the Coutts Library Services which is planned for release in the summer of 2004. It will include full text of publications from both ILO and a number of other IGOs. Increased exposure for ILO publications is hoped for since MyiLibrary will provide comprehensive coverage of UN produced information, both priced and free, in one database. Coutts will be the world wide distributor for MyiLibrary.

Current Titles of Special Note:

Fair Globalization: The Role of the ILO. Report of the Director General, ILO 92
nd Annual Conference, 2004. Report on the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization. 62p.

Geneva , ILO, 2004. Available:

Global Employment Trends, 2004, January 2004. PDF and video on ILO website.
Global Employment Trends for Women, 2004, March 2004. PDF on ILO website. First issued in 2003, these reports detail and give statistics for the deteriorating global employment situation. In 2003, 40% of the world’s workers were women, but women are also 60% of the world’s working poor.

Helping Hands or Shackled Lives? Understanding Child Domestic Labour and Responses to it. ILO, 2004, ISBN 92-2-115747-Available:
. Child domestic labor is a widespread and growing global phenomenon that traps as many as ten million children or more - mostly girls - in hidden forms of exploitation, often involving abuse, health risks and violence, according to this new report. Figures are somewhat inexact, but labourers worldwide, the report says that domestic child laborers comprise a substantial portion of the more than 200 million children working in the world today. Numerous country estimates

ILO Migration Survey 2003: Country Summaries. 2004, 435 pp. ISBN 92-2-015749-7 US$39.95. Provides, for the first time, detailed survey information on migration law and its policies and practices in 93 countries.

Young soldiers. Why they choose to fight. Rachel Brett and Irma Specht. 2004, 192 pages. ISBN 92-2-113718-X. $17.95. Explores the reasons adolescents decide voluntarily to join armed groups. Offers a thought-provoking account of the role that war, poverty, education, politics, identity, family, and friends all play in compelling these young men and women to join military life.

General Information: Standing Orders for ILO Monographs go to ILO Pubs in

Waldorf MD at 301 638-3152. For both individual and blanket serials: ILO Pubs in

Geneva . Check ILO site at ILO U.S. Contact: Karen A Lee, International Labour Office 1828 L. Street N.W. ,

Washington DC 20036, Tel: 202-466-0104, Fax: 202-653-7687, Email:
IDTF ILO Liaison: Susan White, U.N. Documents Librarian, Princeton University Library,

International Monetary Fund

The World Economic Outlook Database

In January and June of each year IMF ‘s country economists prepare projections, on the basis of internationally consistent assumptions about world economic activity, exchange rates, and conditions in international financial and commodity markets. Countries accounting for 90% of world output provide a full set of projections. Smaller countries provide updates of key variables, with full set of projections at designated periods. The World Economic Outlook (WEO) database is created during these biannual WEO exercises.

Changes to the Database (April 2004)

The former three-way split of the world (advanced economies, developing countries, and countries in transition) has been revised to classify countries into two categories: advanced economies and other emerging market and developing countries. The analytical groups now comprise all countries from the former developing and transition groups.


Turkey and Malta are now included in Central and Eastern Europe.

Timor-Leste, Dem. Rep. of, is now included in the WEO database.

Current account balance projections are now included for all countries.

The purchasing power parity (PPP) weights have been updated to reflect the new price surveys using the new benchmark year of 2000.

Differences between the
World Economic Outlook Database and
International Financial Statistics

The data appearing in the
World Economic Outlook are provided to the Research Department at the time of the WEO exercise, not on a continual basis. The historical data and projections are based upon the information gathered by the IMF country economists in the context of their missions and ongoing analysis of the evolving situation in member countriesprojections are staff estimates.

The data published in the Statistics Department’s
International Financial Statistics are gathered as part of an ongoing data collection effort in which member country statistical agencies provide public statistics to the IMF. Because of differences in data collection techniques, methodological issues, focus, and timing, the data in
International Financial Statistics and the
World Economic Outlook may differ.

Also interesting (no matter your views on free trade issues)

Address to the World Trade Organization General Council, by Anne O. Krueger, Acting Managing Director of International Monetary Fund,

Geneva May 18, 2004, in which she announces the IMF Executive Board’s approval of the new IMF initiative encouraging trade liberalization. Through the Trade Integration Mechanism, or TIM, countries facing balance of payments difficulties as a result of multilateral trade liberalization, will be able to seek assistance, whether or not they are currently receiving financial assistance through a Fund-supported program.

