GODORT International Documents Task Force Minutes


¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual Meeting

Sunday, July 9, 2000

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Chicago, Wyndham Hotel, Lakeshore E

Presiding: Jim Church, IDTF Coordinator

Approval of Minutes of the 2000 Midwinter Conference

The minutes were approved.


Nominations are being accepted for the IDTF Coordinator and Secretary positions. Notable Documents needs a judge and a selector for international documents. IDTF liaisons are sought for the 2001 Program Committee.

Reports from IDTF Liaisons

IFLA: Helen Sheehy

A half-day workshop on Internet resources is on the IFLA program for August 2000 in Jerusalem. IDTF reacted positively to a proposal to organize a preconference for IFLA 2001 in Boston on issues in archiving and access to electronic products.

Cataloging: Barbara Mann

(See Old Business.)

Education: Angela Bonnell

The committee has a publication called "Reaching Out and Handing Out: Successes and Pitfalls." The Government Depository Libraries Clearinghouse is ready on the Web. The committee is developing a welcome wagon for new and inexperienced documents librarians.

Legislation: Bert Chapman

The committee has been focused most recently on GPO appropriations. It also passed resolutions about the LC foreign government documents exchange program, which is currently threatened by budget cutsthe Patent and Trademark Office, the future of the FDLP and Ken Rogers of Stat USA.

GITCO: Barb Mann

Interviews are underway for the managing editor of the CDROM documentation project. Volunteer editors will be needed to help. The host is the University of Iowa.

Program: Jim Church for Wen-Hua Ren

"City on the Hill: Building the Urban Information System for the Next Century" was held Saturday. The IDTF/GODORT program "International Statistical Data: Sources and Trends for the New Millennium&quotis scheduled for Monday morning. In 2001, GODORT and BRASS will cosponsor a program called "Marketing Dot Gov" that will highlight government resources for marketing information.

Publications: Andrea Morrison

The procedures for the Editorial Review Board are going to be reviewed and updated for electronic publications. The group approved in principle the IDTF IGO draft survey (See Old Business). The positions of Web Administrator and DTTP Editor are under recruitment. The Publications Web site will link to the URL for the program that was just held entitled "Web Publishing: Where GODORT Has Not Gone Before."

Rare & Endangered: Julia Wallace

A preconference on doing historical research using old government documents (U.S. and international) is planned for the 2000 ¾«¶«´«Ã½Annual Conference in San Francisco. A proposal will be submitted to the Steering to establish an ad hoc committee to set up a method for centrally tracking new and in-progress documents digitization projects so that librarians can be aware of what others are doing in this area.

WESS: Rosemary Little for Sam Dunlap

Future programming will highlight the social sciences. There was much discussion about the Web page.

¾«¶«´«Ã½IRC: Rosemary Little

The Continuing Education Committee of the International Relations Roundtable gave a successful program. The liaison program for international librarians has attracted more mentors than mentees.

Agency Liaison Program: Andrea Morrison

Reports for APEC, IMF, FAO, UN, UNDP, UNESCO, WHO and WTO were distributed, as well as a description prepared by Chuck Eckman on the Stanford-World Trade Organization Digital Library Project. Liaisons are needed for ILO, UNESCO and Readex. A volunteer signup sheet was routed to the group.

IDTF Web Pages: Debi Schaubman

Jim Church expressed regret that he has had little time to give to the IDTF Web page. The Web group still exists, but additional members are welcomed. Members were strongly encouraged to contribute content.

IDTF reacted favorably to a proposal by Helen Sheehy that IDTF collaborate with IFLA in organizing document librarians to develop Web tools about IGOs and how to find IGO information. Helen will post the idea on the discussion list and ask for volunteers to help with this.

Old Business

GODORT Cataloging Toolbox for International Documents: Barb Mann

A printout of the "Toolbox for Processing and Cataloging Federal Government Documents" was handed out. (URL: ) A call for volunteers to develop an international documents version will go out on the discussion list.

Draft Letter on UN ESCAP Publications: Jim Church

As follow up to the Midwinter Meeting discussion, IDTF reviewed a draft letter to Dana Loytved, the UN Depository Libraries Officer, asking about the change in distribution of UN ESCAP publications. The letter was composed by Jim Church, with assistance from Chuck Eckman and David Griffiths. The group proposed changes that will be incorporated in a new draft. A motion was passed by general consent to send the letter, with changes and over the signatures of the IDTF Coordinator and the GODORT Chair. The action of sending the letter will be brought for approval at the GODORT Business Meeting.

Draft IGO Survey on Archiving Electronic Documents: Jim Church

IDTF reviewed a draft survey designed by Jim Church and a small group of IDTF volunteers intended to find out what plans the major IGOs have to archive documents they have made available on the Internet. Minor suggestions were made to improve the survey. Specifics about how the survey will be conducted were discussed. A motion was passed to revise the survey with the suggested changes, and make it available on the Web in addition to doing a regular mailing.

New Business

IDTF Working Papers and GODORT Web Publishing: Jim Church Not discussed due to lack of time.

Reports from Vendors


Journals full text from 1998 on are available on the Web. The OECD Washington, D.C. Center Web site has a brochure describing the new journals database and how to subscribe.

World Bank:

World Bank is developing the Global Development Gateway, a portal on development issues from which users may access information and contribute as well. International organizations and countries are expected to contribute to the gateway.

Statistics Canada:

Statistics Canada operates independently of the Canadian government. It is unique for providing world trade data comparable between countries. The Canadian Trade Database will soon be out on the Web, accessible by IP address.


Users may now limit their searches to full-text only documents. Indexing back to 1951 will be done by December 2000indexing will be completed by December 2001. The Index to UNDP Project Reports is migrating from CDROM to the Web.

Center For Research Libraries:

The New York Public Library deposits are finished. About 11,000 microfilm reels and 2,000 bibliographic volumes of hardcopy were received.


A handout entitled "Bernan Coverage of International Agencies" was distributed to offer clarification about what international titles are now available through Bernan as standing, comprehensive or one-time orders. The quality of customer service had declined due to staff shortages, but the situation has improved. Some libraries are turning to other vendors since Bernan's decision to stop as a major supplier of international documents titles.

Norman Ross Publishing:

The Official Journal of the EU is out on microfiche in seven languages. The distribution of the 1999 fiche is not yet complete due to delays in production when the EU stopped issuing certain documents in paper last July. IDTF was asked to give feedback to Norman Ross if they had any interest in having them film EU serials and the London Gazette from the 19th century.

Book House:

Book House talked about how they distribute international documents titles.

The meeting adjourned was at 4:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Jeanne Fong, Secretary.