DttP 2006, Volume 34






Spring 2006; Volume 34, No. 1

4 - Editor’s Corner:
4 - From the Chair
4 - On the Range: Promote Your Documents Expertise
6 - International Documents Update: The “Other” WTO
9 - Washington Report
11- By the Numbers: Criminal Justice Statistics from Different Perspectives
13- Geospatial News: Cartographic Web Sites You Should Visit


17- Electronic Government, the Internet, and Disasters: An Emerging Relationship
John G. McNutt

23- New Data Mining Technique May Bring Security Concerns to eGov Initiatives
Scott Matheson

26- Michigan Documents in the Digital Age: How We Got Here and Where We Stand
Bernadette M. Bartlett

33- Visioning or Restructuring Efforts for the Federal Depository Library Program,the Early Years (1986–1995)
Susan E. Tulis

37- Tips from Tim: What I Miss at GODORT Meetings
Tim Byrne

40- Review: Journal of Map & Geography Libraries: Advances in Geospatial Information, Collections and Archives

Round the Table

43- 2006 Midwinter Meeting Wrap-Up, GODORT Highlights

46- Councilor’s Report

47- Index to Advertisers

About the cover:
The cover is a photo of a document in action—the National Park Service Guide to Glacier Bay in front of the Margerie Glacier. Taken by Andrea Sevetson.

Top of Page

Summer 2006; Volume 34, No. 2

4 - Editor’s Corner
5 - From the Chair
7 - Washington Report
8 - Tech Watch: PDF/A
9 - State and Local Documents Update: State Data Centers
11- News from the North: Early Canadiana Online

15- Statistical Information from the Government: Teaching the General Reference Librarian
Sherry DeDecker and Eric Forte

19- Demystifying Government Sources: Government Business Information for the Rest of Us
Stephen Hayes

23- Government Information for Teachers and Parents
Suzanne Sears

27- Government Information for Consumers
Megan Dreger

29- Government Regulations: Protective, Restrictive, and Influenced by the Public
Cass Hartnett

35- Tips from Tim: A Small Rant
Tim Byrne

28- Index to Advertisers

About the cover:
The cover image is a poster advertising WPA Federal Writers’ Project illustrated guide to natural history of birds of the world. Birds of the World < hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3b48865> is available from the Prints and Photographs collection of the Library of Congress. It was created as part of the WPA Federal Art Project, between 1936 and 1939. The image is attributed to Sidney Jacobson.

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Fall 2006; Volume 34, No. 3

4 - Editor’s Corner: Where Has Customer Service Gone?
5 - From the Chair
5 - Washington Report
8 - On the Range: GODORT Needs YOU and YOU Need GODORT
9 - International Documents Update: The New and Old Worlds of the British Parliamentary Papers
13- Geospatial News: The Google Earth Revolution
14- By the Numbers: Education Statistics: Census of Educational Institutions

Things I Wish I Knew about Documents, and Things I’m Glad I Know

19- . . . Health and Medicine
J. M. Livingston

23- . . . Agriculture & Education
Barbara J. Glendenning

25- So Much Data, So Much to Know
Eleanor J. Read

27- A Humanities Librarian’s Perspective
Stephanie J. Graves

29- The Congressional Record: Two Editions Too Many
Irene R. Good

33- Getting Down to Business about Government Documents
Heather Tapager

35- Dysfunction Junction: The Intersection of Historians & Government Documents
Jeannette E. Pierce

37- Now You See It, Now You Don’t—NARA’s Response to Reclassification
A Summary with Commentary
Bill Sleeman

43- Tips from Tim: The Five Stages of Census Data Users’ Grief
Tim Byrne

45- Review: Historical Statistics of the United States: Earliest Times to the Present
’Round the Table

47- 2006 Annual Conference Summary—GODORT Highlights

50- Councilor’s Report

50- GODORT Award Nominations Are Due December 1, 2006

52- Steering Committee, 2006–2007

46- Index to Advertisers

About the cover:
The cover photo is of the 2006 GODORT Award Recipients. They are (left to right) Kevin Reynolds, Julie Linden, AnnMarie Sanders, Grace York, and Sherry Mosley. See page 49 for more details. The photo was taken by Mark Phillips.

Top of Page

Winter 2006; Volume 34, No. 4

4 - Editor’s Corner
5 - From the Chair
6 - Washington Alert
8 - On the Range: A Teaching Moment: Share Your Documents Knowledge with Colleagues
9 - News from the North: Renewing the Canada Year Book
11- Tech Watch: Web 2.0 and the Government

15- Illinois Historical Aerial Photography Digital Archive Is Growing
Arlyn Booth

20- Access and Preservation of Scientific and Cartographic Literature Using an Institutional Repository: USGS’s Geologic Atlas of the United States in DSpace
Katherine H. Weimer, Rusty Kimball, Steven Bereyso, Brian Surratt, Adam Mikeal, and Alexey Maslov

25- Map Scanning Registry
Christine Kollen

29- WAML Scanning Projects Clearinghouse
Matt Paskus

33- Circulating Maps Collections at Pennsylvania State University: Preservation Challenges and Solutions
Anne Behler, Beth Roberts, and Karen Dabney

37- Where Are We With Coordinates?
Colleen Cahill and Susan Moore

39- Index to Advertisers

About the cover:
The photograph on the cover is from Curtis Krebs, Photographer/Digitization Technician, Pennsylvania State University, and accompanies “Circulating Map Collections at Pennsylvania State University: Preservation Challenges and Solutions.”

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