DttP 2007, Volume 35






Spring 2007; Volume 35, No. 1


4 - Editor’s Corner: Thanking our Mentors
5 - From the Chair
5 - Washington Report
7 - On the Range: A Fresh Perspective!
8 - International Documents Roundup: A Slumgullion of IGO Information Systems
10 - By the Numbers: 300 Million and Growing: Celebrating Birth Statistics in the U.S.
13 - Geospatial News: EPA Libraries Closings: Will Access to Geospatial Data and Maps be Affected?

Holidays and Observances
16 - January: Martin Luther King Day
17 - February: African American History Month, Waitangi Day
20 - March: International Women’s Day, National Women’s History Month
22 - April: Arbor Day, Earth Day, ANZAC Day, World Intellectual Property Day
28 - May: Older Americans Month, Cinco de Mayo, African Liberation Day/Africa Day
36 - June: Fetệ de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste
38 - September: Mexican Independence Day, Constitution Day
41 - October: Columbus Day, United Nations Day
45 - November: Veterans Day
46 - December: World AIDS Day
50 - Statehood Days
52 - Tips from Tim: My Favorite Withdrawals of Depository Items
Tim Byrne

Round the Table
54 - 2007 Midwinter Meeting Wrap-Up, GODORT Highlights
56 - Councilor’s Report
56 - Report from the World Library and Information Congress
58 - Index to Advertisers

About the cover:
Mark Scott (Arizona State University) photographed Davis with Exercise for Dogs. Citation: Janice C. Swanson, Exercise for Dogs (Beltsville, Md.: National Agriculture Library, 1991).

Top of Page

Summer 2007; Volume 35, No. 2


4 - Editor’s Corner: On My Reading List
5 - From the Chair
5 - From the Chair-Elect
5 - On the Range: Limited English Proficiency
6 - Washington Report
9 - News from the North: Official Languages and Delegated Legislation in Canada: The Legislative Instruments Re-enactment Act
12 - State & Local Documents Roundup: What’s Up, Washington?
14 - Tech Watch: Tell Me Something Good

17 - Government Information Policy and Secrecy: An Introduction
Ben Amata
18 - I’ve Got a Secret: Government Information Availability and Secrecy
Rhonda E. Fowler
24 - Current Government Information Policy and Secrecy
Patrice McDermott
30 - Documents, Leaks, and the Boundaries of Expression: Government Whistleblowing in an Over Classified Age
Susan Nevelow Mart
38 - No Secrets @ your library® How Government Secrecy Affects Libraries
Gwen Sinclair
46 - Beyond the Library: Uncovering Users’ Needs and Marketing Your Expertise
Jesse Silva and Sherry DeDecker
51 - Tips from Tim: “Available from NTIS” and Other Technical Report Horror Stories
Tim Byrne
55 - Interview with Incoming GODORT Chair, Bill Sleeman

About the cover:
The cover image is a poster from the War Information Office. It was printed in 1943 by the U.S. G.P.O. (SuDoc No. PR 32.5015:39) and is part of the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries Digital Collections (digital.library.unt.edu/permalink/meta-dc-193). Our thanks to the UNT Government Documents and Digital Projects Departments for their assistance selecting and obtaining the image.

Fall 2007; Volume 35, No. 3


4 - Editor’s Corner
4 - From the Chair
5 - Washington Report
7 - By the Numbers: Survey of International Criminal Justice Statistics
8 - Geospatial News: LiDAR Imagery Revolutionizes Disaster Mapping and Disaster Planning
10 - International Documents Roundup: The NGO Documents Task Force

15 - The Fallacy in the 55 Percent Rule
Andrew Hubbertz
19 - African American Historical Documents Online from the Federal Government: Pre- and Post-Civil War
Sylvia A. Nyana
25 - Disasters—Preparedness and Recovery: An Introduction
Dan Barkley
26 - The University of New Mexico, Centennial Science and Engineering Laboratory
Anne Schultz
28 - The University of New Mexico, Zimmerman Library Fire
Dan Barkley
31 - Regional Disaster
Gwen Sinclair
35 - Hurricane Katrina
Maureen Olle-LaJoie
36 - Disaster Preparedness Bibliography
Dan Barkley and Anne Schultz
38 - Tips from Tim: “Available from NTIS” and Other Technical Report Horror Stories
Tim Byrne
40 - Reviews
United States Senate Catalogue of Graphic Art
200 Notable Days: Senate Stories: 1787–2002
The New Woman As Librarian: The Career of Adelaide Hasse

’Round the Table
45 - 2007 Annual Conference Wrap-up, GODORT Highlights
46 - Councilor’s Report
47 - Award nominations due December 1, 2007
47 - Research and Scholarship Applications due December 1, 2007
48 - Memorial Resolution for Ridley R. Kessler
48 - Proposed Bylaws Changes
49 - ALA/GODORT Wants You!
50 - Steering Committee 2007–2008
49 - Index to Advertisers

About the cover:

The cover photo is of the 2007 GODORT Award Recipients. They are (clockwise from top left), Cathy Hartman, August Imholtz, Tom Stave, and Chi-Shiou Lin. See page 45–46 or for more details. Photo by Andrea Sevetson.

Winter 2007; Volume 35, No. 4


4 - Editor’s Corner: What’s a Professional Journal?
5 - From the Chair
6 - On the Range: DttP: 35 Years and Still going Strong
7 - State & Local Documents Roundup: Collaboration is Core
8 - News from the North: Statistics Canada Products
10 - Tech Watch: Toward a Solution to the CD-ROM Problem, Gretchen Gano and Julie Linden


13 - Government Documents Student Papers, Ben Amata
13 - History Is Not Partisan: Presidential Records Changes and Responses during the George W. Bush Administration, Gina M. Strack
19 - Space Tourism: These Trips Are Out of This World, Alex Bertea
23 - Waterfowl and Wetlands: A History of the Federal Duck Stamp Program, Marcy Carlson
29 - Lost Treasure: The Investigation of Looting at the National Museum of Baghdad during the 2003 U.S. Invasion, Deborah Bosket and Lorraine Thomas


34 - Praeger Security International Online, reviewed by Jeff Bullington
37 - Government Documents Librarianship: A Guide for the Neo-Depository Era, reviewed by Annelise Sklar

Round the Table

39 - Report from World Library and Information Congress: 73rd IFLA in Durban
32 - Index to Advertisers

About the cover:

The cover image, Our Home is a Labor Camp, is from a 1962 pamphlet published by the Oregon State Board of Health. It's part of an exhibit celebrating the centennial of the Oregon Documents Depository Program at the Oregon State Library. To view the entire exhibit, go to . To see the cover pamphlet, along with other unusual items from the Oregon Documents Collection, to go