DttP 2005, Volume 33






Spring 2005, v. 33, no. 1

4 - Editor’s Corner
5 - From the Chair
5 - On the Range: The Business Model is Not the Business
6 - By the Numbers: Exit Polls: Votes You Can Count On?
7 - International Documents Update: MyiLibrary and SourceOECD Reviewed
10- Geospatial News: Supporting the NSDI: Geospatial One-Stop

13- Taking our Pulse: University of California Workshop on “The New Government Information Landscape: UC Opportunities for Shared Collections and Collaboration.”
Kris Kasianovitz

17- An Arizona Model for Preservation and Access of Web Documents
Richard Pearce-Moses and Joanne Kaczmarek

25- Update on the evolution of DOSFAN - one of the earliest attempts to preserve web-based government content
John Shuler

28- Distance Government Publications Instruction to Library School Students: Lessons Learned
Sherry Dedecker and Eric Forte

33- Vital Statistics of the United States: Births, Life Expectancy, deaths, and Selected Health Data
33- A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility: Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change.

‘Round the Table
37- 2005 Midwinter Meeting Wrap-up
38- Councilor’s Report
35- Index to Advertisers

About the Cover:
Our cover photograph is of Ann Jenkins holding United States Coast Pilot 6, Great Lakes and Their Connecting Waterways 2003, from the U.S. National Ocean Service (C 55.422:6/2003). This photo, taken by David Ouse, was used in the . Both David and Ann are from the Duluth (MN) Public Library.

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Summer 2005, v. 33 no.2

4 - Editor’s Corner: Change, Change, Change
5 - From the Chair
6 - Washington Alert
8 - On the Range: A Response to “The Once and Future Federal Depository Library Program.”
10- State and Local Documents Update: Counting our Cities’ Homeless
11- Tech Watch: Portals
12- News from the North: Canada is a Cold Place for Government Publications

17- What Makes a Grant Application Competitive: One State's Perspective
Tom Andersen

20- Offering Census 2000 Workshops for Non-Profit Grant Writers
Susan Edwards

23- Information Classification and Access Policies at Selected IGO’s
Chuck Eckman

27- Tribal College Libraries and the Federal Depository Library Program
Charles D. Bernholz and Rachel Lindvall

30- Access to Pennsylvania Documents
Ann Kemper and Sandra Wolf

43- Tips from Tim: What I Never Want to See (Again) in Paper

37- Researching National Security and Intelligence Policy
37- Digital U.S. Congressional Serial Set Collections

Round the Table
43- Dues Proposal
44- Index to Advertisers

About the cover:
The cover image is from the University of Richmond Libraries digital collection, . The pamphlet is titled "How to Keep House in a Foxhole," SuDoc W 111.7:3/5. Our thanks to Keith Weimer, Government Information Librarian at the University of Richmond, for his assistance with selecting and obtaining the image.

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Fall 2005, v. 33, no. 3

4 - Editor’s Corner: It’s Everywhere, It’s Everywhere!
5 - From the Chair
6 - On the Range: Rethinking Government Information at the Fall Depository Library Conference
6 - Washington Report
8 - Geospatial News: Map Librarians Chart The Future at National Conference
11- International Documents Update: The “Official Record Only” Option: The UN Official Documents System and the Archival Role of UN Depository Libraries
13- By the Numbers: Women Worker Series and the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Where Have All the Women Gone?

16- Government Documents, Student Papers: Introduction
Ben Amata

16- United States Agency for International Development
Nicole Marsh

23- Government Gone Mad? Is the United States Government in the Business of Restricting Public Access to Government Information?
Mark L. Gatti

27- A Social History of Paperwork Reform Efforts
Ann Marie Lyons

37- Internment of Italian-born Immigrants during World War II
Barbara Gugluizza

43- Adding a little Zip to the Mail: The Development and Growth of the ZIP Code
Carrie Hayter

52- Tips from Tim: What’s in a Name?

54- Homeland Security: A Documentary History
54- CQ’s State Fact Finder 2005: Rankings across America

Round the Table
56- 2005 Annual Conference Wrap-Up: GODORT Highlights
56- Councilor’s Report
60- 2004-5 CUAC Liaison Report
62- Rozkuszka Scholarship Fundraiser a Success!
63- Steering Committee 2005–2006

About the cover:
The cover photo is of the 2005 GODORT Award Recipients.
Left to right they are: Daniel P. O’Mahony (LexisNexis/GODORT/¾«¶«´«Ã½“Documents to the People” Award), Julia Tanis Sayles (W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship), Sue Selmer (Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award), and Ernest G. (Gil) Baldwin III (James Bennett Childs Award).

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Winter 2005, v. 33, no. 4

4 - Editor’s Corner
4 - From the Chair
5 - Washington Alert
8 - On the Range: Legacy Documents Collections: Separate the Wheat from the Chaff
9 - State and Local Documents Update: A Basic Primer on Collecting Local Government Publications
12- Tech Watch: Are Blogs the Answer?
13- News from the North: Preservation of Born-Digital Government Publications in Canadian Jurisdictions

17- Letter to the Community and Responses
Ridley R. Kessler; with Brian E.C. Schottlaender, Daniel Cornwall, Bernadine Abbott Hoduski, Marilyn Moody, Judith Robinson

23- Archives And Special Collections As Supplements To Government Documents Research
Kurt Kuss

27- Unlikely Sources for Government Information: The Chicago Historical Society, A Case Study
Julie Thomas

31- The Case for “Uniformity”: Standardizing Weights and Measures in Early American Government—A Bibliographic Exploration
Gretchen Gano

39- Tips from Tim: Top Ten Things We Give Away Free

7 - Maryland’s Peoples Law Library Wins AALL’s 2005 Public Access to Government Information Award

40- Local and Regional Government Information: How to Find It, How to Use It
40- Industry Research Using the Economic Census: How to Find It, How to Use It

Round the Table
44- 2005 Resolutions Written or Endorsed by GODORT
42- Report for World Library and Information Congress: 71st IFLA in Oslo

44- Index to Advertisers

About the cover:
On our cover is Wisconsin Naturally. The cover photo of the book is by Thomas A. Meyer, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The book was selected as one of the Notable Government Documents in the May 15, 2005 issue of Library Journal.

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