GODORT "Buddy" Program

Information about the GODORT Membership Committee's "Buddy" program.


If you're interested in having your own GODORT Buddy at the next conference, please fill out our or contact the .

We also need GODORT members to volunteer to be a buddy. Please fill out our .


The GODORT Buddy program was created to provide a personal introduction to the Government Documents Round Table. New and prospective GODORT members, as well as members becoming active for the first time or after a long absence are encouraged to request a GODORT Buddy. The Buddy pairing is for just one conference, so requires a low level of commitment, but means you’ll have an active GODORT member to answer all your questions and introduce you to other members at the GODORT Happy Hour & other events. You'll also receive a packet of information and GODORT goodies at the Happy Hour!

If you are already an active member of GODORT, please consider volunteering to spread the GODORT word! Volunteers will be provided with a packet of information for give their Buddy. The Committee asks that volunteers:

  • Commit to the program for one conference

  • Arrive at the conference location in time for Friday evening’s GODORT Happy Hour or GODORT 101 (at Annual)

  • Touch base with assigned buddy before conference via phone or email (if time permits)

  • Meet with buddy just prior at Happy Hour or GODORT 101 on Friday evening

  • Introduce buddy to other GODORT members at Happy Hour

  • Give advice/information on GODORT meetings & activities

  • If possible, make a commitment to meet at least once more with buddy at the conference, to touch base with them on how the conference has gone and answer any questions. This could be coffee, lunch, at a GODORT meeting, etc.

The GODORT Buddy Program was proposed at the 2009 Midwinter Conference In 2009 and has been pairing active GODORT Members with new members, new librarians, and others interested in learning more about GODORT ever since. As of Annual 2011, 25 new-to-GODORT Librarians & Librarians-to-be have participated in the program. For more background, read our GODORT Buddy proposal from the Midwinter Meeting in Denver.