Respectfully submitted by Vida Margaitis, liaison

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Suzanne Edam of the OECD Washington Office has provided the following report:

During the first six months of 2004, OECD launched
, while at the same time keeping


  • Additional search capabilities including full-text searching
  • Ability to save searches and send search results and edited search results by email
  • Faster access via mirror site in the US
  • Usage Data (COUNTER compliant)
  • Ability for librarians to enter their own IP ranges into the system
  • Addition of Working Papers Series (four so far, more to come)
  • Addition of the Future Trends database and ECOLOG
  • A new email alerting service (old one continues to work)


Because under we are offering librarians the ability to go into the Ingenta system to look at SourceOECD usage data for their own institution, as well as to add to or change IP ranges, it is required that a librarian at the subscribing institution register on the new system and give themselves a manager user name and password that enables them to activate their institution’s access to SourceOECD subscriptionsadd, delete, or change IP rangesand look at usage data for their institution.


There have been some access problems related to the activation system. Ingenta is working hard to simplify the registration/activation process. Improvements related to simplification of the registration process and repair of the bugs affecting registration and access should be in place by the time of the International Documents Task Force Meeting. If you are continuing to have access problems, don’t hesitate to contact Because of the time difference between the US and Europe, and the fact that changes in the system take some time to replicate through all the mirror sites, fixes may not appear for a day or two after they are made by Ingenta in the UK.

Withdrawal of old SourceOECD Portal:

OECD will withdraw the old version of SourceOECD and all users, whether they are accessing through
or will be directed to the new version. We expect this to occur sometime this summer.

Usage Data:

Usage data is provided by the Ingenta Select system, and therefore is oriented towards journals. Since most OECD publications are not journals, but books or statistical publications, one must keep in mind that the data on OECD materials are not directly comparable with journal statistics from other publishers. One must also keep in mind that usage statistics in this new system have at this point only been accumulating for a relatively short period of time. OECD plans to work with Ingenta to improve the presentation of usage data for OECD materials in the coming year.

Email Alerting System:

A new email alerting service will be available soon on However, we will continue to also send out emails under the old OECDdirect system. If you have users receiving emails under the OECDdirect system, they can continue to receive emails under that system and do not have to register in the new system.

Future Developments:

As far as future development of SourceOECD is concerned, a number of projects are under way:

We are working on adding as many of the general distribution documents/working papers as possible. Currently series from 4 OECD directorates (Economics Department, Directorate for Science, Technology, and Industry, OECD Development Centre, and Directorate for Financial, Fiscal, and Enterprise Affairs) are available.

New versions of
Export Credit Financing Systems and
Nuclear Legislation Analytical Study: Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities will be posted on SourceOECD, hopefully by the end of Summer 2004.

New versions of the complete
Transfer Pricing Guidelines and
OECDModel Tax Convention will be posted on
SourceOECD by the end of the year.

In 2005 we hope to implement usage of DOIs on the system so OECD information can be linked via CrossRef from cites elsewhere.

The books area of SourceOECD will be rebuilt so that when searching, you do not get duplicate results for particular books.

We will be working on additional search capability for statistics over the next year.

MARC Records

SourceOECD Librarians/Users Group

We are looking into forming a SourceOECD Librarians/Users group among which we can all share experience. Depending on interest, we will attempt to have a conference call among interested librarians in the near future. If you are interested in joining this network, please contact or

Respectfully submitted by Lynne Stuart, liaison

Organization of American States

Rene Gutierrez, Documents Librarian at the OAS Memorial Library, told me that he has nothing new to report on the
OAS Official Records. With respect to the OAS publications, there are more publications with full text available now on the OAS website (). There are no later volumes for the periodicals
Interamericana de Bibliografia /
Inter-American Review of Bibliography (1999) and
La Educación(2000).

Respectfullly submitted by Marian Shaaban, liaison

The Stationery Office (TSO)

New services from TSO include the possiblity of subscribing to a Grey Literature search service, and improved searchability for the VBS -- TSO's virtual book store. TSO continues to work with other governmental and private agencies on interesting projects. Notes at the "Latest Information&quotsection of the website on June 1st included a description of a project with the Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) to modernize the Statute Law Database, which holds a record of all UK legislation. In another project TSO delivered digital object identifiers to Fotolibra, an image warehouse to which amateur photographers contribute.

