GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual Meeting

Saturday, June 15, 2002


Atlanta, Hyatt Regency, Hong Kong Room

Presiding: David Griffiths, IDTF Coordinator

Secretary: Linda Johnson

David Griffiths called the meeting to order at 3:15


David added three items to the agenda: the proposal for annual committee and tasks force reports to the Steering Committee, ideas for GODORT publications, and the appointment of a new IFLA liaison.

Approval of Minutes

The Minutes from ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter 2002 were approved by voice vote.

Committee Liaison Reports

1. IDTF Agency Liaison Program - Marian Shaaban

Agency reports were given for the Council of Europe, International Labour Organization, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization. Anyone interested in being the liaison for the OECD should contact Marian.

2. Ad Hoc Committee on Digitization of Government Information - Chuck Eckman

The extensive report is online. The Committee will be meeting tomorrow morning and will be making a recommendation for a pre-conference.

3. Cataloging Committee - Kristina Waldron

The Cataloging Committee meets tomorrow morning and will discuss integrating the IDTF cataloging toolbox with the toolbox created by the Cataloging Committee.

4. Education Committee - Angela Bonnell

The Education Committee meets tomorrow afternoon. There is not much scheduled for discussion related to IDTF at this time.

5. Government Information Technology Committee - Eric Forte

GITCO will meet tomorrow. Discussion will include suggestions for a pre-conference related to digitization. Electronic education issues will also be discussed.

6. Legislation Committee - Susan Pinckard

There is nothing on the Legislation Committee’s agenda related to IDTF. The next meeting will deal with the drafting of resolutions.

7. Program Committee - Carol Hunter

No report.

8. Publications Committee - Angel Batiste

The GODORT History has been completed. DTTP issues were a lengthy agenda item, and the GODORT brochure is on the GODORT website.

9. Rare & Endangered Government Publications - Jackie Druery

The Rare & Endangered Government Publications Committee meets tomorrow with an update on the Serial Set holdings, inventory projects, and older indexing tools.

10. IFLA - Debbi Schaubman

IFLA will meet in Glasgow. Three papers on NAFTA, Mercosur, and the OECD have been accepted. The organization is still working to publish the Moscow papers. Work has begun on a bibliography of all papers presented at IFLA conferences. Helen Sheehy’s term as a GODORT representative to IFLA ends after the August conference in Glasgow.

Old Business

Christof Galli presented the report of the Working Group on the IDTF IGO/NGO Database. The report outlines a plan for a pilot project limited to sub-Saharan Africa and containing 2,000 to 3,000 records. A list of the existing directories--both free and commercial--is included in the report. In the ensuing discussion, Peter Hajnal commended IDTF for undertaking the project and suggested that the Working Group contact the Third World Network, an umbrella group headed by Martin Khor. CIVICUS () and the Union of International Associations are other good groups with which IDTF may want to cooperate. Eric Forte suggested a field for publications be added to the Database.

Motion: David moved that IDTF endorse the continuing work of the Working Group on the IGO/NGO Database project. The motion passed by a voice vote.

IFLA is responsible for the next step in the online directory of international documents specialists project.

New Business

Peter Hajnal is pleased that IDTF is addressing the very complex universe of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). This is important because NGOs have developed a tremendous amount of clout and our users are increasingly asking for NGO information. Many NGOs have formal or informal relations with IGOs, and some have co-opted the work of NGOs. Peter is editing a book to appear in September or October of 2002 entitled,
Civil Society and the Information Age.

As an information item, Peter described a new university and its new library in Macedonia. It is supported by a variety of groups. He asked people to contact him if they have ideas regarding how to assist this library, whether through collection donations or some other means Half of the university's instruction will be in English, with some in Albanian, French, Russian, German, and other languages. He also mentioned that the library was successful in becoming a United Nations depository.

Kristina Waldron reported that the IDTF Catalogers Toolbox will remain a separate resource, but some of the common elements will be integrated into a more general Catalogers Toolbox created by John Stevenson and the Cataloging Committee. The Cataloging Committee will discuss how this will be done.

Other New Business

When David introduced the topic of committee and task force annual reports being done for Steering, Christof Galli said that the idea was withdrawn at the Publications Committee meeting.

David passed on the Publication Committee's request that GODORT committees and task forces consider ideas for GODORT publication projects, such as the recently completed CIS citation guide. GODORT receives income from these.

David indicated that the GODORT Chair had asked IDTF to recommend an IFLA representative for the 2003-2007 term. Debbi Schaubman indicated that after GODORT puts out a call for volunteers, the name goes to ALA, and IFLA needs to approve the representative. She also pointed out that GODORT provides no travel support and that this fact needs to be stated in the letter to IFLA. Debbi is happy to share information about the role of this representative. Those who are interested in the position should contact David.

David will take a memorial resolution honoring Rosemary Little to Steering. If passed, it will be sent to ¾«¶«´«Ã½Council, which usually passes such resolutions at its final meeting. Jackie Druery indicated that a reading room in the Princeton library has been named in honor of Rosemary.

Anyone interested in becoming the GITCO or Program liaison should contact Chuck Eckman.

Reports from Vendors

1. Kikko Maeyama - United Nations

Kikko discussed the UN's response to an IDTF letter regarding ESCAP publications. Two years ago, IDTF requested that all ESCAP sales publications be distributed not only to UN depositories in Asia and the Pacific but to depositories in other regions as well. For financial reasons, ESCAP is unable to fulfill the request. However, the problem will be ameliorated at the end of 2002 when a service similar to the Official Document System (ODS) makes sales publications available as PDF files. An IDTF member stated that the new service should be available by IP address.

Peter Hajnal thanked Kikko on behalf of the Macedonia library for their acceptance as a UN depository. David also deeply appreciates how helpful Kikko and Dana Loytved have been in providing information in a timely and effective manner.

2. Patricia Finney - Center for Research Libraries

Patricia reported on progress on the Foreign Official Gazettes project and distributed handouts. The Center is planning a project to review its collection of foreign documents from Latin America and Western Europe The majority of these materials was received on deposit from CRL members and are not catalogued The project will evaluate the uniqueness of these collections and will recommend possible future steps for the collections such as strengthening, coordinating with other collections, and the potential level of processing necessary such as cataloging. She will report findings to this group. Finally, a Serials Redundancy project soon to be underway will include current South and Southeast Asian documentsthe project will seek to assure that CRL is subscribing to titles which are not commonly head Again, Patricia will report findings to this group.

3. Jennifer Kache - Norman Ross

FAO has offered AMI, which is associated with Norman Ross Publishers, the rights to microfiche all of their publications, beginning in 1997, when they left off. The offer has the proviso that Norman Ross must create fiche of all their titles, which is estimated to be about 3,500 microfiche annually. Norman Ross is gauging library interest in these materials to determine whether to accept the offer and begin work. Jennifer further reported that Norman Ross makes the historical and current Official Foreign Gazettes from over 150 countries on over 20,000 reels of microfilm.

4. David Braden - Readex

The 20
th Annual International Documents Workshop will be held this year. Those interested in attending should contact David. Indexing of retrospective UN documents for 1946 to 1948 will begin in September.

David adjourned the meeting at 4:35

Respectively submitted by Linda Johnson, June 16, 2002