GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual Meeting

Saturday, June 16, 2001

2:00-4:00 p.m.

San Francisco, Marriott Hotel, Sierra J

Presiding: Barbara Mann, IDTF Coordinator

Secretary: Catherine Shreve


One item was added to Old Business: discussion of letter from the UN representative re: ESCAP publications

Welcome and Announcements

Members introduced themselves.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from ¾«¶«´«Ã½Midwinter 2001 were approved by voice vote.

Committee Liaison Reports

IFLA - Helen Sheehy:

Description of the IFLA program for the August meeting in Boston will be available through handouts at the GODORT business meeting and postings on govdoc-l and intl-doc. The two programs sponsored by the Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS) are: "Government Information-a Vanishing Record&quot(about electronic formats), with speakers from South Africa, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, and World Bankand "Information and Research Support to Parliaments and Legislatures: New Challenges and the Public Interest", with speakers from Congressional Research Service and the Scottish Parliament [2nd program title taken from IFLA website].

Cataloging Committee - David Griffiths

The committee is interested in looking at IDTF's cataloging toolbox.

Education Committee - Angela Bonnell

The clearinghouse is continuing. There is a Welcome Wagon project for new documents librarians.

GITCO - Eric Forte

GITCO is soliciting contributions to the CD-ROM documentation project via listservs. Members might be interested in the Tech Watch column in Documents to the People.

Legislation - Bert Chapman

Bert Chapman was unable to attend.

Program - Carol Hunter

Carol Hunter was unable to attend.

Publications - Andrea Morrison

John Shuler's contract as editor of Documents to the People has been renewed for 3 years. Christof Galli of Duke University has been appointed as the new website administrator. Work is proceeding on the Policies and Procedures Manual to clarify timing and procedures for publishing. A new editorial board is being formed to review submissions to DttP. New articles are encouraged, especially in preparation for GODORT's 30th anniversary issue in 2002.

Rare and Endangered Documents - Jackie Druery

The preconference on 19th and early 20th century documents was successful. The League of Nations digitization project site at Northwestern University was launched Thursday. It includes some statistical works like the yearbook. The URL will be posted to the listserv.

IGO Agency Liaison Reports

The reports collected by Marian Shaaban will be posted on the IDTF Agency Liaison section of the IDTF website We need a new United Nations liaison.

Other Reports

WESS - Marian Shaaban

They are working on a website and a program for 2002.

United Nations-Luz Maria Saavedra: Dana Loytved is no longer the UN Depository Libraries Officer. Luz Maria is a statistical reference librarian at the UN and will be glad to exchange information with us.

Old Business

Cataloging Toolbox - David Griffiths, Barb Mann, Andrea Morrison, Marian Shaaban

A prototype of the website was handed out and discussed. The toolbox is to be different from the Federal one, and specific to international documents. It is ready to be mounted on the Web, on the IDTF site. Barb will consult with Christof Galli about updating techniques. Please send ongoing suggestions and feedback to Barb Mann at libbjm@learnlink.emory.edu.

IGO Survey - Jim Church

The survey was sent out 2 weeks ago to about 20 IGOs. So far there are 3 responses (EU, OECD, UN), 8 probable responses to come, and about 9 dead ends. Jim will post the names of the IGOs for whom we need new contacts to intl-doc. Please respond to him if you know of a good contact for any of the IGOs. Results will be reported at Midwinter 2002.

ESCAP Letter - Barb Mann

A letter from Dana Loytved of the UN was distributed. Only 4 of ESCAP's 16 depository publications are shipped to depositories outside of the region. The UN Library in New York will create pdf files of the remaining publications. Barb will forward the membership's questions about this situation.

New Business

Mentoring Program - David Griffiths

David proposed an IDTF mentoring program for newcomers, in the form of a database of members willing to share their expertise. The database would enable matching librarians with similar interests or specialties. Discussion centered on how to promote this tool and possible coordination with various other ALA/GODORT committees and IFLA.

Updating Guide to Official Publications of Foreign Countries - Barb Mann:

A SALAM member proposed that the guide be updated and moved online with links to agencies/publications. This could be an enormous amount of work, and frustrating because some publications would not be freely available online. However, Kristina Waldron and volunteers will work on expanding the Northwestern University list of foreign government links, and adding topical breakdowns.


UN Treaty Database license - Jim Church

The license agreement contains several troubling clauses, and UC San Diego has not been able to negotiate changes. David Griffiths and Jim Church will draft a letter from IDTF to the UN expressing our concerns. Other members whose libraries subscribe to the database will find out how their libraries handled the license and report to Jim.

2003 Program

If we are to do a program, it needs to be approved at Midwinter 2002. Topic ideas will be solicited through intl-docperhaps something on the Canadian depository program?

Updates on Products and Services

Center for Research Libraries - Pat Finney

In the Foreign Official Gazette project, the NY Public deposit has been completely processed. Pat has seen an increase in requests as records became available. They are now processing materials from a variety of areas of the world.

Academic Microforms Inc. - Norman Ross/Peter Clifford

(AMI) has announced a new filming project in cooperation with the Council of Europe. The first publication will be Decisions and Reports, containing 94 volumes on 188 microfiche, for $1500. Other titles to be filmed include the Human Rights Files, Conclusions of the Committee of Independent Experts on the European Social Charter, and Reports of the Governmental Committee on The European Social Charter.

Respectfully submitted by Catherine Shreve, June 17, 2001