This report includes a brief report on Source@tso, the reference service, and a description of major changes to the virtual book store:

Grey Literature:

The Spring 2004 issue of Solar:TSO Library and Information Services Newsletter includes an article (p.19) entitled quot;Let TSO Source Track Down your

'Lost' Information.&quotThe sourcing service employs researchers who will search for information from government departments and agencies as well as other sources. Print pdf, a url, a photocopy of out-of-print materials, as well as links, priced publications or other sources can be supplied, depending on the source. The service will supply alternatives, similar items, or contact phone numbers for one's query, with a normal one hour turn around time for enquiries. Costs are variable, depending on the question. For more information, contact Susan Fagen at

The VBS - TSO's Virtual Book Store:

TSO liaison Brian Tierney reports that changes were made in May 2004 to provide increased searchability on the TSO online bookshop's website

The website comprises a catalogue of over 2 million titles, incorporating feeds from TSO's own bibliographic system (BDMS) and from external suppliers (Neilsen BookData, BSI) and some ad hoc entries from VBS marketing.

Until recently the VBS used 17 subject categories which were created in November 2000. This has subsequently been reviewed, and an updated more comprehensive taxonomy has been created. Most of the products on the VBS were only searchable by specific ISBN numbers and keyword searches making some products difficult to locate.

By introducing a far wider range of classification on the left hand navigation searchability is expected to improve. The user will be able to browse and/or search within a classification or refine an advanced search using the classifications.

When browsing through the subjects, categories or sub-categories, the user will default to a feature page where TSO wants to promote titles and/or clients. Otherwise a hit list of relevant titles will be displayed, most recent first.

Respectfully submitted by Andrea Singer, liaison

World Bank

Triinu Tombak, World Bank Publications, Marketing Department, has provided the following report:

Online Resources Update

The World Bank e-Library - Launched in June, 2003. An electronic portal to the Bank’s full-text collection of books, reports, and other documents on social and economic development. Contains all titles published by the World Bank since 2000 and all future titles, as they are published. We have just added 1,800
Policy Research Working Papers to the collection, thus bringing the total number of titles over 3,000 (see the attached press release). The World Bank e-Library is powered by Ingenta.

Research Working Papers added to the World Bank e-Library:

Over 1,800 World Bank ResearchWorking Papers have been added to the some 1,300 existing publications available on the World Bank e-Library. This addition of peer reviewed papers, not available as published works, is the first step, in a series of additions, to enhance the development knowledge contained in the e-Library.

The Policy Research Working Papers, produced by the World Bank’s Development Research Group, disseminate findings of research in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. The Working Papers, dating back to 1995, cover a broad range of topics and countries.

MyiLibrary Overview:

Coutts Information Services Ltd. has started to offer the intranet version of the World Bank e-Library through the new MyiLibrary, launched by BMBC Technologies Inc. in May this year. The overview and press release are attached.

MyiLibrary is an electronic distribution solution for the delivery of collections of digital information and e-books to the academic, public and corporate library market. Its mission is to create the most comprehensive collection of academic, professional, and international information available worldwide. The platform has specifically been designed to be very robust, very flexible and offers the user a multitude of functionality while maintaining ease of use. Enhanced security and management features allow protection of the integrity of publishers content, monitoring of use and statistical tracking of users’ interest areas.

Originally developed for use as an electronic information exchange within the NHS (National Health Service) in the U.K., MyiLibrary now currently hosts the World Bank e-library and the ILO Insight collection. More content from a significant number of other International Organizations and major publishers continues to be added.

World Development Indicators Online (WDI Online) - Available since 2002. Updated twice a year, recently in April 2004. Comprehensive data for 593 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data can be indexed, graphed, and exported in standard formats including Excel.

Global Development Finance Online (GDF Online) - Available since 2002. Offers external debt and financial flow data for the 138 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank. Time series data include over 200 indicators from 1970. Updated annually in January.


The World Bank is offering its Online Resources through several consortiamore consortia will be added over time. If you are interested in purchasing a World Bank database through a consortia not listed here, please alert the consortia as to your interest and e-mail us at so that we can establish a relationship.

