The Charge of the GITCO Subcommittee on Digital Imaging (GITCO SDI)


¾«¶«´«Ã½GODORT Steering voted to dissolve the Government Information Technology Committee (GITCO) during the as a result this page is no longer being updated.


Government Documents Round Table


From the Ad Hoc Committee on Digitization of Government Information Report:

We also recommend that GODORT Steering create a GITCO Subcommittee, the GITCO Subcommittee on Digital Imaging (GITCO SDI). A GITCO member designated by the GODORT Chair would chair the GITCO SDI, and an additional 4 persons would be appointed by the GODORT Chair to serve on the subcommittee. Subcommittee membership does not require conference attendance and may offer flexibility with appointments. The SDI Chair would serve as a full member of GITCO and report SDI activities at GITCO meetings.

The Ad Hoc Committee recommends that GODORT:

1. Charge the Government Information Technology Committee (GITCO) to create and maintain a Web site with the following sections:

a. A bibliography of relevant resources section, arranged topically and based on the attached Bibliography of Resources (Appendix D). The Bibliography will require semi-annual updates to maintain currency with the existing topics, and new topic sections should be developed as new issues arise. The Bibliography will offer a reading list organized by topic area that can be printed and used as a handout or referenced on a Web site.

b. A section with detailed models of digital imaging projects for government publications. The section should comprise models contributed by GODORT members already involved in digital projects, and it should also link to other existing models. The models should include information about all aspects of a project, from selection, to planning for technology, costs models, preservation planning, and metadata. This section should also include links to high-quality project descriptions available on some digital projects? Web sites.

c. A list of volunteer mentors for digital projects, some possibly associated with the models proposed in (b). Persons beginning a first project benefit significantly from conversations with mentors.

d. A database of digital projects that are completed, in progress, planned, or under consideration. This database would allow librarians to determine if others have already selected specific material for digital imaging, to locate partners for collaborative projects, or register a project when funded. The database should allow search and retrieval of records and data entry on a Webbased form. Work Group 1 began collecting information about projects and developed a list of fields to be included in such a database (Included in Appendix C, page C ? 4). This work would serve as a basis for development of the database. The types of digital projects that should be included in the database are those that meet ALL the following requirements:

i. Projects undertaken by libraries (public libraries, libraries affiliated with educational institutions, or government agency libraries), government agencies, or tribal governments,

ii. Projects with a focus on federal, state, local, or international government publications or that use government produced data, and

iii. Projects that freely offer the resulting resources to the public.

e. A resource list of granting or funding agencies and grant writing resources based on the resources listed in the Issues and Best Practices Report (Appendix C) and a list of volunteer grant writing mentors. Funding for digital imaging projects is often the last piece in moving a digital imaging project forward. Funding resources and mentors for grant proposal writing would offer an important resource to the first-time grant writer.