GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


Orlando Conference Center, Room 222B

June 26, 2004, 2-5:30pm

Sandy Peterson, Chair

Christof Galli, Secretary

Agenda and Midwinter 2004 Minutes were approved as submitted. The publication of
International Government Information and Country Information by Barbara Mann and Andrea Morrison (Greenwood Press) was announced.

Committee Liaison Reports

Cataloging: Report on success of pre-conference “Make the Most of What You’ve Got: Improving Access to Government Information in Your Online Catalog”. About 65 attendees from both the government documents librarian and the cataloging librarian communities favorably evaluated the event.

Education: Meeting was not yet held. Handout Exchange will be reviewed. Call for addition of materials on international documents.

Legislation: During ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual, the GODORT Legislative Committee, in conjunction with ALA's Government Information Subcommittee, is working on 5 resolutions The five are: 1) Resolution on Superintendent of Documents Salaries and Expenses Appropriation for FY 2005, 2) Resolution on Access to and Ownership of Government Information, 3) Resolution on Guidelines for Sensitive Information, 4) Securing Government Accountability through Whistleblower Protection and 5) Resolution on the Administrative Conference of the United States.

Program:Meeting not yet held. Steering I did not approve pre-conference proposal for 2005.

2005 Program: “Cataloging and Preservation of Digital Information” was approved.

Publications: Clarification of editing responsibilities of PPM were discussed and finalized. Budget report from
DttP indicates advertising revenue of $12,000, but overall there is still a deficit of about $9,000. Notable Documents panel membership and schedule were presented. The GODORT Web manager reported on archiving practices. Two candidates for the GODORT Web manager position were interviewed.

REGP: Meeting not yet held. Planned are a discussion of a forthcoming publication on the Serial Set, plans of a tour of the Boston Public Library for MW 2005, and follow-up on the rejected pre-conference proposal for 2005.

Agency Liaison Program: Seven agencies and one vendor reported. Report will appear on the IDTF Web site.

GODORT IFLA Representative: A second IFLA representative was nominated by Steering (Jackie Druery). GODORT is waiting for ALA’s approval.

Reports from Vendors/Agencies

Center for Research Libraries (CRL): Foreign Official Gazettes project is in a quiet phase. Lists for titles for which microfilm holdings are complete have been compiled. List of CRL holdings for which there is only hard copy and need to be filmed is complete. Next steps include preservation of all holdings that have not yet been filmed. Foreign gazettes can be searched in CRL’s online catalog, either by means of an author search by country, or by a subject search on Foreign Official Gazettes. CRL’s Foreign Dissertations Collection is being cataloged More than 300,000 titles have been cataloged. Countries include mostly Western Europe, covering the years from about 1800 to the present. CRL has acquired some major microform sets, including
British Intelligence on China and Tibet 1903-1950,
Pressearchiv zur Geschichte Deutschlands,
Russian Archives,
Creation of Modern Iraq .

European Union: Barbara Sloan is retiring June 30, 2004. A card was circulated to congratulate and thank her. Her position will not be retained at the Delegation’s Library. Overall, eleven positions have been cut at the Delegation.

World Bank: The World Bank eLibrary has added 1,900 Policy Research Papers. Coutts is preparing a service called MyiLibrary which is intended as a ‘distribution solution” for collections of electronic publications from IGO’s. They are currently working with OECD (only monographs, no serials and databases), World Bank, ILO, and some parts of the UN. Trials can be requested through Steven Forrest (
sforrest@myilibrarey.com ).

OECD: Transition to new version of SourceOECD is now complete. Linking to individual titles is now easier because the links are ISBN-based. OECD is planning to create a SourceOECD users group. A user guide for the statistics portion of SourceOECD is in preparation.

United Nations: ODS will become available for free to the general public some time during last quarter of 2004. Full text of documents is also available through UNBISnet’s records. Google searching is now available for all web pages registered with the UN at:

The UN Library is working on an improved database for UN voting data. The new head librarian at the UN Library is Linda Stoddard.

World Tourism Organization: the WTO has created a new service called WTOeLibray. It includes about 300 publications, including “grey literature.”

Bernan: Bernan has become the sales agent for electronic publications for several IGO’s. Contact Bruce Samuelson (
bsamuelson@bernan.com ).

Old Business

GODORT’s IFLA representative nomination has been forwarded to ALA. The procedure for the nomination of GODORT’s IFLA representative has been approved by Steering at Midwinter 2004, but it has not yet been incorporated into the PPM. It will appear there shortly.

Canadian Government Publications: Library and Information Centre and the Communications Division will be amalgamated to form the Communications and Library Services Division.

New Business

Incoming IDTF Chair Jackie Druery is accepting nominations for committee liaison and IDTF Officer positions.

Meeting adjourned 4pm.