The current list of consortia includes:




Renouf Books


CIC (negotiating)

NAAL (negotiating)

Pricing, Discounts, and Print Archive Option

All three electronic resources are priced by FTE. Discounts are available when libraries subscribe to all 3 databases. A print archive option is also available for subscribers to all 3 databases for $2500 (single-invoice, flat price, includes all titles published in year of subscriptionestimated cost of books at list price is $3800). For a price estimate, please e-mail


Subscriptions to the three electronic resources can be arranged direct through World Bank Publications, through Renouf in Canada, or from a number of distributors including: EBSCO and Swets Blackwell, and from other distributors internationally. For distributor contact information please e-mail

Free Trial

Libraries wishing to try the e-Library may access through the end of August at:


Password: information

Print Resources Update

Global Monitoring Report 2004: - New Annual Title

The Global Monitoring Report 2004: Policies and Actions for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals and Related Outcomes provides an integrated assessment of the policies and actions needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The report, produced in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international partners, has been covered widely in the press will be particularly useful for students of development economics.

Global Monitoring Report 2004: Policies and Actions for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals and Related Outcomes (June 2004ISBN 0-8213-5859-6US$26.00).

A Guide to the World Bank - NEW REVISED EDITION NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN HARD COVER A publication that will be of particular interest to IDTF libraries is the new Guide to the World Bank which provides an accessible introduction to the World Bank’s history, mission, and purpose. The new edition is available in paperback (ISBN 0-8213-5344-6; $15) and is new in hard cover (ISBN 0-8213-5830-8US$30.00). The title was favourably reviewed in Choice Magazine’s June 2004 issue.

The Green miniAtlas

The second title in the popular miniAtlas series is an "at-a-glance&quotguide to the most pressing environmental problems around the world. The Green miniAtlas, published in a pocket-sized format, four-color, and maps, provides a wealth of information on key environmental topics for over 200 countries and territories.

Green miniAtlas (October 2004ISBN 0-8213-5870-7US$7.00) Also available: The miniAtlas of Global Development (January 2004 ISBN 0-8213-5596-1US$7.00)

Books can be purchased individually or placed on standing order (direct or through jobbers)

Doing Business 2005

Doing Business in 2005: Removing Obstacles to Growth is the second in a series of annual reports investigating the scope and manner of regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. New quantitative indicators on business regulations and their enforcement can be compared across more than 130 countries, and over time.

Including a new emphasis on gender, Doing Business not only provides insights into business constraints throughout the world but highlights particular barriers faced by women. The Doing Business project has been covered widely in and will be particularly useful for students and scholars of international business and development economics.

Blanket Standing Order Program

World Bank offers a flat 20% on all purchases for subscribers to the WBP blanket standing order program. The 20% discount applies to all print purchases, not just to standing order releases. Individual standing orders are also available for all annual and series titles. See attached list.


World Bank has a new catalog designed specifically for libraries (print and PDF / email formats available): if you are not currently receiving it and would like to do so, please e-mail


We will be in attendance at the following upcoming exhibits. Visit the booth to see demonstrations, to get a free trial card, and to enter our drawing for one-year free subscriptions to our online databases.

ASSA 2005 Annual Meetings –

Philadelphia – January 7-9, 2005 ¾«¶«´«Ã½2005 Midwinter Meeting –

Boston – January 14-17, 2005

ACRL 2005 –

Minneapolis– April 7-9, 2005

Contact Information:

World Bank Online Resources:

Pricing information and free trials, consortia relations, contract queries: Triinu Tombak

P: 202-473-5149

F: 202-522-2631

World Bank Publications:

Jose De Buerba, Sales Manager

World Bank Publications

1818 H Street NW

WashingtonDC 20433

P: 202-473-0393

F: 202-522-2631

Daisy Dominguez

IDTF World Bank Liaison Report

Meg Keller has left the World Bank Publications. Welcome to our new World Bank representative, Triinu Tombak. Triinu has provided a detailed report on World Bank publications, so I decided to focus my report on their new database MyiLibrary. The following is a synthesis of communications with the two North American distribution representatives for MIL, Steve Forrest and James Gray.

MyiLibrary (MIL) seeks to become a portal for all UN agency research. It either includes or is slowly including material from a variety of organizations, such as the World Bank, ILO, UN, UN AIDS, WHO IOM, OECD and IAEA. Publishers include: Wiley,

Taylor and Francis, Springer, Blackwell's and Oxford . Discussions are in the works with Microsoft, Pearson US and McGraw Hill.

MIL will launch on July 2, 2004. Demonstrations will be available from the Coutts stand at ¾«¶«´«Ã½(booth 2081). Steve Forrest and James Gray from Coutts Information Services Ltd MIL’s North American distributor, will be on hand for demonstrations at the booth and will participate in the IDTF meeting. A trial website with limited access to content will also be available, though no date is given.


Mr. Gray emphasizes the fact that wider subscription to MIL will impact on broader coverage for the different agencies, but I want to point out that coverage for all agencies is not comprehensive. Material is slowly being added to the database. Overall, ISBN bearing items and “priced” items seem to get better coverage.

The ILO Insight Collection includes over 1,000 titles and includes journals, books, reports, conference proceedings, working papers, etc. It covers all priced publications (including foreign language) and is beginning to add all unpriced publications as well. It is nearly comprehensive for everything published in 2003, contains a lot of material from 2002 and then whatever has been available in electronic format going back to around 1996. 2004 titles are added as they are received. There is similar coverage for the IOM as well.

There are 1,000 priced publications from the World Bank as well as over 1,800 reports, working papers etc. Only World Bank and OECD statistics published in book format will be included. They are looking to include statistics from the World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance for next year.

IAEA material in MyiLibrary goes back to 2001 and includes 1,000 publications. Newsletters, journals etc are slowly being added. Currently focused on ensuring all the priced publications are included.

There are 2,000 2003/4 priced WHO publications in MyiLibrary. There is a backlog of over 600 titles waiting for rights clearance. Once rights are cleared, all priced publications and unpriced publications will be added, in that order. A project is under way to archive some important historical works such as The Weekly Epidemiological Record going back to 1937.

Only about 50 UN priced publications for 2003/4 have had rights cleared.

Over 400 recent UN AIDS titles have been included. UN AIDS coverage should mirror ILO and end up with all publications very soon.

Many more Agencies are scheduled to come on board over the coming months and many others are looking to do so over the next year - including IMO, FAO, OHCHR, WTO, etc.


The OECD material in MyiLibrary duplicates that in SourceOECD, although in different format.


Publishers dictate how much of a document may be printed. Some publishers, such as Pearson, will not allow for printing. Others, such as national government organizations, will probably allow for printing for wider distribution of their material. Charts and images may be exported under the same potential restrictions.

Format: The material is in OEB and PDF formats, not Excel.

Contact information for MIL’s North American distributor is:

Coutts Information Services Ltd

Ash House

Headlands Business Park



BH24 3BP


Addendum provided by Triinu Tobek:

MyiLibrary Outline

The MyiLibrary Intranet and Internet solution Overview

MyiLibrary on-line is a specially designed electronic distribution solution for the delivery of collections of electronic information and e-books.

The principle of the platform is that book products and other information ‘pieces’ can be regularly added to the platform, which then allows users to navigate across all information contained in it. The platform has specifically been designed for the library market and is very robust, very flexible and offers the following features.

1. Fully indexed searching

2. Web updates

3. Security

4. Read only PDF with print at publishers discretion

5. Browser based security via IE 5 and higher

6. Web page flow rate controls

7. End user monitoring

8. Real time updates if required

9. Can be linked to any outside portals

10. Comprehensive management reporting.

11. Work book’ areas for using the data

12. Will host all file types including OEB, PDF, and HTML.

The product was originally developed for use as an electronic information exchange within the NHS (National Health Service) in the U.K. and is now currently hosting the World Bank e-library and the ILO insight collection. We are continuing to add more content from a significant number of other International Organizations as listed below, and it has been generating significant interest in the academic library community.

1. The U.N.

2. The World Health Organization (WHO)

3. The OECD

4. The International Labour Organization

5. The IOM (International Organization of Migration)

6. The IMO (International Maritime Organization)

7. The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Authority)

We will also be supporting these unique content collections with electronic product from a number of the more influential commercial reference publishers both in Europe and North America. Pearson Inc. Springer Verlag, McGraw Hill and Microsoft are just a few of the publishers we are presently in partnership discussions with.

Respectfully submitted by Daisy Domínguez, liaison

Compiled by Marian Shaaban